Danny McCormick 39c08a0eaa Initial pass
2019-06-26 21:12:00 -04:00

476 lines
20 KiB

<a name="24.0.2"></a>
## [24.0.2]( (2019-04-05)
<a name="24.0.1"></a>
## [24.0.1]( (2019-03-30)
### Bug Fixes
* update call to globIgnore ([#1002]( ([#1003]( ([05b63af](
### Features
* **config:** specify package.json location ([#823]( ([#1013]( ([fb7dd55](
<a name="24.0.0"></a>
# [24.0.0]( (2019-02-18)
### Bug Fixes
* cli test ([1d67101](
* module tests and some snapshots ([999f889](
* remove unused snapshots ([108b08b](
* some tests ([d0f2231](
* test command ([8372b5e](
* test path for windows (attempt 1) ([6824ac4](
* test path for windows (attempt 2) ([eb2fc8a](
### Features
* **jest:** bump to 24 ([defcb77](
<a name="23.10.4"></a>
## [23.10.4]( (2018-10-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **cache:** adds project's dep versions to cache key ([6cacbea](, closes [#785](
* **cli:** change options to better reflect the new presets ([68abcfb](
* **helpers:** deprecate import from ts-jest, now ts-jest/utils ([33ff29f](, closes [#782](
* **typings:** typo in presets definition file ([53767ab](
* **typings:** wrong import in preset typings + test ([94dc4e7](
<a name="23.10.3"></a>
## [23.10.3]( (2018-09-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **compiler:** do not force module kind if piping babel ([acebc8c](, closes [#767](
### Features
* **helpers:** adds a mocked test helper for mock typings ([f976135](, closes [#576](
<a name="23.10.2"></a>
## [23.10.2]( (2018-09-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **cache:** resolved tsconfig in cache key + pkg digest ([e891608](, closes [#749](
* **cli:** resets testMatch if using testRegex option ([31ad0aa](, closes [#756](
* **diagnostics:** throws only for category warning and error ([bb28849](, closes [#748](
* **import:** wrong error message when a module exists but fails ([e0d6c57](
* **preset:** createJestPreset fails with base and no array ([3c325e8](
### Features
* **cli:** CLI 'config:migrate' now detects best preset ([febd8d3](
* **preset:** adds 2 presets along the default one ([9f3d759](
* **preset:** adds presets typings and export all presets ([f55d895](
* **typings:** emit declaration files, filtering out internals ([4f10f7e](, closes [#745](
<a name="23.10.1"></a>
## [23.10.1]( (2018-09-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **compile:** js files were never transpiled thru TS ([374dca1](, closes [#740](
* **config:** warn instead of forcing ESM interoperability ([a2a4be2](
* **windows:** normalize paths ([c12dfff](
<a name="23.10.0"></a>
# [23.10.0]( (2018-09-19)
### Bug Fixes
* **babel:** fixes the babel 6 hack ([c8d51cf](
* **config:** jsx should also be considered as js files ([6c32a93](
### Features
* **hints:** warns if transform matches js without allowJs ([952cc87](
<a name="23.10.0-beta.6"></a>
# [23.10.0-beta.6]( (2018-09-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **babel:** instrumentation was done twice when using babel ([659a7fb](, closes [#713](
* **cache:** includes all parameters in cache key computing ([70e1867](
* **e2e:** fixes the eval tool (not used yet) ([939d13a](
<a name="23.10.0-beta.5"></a>
# [23.10.0-beta.5]( (2018-09-12)
### Bug Fixes
* **package:** fixes the outdated package-lock ([c5a5b7a](
### Features
* **diagnostics:** add option to enable/disable first-TS-error-throws ([2c840c2](
