2020-10-31 14:55:27 +05:30

1.2 KiB

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🐞 Bug Fix, ⚙ Improvement or 🎉 New Feature You found a bug, want to improve something or add a new feature bug or enhancement

A Pull Request should be associated with a Discussion.

If you're fixing a bug, adding a new feature or improving something please provide the details in discussions, so that the development can be pointed in the intended direction.

Related discussion:

Further notes in Contribution Guidelines Thank you for your contribution.


This PR [briefly explain what it does]

In case this PR introduced TypeScript/JavaScript code changes:

  • I have written test cases for the changes in this pull request
  • I have run npm run format before the commit.
  • I have run npm run lint before the commit.
  • I have run npm run release before the commit.
  • npm test returns with no unit test errors and all code covered.

In case this PR edits any scripts:

  • I have checked the edited scripts for syntax.
  • I have tested the changes in an integration test (If yes, provide workflow YAML and link).