2020-01-02 23:15:16 +07:00

289 lines
7.9 KiB

* Goodlayers Utility File
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* @version 1.0
* @author Goodlayers
* @link http://goodlayers.com
* @copyright Copyright (c) Goodlayers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file contains all of the necessary function for the front-end and
* back-end to use. You can see the description of each function below.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find the XML value from XML Object
function find_xml_value($xml, $field, $translate = true, $return = ''){
foreach($xml->childNodes as $xmlChild){
if($xmlChild->nodeName == $field){
if( is_admin() || !$translate ){
return $xmlChild->nodeValue;
return __($xmlChild->nodeValue, 'gdl_front_end');
return $return;
// Find the XML node from XML Object
function find_xml_node($xml, $node){
foreach($xml->childNodes as $xmlChild){
if($xmlChild->nodeName == $node){
return $xmlChild;
return '';
// Create tag string from nodename and value
function create_xml_tag($node, $value){
return '<' . $node . '>' . $value . '</' . $node . '>';
// Get array of sidebar name
function get_sidebar_name(){
$exclude_array = array('Footer 1', 'Footer 2', 'Footer 3', 'Footer 4', 'Site Map 1', 'Site Map 2', 'Site Map 3');
$sidebar_all = array();
foreach ( $GLOBALS['wp_registered_sidebars'] as $sidebar ) {
if( !in_array( $sidebar['name'] , $exclude_array ) ){
$sidebar_all[] = $sidebar['name'];
return $sidebar_all;
// get width and height from string WIDTHxHEIGHT
function gdl_get_width( $size ){
$size_array = explode('x', $size);
if( !empty($size_array[0]) ) return $size_array[0];
return '';
function gdl_get_height( $size ){
$size_array = explode('x', $size);
if( !empty($size_array[1]) ) return $size_array[1];
return '';
// use ajax to print all of media image for using with slider selection
function get_media_image(){
$image_width = 70;
$image_height = 70;
$paged = (isset($_POST['page']))? $_POST['page'] : 1;
if($paged == ''){ $paged = 1; }
$statement = array('post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' =>'image',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'posts_per_page' => 12,
'paged' => $paged);
$media_query = new WP_Query($statement);
<div class="media-title">
<label><?php _e('SELECT MEDIA','gdl_back_office'); ?></label>
echo '<div class="media-gallery-nav" id="media-gallery-nav">';
echo '<ul>';
echo '<a><li class="nav-first" rel="1" ></li></a>';
for( $i=1 ; $i<=$media_query->max_num_pages; $i++){
if($i == $paged){
echo '<li rel="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</li>';
}else if( ($i <= $paged+2 && $i >= $paged-2) || $i%10 == 0){
echo '<a><li rel="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</li></a>';
echo '<a><li class="nav-last" rel="' . $media_query->max_num_pages . '"></li></a>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</div><div class=clear></div>';
echo '<ul>';
foreach( $media_query->posts as $image ){
$thumb_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image->ID, 'thumbnail');
$thumb_src_preview = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image->ID, 'thumbnail');
echo '<li><img src="' . $thumb_src[0] .'" title="' . $image->post_title . '" attid="' . $image->ID . '" rel="' . $thumb_src_preview[0] . '"/></li>';
echo '</ul><div class=clear></div>';
if(isset($_POST['page'])){ die(''); }
// return the slider option array to use with javascript file
function get_gdl_slider_option_array($slider_option){
$slider_setting = array();
foreach($slider_option as $value){
$set_value = get_option($value['name']);
if(isset($value['oldname']) && $set_value){
$slider_setting[$value['oldname']] = $set_value;
return $slider_setting;
// return the array of category
function get_category_list( $category_name, $parent='' ){
if( empty($parent) ){
$get_category = get_categories( array( 'taxonomy' => $category_name, 'hide_empty' => 0 ));
$category_list = array( '0' =>'All');
if( !empty($get_category) ){
foreach( $get_category as $category ){
$category_list[] = urldecode($category->slug);
return $category_list;
$parent_id = get_term_by('slug', $parent, $category_name);
$get_category = get_categories( array( 'taxonomy' => $category_name, 'child_of' => $parent_id->term_id, 'hide_empty' => 0 ));
$category_list = array( '0' => $parent );
if( !empty($get_category) ){
foreach( $get_category as $category ){
$category_list[] = urldecode($category->slug);
return $category_list;
// return the slug list of each post
function get_post_slug_list( $post_type ){
$posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => $post_type, 'numberposts'=>100));
$posts_title = array();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$posts_title[] = urldecode($post->post_name);
return $posts_title;
// return the title id of each category (in post)
function get_post_title_id( $category ){
$posts_title = array();
$posts = get_posts(array('category_name' => $category, 'numberposts'=>100));
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$posts_title[] = $post->ID;
return $posts_title;
// cut excerpt by word or character
function gdl_get_excerpt( $charlength = 180, $postscript = '', $excerpt_text = ''){
global $gdl_word_excerpt;
if( $charlength == 0 ) return;
if( empty($excerpt_text) ){
if( $gdl_word_excerpt ){
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
if ( strlen( $excerpt ) > $charlength ) {
$subex = mb_substr( $excerpt, 0, $charlength - 5 );
$exwords = explode( ' ', $subex );
$excut = - ( strlen( $exwords[ count( $exwords ) - 1 ] ) );
if ( $excut < 0 ) {
return mb_substr( $subex, 0, $excut - 1 ) . $postscript;
} else {
return mb_substr( $subex, 0, -1 ) . $postscript;
} else {
return $excerpt;
return mb_substr( get_the_excerpt(), 0, $charlength );
$excerpt = $excerpt_text;
if ( strlen( $excerpt ) > $charlength ) {
$subex = mb_substr( $excerpt, 0, $charlength - 5 );
$exwords = explode( ' ', $subex );
$excut = - ( strlen( $exwords[ count( $exwords ) - 1 ] ) );
if ( $excut < 0 ) {
return mb_substr( $subex, 0, $excut - 1 ) . $postscript;
} else {
return mb_substr( $subex, 0, -1 ) . $postscript;
} else {
return $excerpt;
function gdl_hex_lighter($hex, $factor = 40) {
$new_hex = '';
$base['R'] = hexdec($hex{1}.$hex{2});
$base['G'] = hexdec($hex{3}.$hex{4});
$base['B'] = hexdec($hex{5}.$hex{6});
foreach ($base as $k => $v)
$amount = 255 - $v;
$amount = $amount / 100;
$amount = round($amount * $factor);
$new_decimal = $v + $amount;
$new_hex_component = dechex($new_decimal);
if(strlen($new_hex_component) < 2)
{ $new_hex_component = "0".$new_hex_component; }
$new_hex .= $new_hex_component;
return '#' . $new_hex;
function gdl_hex_darker($hex, $factor = 30){
$new_hex = '';
$base['R'] = hexdec($hex{1}.$hex{2});
$base['G'] = hexdec($hex{3}.$hex{4});
$base['B'] = hexdec($hex{5}.$hex{6});
foreach ($base as $k => $v)
$amount = $v / 100;
$amount = round($amount * $factor);
$new_decimal = $v - $amount;
$new_hex_component = dechex($new_decimal);
if(strlen($new_hex_component) < 2)
{ $new_hex_component = "0".$new_hex_component; }
$new_hex .= $new_hex_component;
return '#' . $new_hex;