Go to file
2024-08-15 14:27:04 +07:00
dist Fix version 2024-08-15 14:27:04 +07:00
src Fix version 2024-08-15 14:27:04 +07:00
.gitignore first commit 2024-08-15 09:31:12 +07:00
action.yml first commit 2024-08-15 09:31:12 +07:00
package-lock.json first commit 2024-08-15 09:31:12 +07:00
package.json first commit 2024-08-15 09:31:12 +07:00
README.md first commit 2024-08-15 09:31:12 +07:00


This action will detect new version.

Tagging: Part of a Complete Deployment Solution

This action works well in combination with:


The following is an example .gitea/workflows/main.yml that will execute when a push to the master branch occurs.

name: Detect Tag

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@stable
        GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"

To make this work, the workflow must have the checkout action before the autotag action.

This order is important!

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@stable

If the repository is not checked out first, the autotagger cannot find the source files.


The GITEA_TOKEN must be provided. Without this, it is not possible to create a new tag. Make sure the autotag action looks like the following example:

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@stable
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"

The action will automatically extract the token at runtime. DO NOT MANUALLY ENTER YOUR TOKEN. If you put the actual token in your workflow file, you'll make it accessible (in plaintext) to anyone who ever views the repository (it will be in your git history).

Optional Configuration Options

There are several options to customize how the tag is created.


Depending on the selected strategy, autotagger will look for the confgured identify file (i.e. package.json, composer.json, Dockerfile, etc) in the project root. If the file is located in a subdirectory, this option can be used to point to the correct file.

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
    strategy: regex # Optional since regex_pattern is defined
    root: "/path/to/subdirectory/my.file"
    regex_pattern: "version=([0-9\.])"

The version will be extracted by scanning the content of /path/to/subdirectory/my.file for a string like version=1.0.0. See the regex_pattern option for more details.


An optional attribute containing the regular expression used to extract the version number.

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
    regex_pattern: "version=([0-9\.]{5}([-\+][\w\.0-9]+)?)"

This attribute is used as the first argument of a RegExp object. The first "group" (i.e. what's in the main set of parenthesis/the whole version number) will be used as the version number. For an example, see this working example.

The pattern described in this example is a simplistic one. If you need a more explicit one the complete semver pattern is:


As of 1.1.2, JavaScript named patterns are supported, where the group named version will be used to populate the tag. For example:

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
    regex_pattern: "(version=)(?<version>[\d+\.]{3}([-\+][\w\.0-9]+)?)"


By default, semantic versioning is used, such as 1.0.0. A prefix can be used to add text before the tag name. For example, if tag_prefix is set to v, then the tag would be labeled as v1.0.0.

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
    tag_prefix: "v"


This is the annotated commit message associated with the tag. By default, a changelog will be generated from the commits between the latest tag and the current reference (HEAD). Setting this option will override the message.

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
    tag_message: "Custom message goes here."


By default, a changelog is generated, containing the commit messages since the last release. The message is generated by applying a commit message template to each commit's data attributes.

- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
    GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
    commit_message_template: "({{sha}} by {{author}}) {{message}}"

Optional data points:

  1. number The commit number (relevant to the overall list)
  2. message The commit message.
  3. author The author of the commit.
  4. sha The SHA value representing the commit.

The default is {{number}}) {{message}} ({{author}})\nSHA: {{sha}}\n.

Example output:

1) Update README.md (coreybutler)
(SHA: c5e09fc45106a4b27b8f4598fb79811b589a4684)

2) Added metadoc capability to introspect the shell/commands. (coreybutler)
(SHA: b690be366a5636d51b1245a1b39c86102ddb8a81)

Developer Notes

If you are building an action that runs after this one, be aware this action produces several outputs:

  1. tagname will be empty if no tag was created, or it will be the value of the new tag.
  2. tagcreated: yes or no.
  3. version will be the extracted/provided version.