<a name="23.10.0-beta.4"></a>
# [23.10.0-beta.4]( (2018-09-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **config:** fixes a bug in the tsconfig file resolver ([3910f2c](
<a name="23.10.0-beta.3"></a>
# [23.10.0-beta.3]( (2018-09-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **config:** fixes a bug in path resolver ([ceb0424](
### Features
* **cli:** adds a cli tool to migrate old config ([714f5f0](
* **cli:** ads a simple config:init helper + tests ([6700522](
* **config:** exposes custom transformers to config for presets ([885bc44](
* **logger:** adds ts-jest version in the logger's context ([bb0c06e](
### Performance Improvements
* **bundle:** improves bundle size ([34eedc3](
<a name="23.10.0-beta.2"></a>
# [23.10.0-beta.2]( (2018-09-02)
### Bug Fixes
* **caching:** fixes a possible cache collision ([9c38694](
* **testing:** change logging level for some utility ([16f125a](
### Features
* **config:** typeCheck default to true (langauge service) ([623b2f4](
* **config:** Language service will be used by default from now on
<a name="23.10.0-beta.1"></a>
# [23.10.0-beta.1]( (2018-09-01)
### Bug Fixes
* typos + node 6 compat ([0ed1587](
* **ci:** can't use runInBand for e2e: cache collision ([db650f4](
* jest 22 did not have default config ([cbaddc3](
* **ci:** do not run e2e sub-tests in band ([18ad865](
* **ci:** ensure npm is present with ci ([edb6eda](
* **logger:** removes cyclic imports ([5ef980f](
* babel-config + adds test ([12146c3](
* **tests:** CI fixes ([34a41ea](
* fixes js style to be node < 10 compatible ([83d7517](
* hoisting per level + memoize fix ([31847b0](
* makes node6 happy ([f170285](
* node 6 unhappy again... ([703ad0b](
* normalizes bundle hash on any node version ([ce7afaf](
* source maps ([89a30c9](
* updates templates ([f2e1da2](
* uses cross-platform spawn + fix pkg versions ([ac1599c](
* we are not writing files, use normalized EOL ([47fff43](
* **tests:** detect npm version to use or not ci ([683a1e5](
* **tests:** do not use babel in our tests + new API for simple ([3e4de3e](
* **tests:** more sanitizing for windows compat ([faae274](
### Features
* diagnostics, different compilers, ... ([f26ebf0](
* **config:** adds a helper to build moduleNameMapper from paths ([7b8598e](, closes [#364](
* **logging:** improves log messages + tests ([5d03c4d](
* jest preset ([beb50b5](
* **test:** jest serializers ([dfa9c0f](
* adds logging + better hashing ([4322701](
* **tests:** more test tools + adds test related to debuggin issues ([8dcafca](
* allow env var to add diagnostic codes to ignore ([777edf5](
* cache key + tests ([bd55448](
* directly writes to stdio so jest does not swallow ([6a7f01f](
* handles stringifyContentPathRegex ([3fcb4bd](
* hoisting + tests + many other things ([6186e84](
* io serializer + other test utils ([d03e0e7](
* warn about unsupported versions ([1103071](
### Performance Improvements
* detects changes in templates and bundle ([2a3da21](
* **babel:** uses babel-jest cache key as part of ours ([f51c4a7](
* do not type check if fileName doesn't match ([cc45adc](
* faster tests ([37a0187](
* more cleaning ([c48f7b8](
* trying to improve travis-ci conf ([e4b4d95](
* **cache:** share config-sets for parallel test running ([090ca7b](
* **tests:** run e2e tests in band ([b3e94ff](
<a name="23.1.3"></a>
## [23.1.3]( (2018-08-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **html:** correctly transforms html source when needed ([9a2d74f](
* **lint:** fixes tslint script & lint issues ([60ab36e](
* **package:** update fs-extra to version 6.0.1 ([7e73536](
* **package:** update pkg-dir to version 3.0.0 ([3fb8f9f](
* **package:** update yargs to version 12.0.1 ([390ffcd](
* **source-maps:** fix source maps options/calls ([76e27c1](
* allow (but deprecate) use of old preprocessor.js ([a65079f](
* big refactor + fixes (mainly cache key + coverage) ([e46caae](
* fixes coverage and tests ([09500c2](
* gracefully load [@babel]( or babel-core ([98b2410](
* hack for babel < 6 so that breakpoints do work ([90c74ef](, closes [#627](
* makes node 6 happy ([f6f82b8](
* makes window happy ([36fbebe](
* npm coming with node 6 doesn't talk `ci` ([b87198d](
* resolves correctly config file path (fix [#636]( ([5ab100c](
* test rootDir to handle preset-angular ([8a6a8f7](
* Typo in utils.ts ([#534]( ([a650260](
* wrong error message ([c955083](
### Performance Improvements
* do not hash cache key, jest does it underneath ([fbe4f1f](
* improves speed of local test after 1st run ([cc04021](
<a name="22.4.5"></a>
## [22.4.5]( (2018-05-05)
<a name="22.4.1"></a>
## [22.4.1]( (2018-03-02)
### Bug Fixes
* **package:** update source-map-support to version 0.5.0 ([f0aab12](
* add startDir to if-clause ([eed5311](
* **package:** update yargs to version 10.0.3 ([5cdf969](
* **package:** update yargs to version 11.0.0 ([7e9ce40](
* **package:** update yargs to version 9.0.1 ([#326]( ([8bf9924](
### Features
* add option to run TypeScript diagnostics ([13b77d9](
<a name="21.0.1"></a>
## [21.0.1]( (2017-09-14)
<a name="21.0.0"></a>
# [21.0.0]( (2017-09-05)
<a name="20.0.14"></a>
## [20.0.14]( (2017-09-01)
<a name="20.0.13"></a>
## [20.0.13]( (2017-08-30)
<a name="20.0.12"></a>
## [20.0.12]( (2017-08-30)
<a name="20.0.11"></a>
## [20.0.11]( (2017-08-29)
<a name="20.0.9"></a>
## [20.0.9]( (2017-08-04)
### Bug Fixes
* **package:** update fs-extra to version 4.0.0 ([5be18fb](
<a name="20.0.7"></a>
## [20.0.7]( (2017-07-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **package:** update fs-extra to version 3.0.0 ([906be12](
* **package:** update yargs to version 8.0.1 ([0b2ea98](
* peer dependency against Typescript 2.x ([cb08128](
* remove outDir when collecting coverage ([c076956](
### Features
* export transpileIfTypescript ([6f835af](
<a name="17.0.3"></a>
## [17.0.3]( (2016-12-01)
<a name="17.0.2"></a>
## [17.0.2]( (2016-12-01)
<a name="17.0.1"></a>
## [17.0.1]( (2016-11-30)
<a name="17.0.0"></a>
# [17.0.0]( (2016-11-09)
<a name="0.1.13"></a>
## [0.1.13]( (2016-11-07)
<a name="0.1.12"></a>
## [0.1.12]( (2016-11-03)
<a name="0.1.11"></a>
## [0.1.11]( (2016-10-27)
<a name="0.1.10"></a>
## [0.1.10]( (2016-10-26)
<a name="0.1.9"></a>
## [0.1.9]( (2016-10-24)
<a name="0.1.8"></a>
## [0.1.8]( (2016-10-14)
<a name="0.1.7"></a>
## [0.1.7]( (2016-10-10)
<a name="0.1.6"></a>
## [0.1.6]( (2016-10-08)
<a name="0.1.5"></a>
## [0.1.5]( (2016-09-22)
<a name="0.1.4"></a>
## [0.1.4]( (2016-09-16)
<a name="0.1.3"></a>
## [0.1.3]( (2016-08-31)
<a name="0.1.2"></a>
## [0.1.2]( (2016-08-31)
<a name="0.1.1"></a>
## [0.1.1]( (2016-08-31)
<a name="0.1.0"></a>
# [0.1.0]( (2016-08-31)
<a name="0.0.1"></a>
## [0.0.1]( (2016-08-30)
<a name="0.0.0"></a>
# 0.0.0 (2016-08-30)