2020-01-02 23:15:16 +07:00

726 lines
26 KiB

* Goodlayers Page Item File
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* @version 1.0
* @author Goodlayers
* @link http://goodlayers.com
* @copyright Copyright (c) Goodlayers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file contains the function that can print each page item due to
* different conditions.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
$gdl_div_size_num_class = array(
"1/6" => "two columns ", "element1-6" => "two columns ",
"1/5" => "one-fifth column ", "element1-5" => "one-fifth column ",
"1/4" => "three columns ", "element1-4" => "three columns ",
"1/3" => "four columns ", "element1-3" => "four columns ",
"1/2" => "six columns ", "element1-2" => "six columns ",
"2/3" => "eight columns ", "element2-3" => "eight columns ",
"3/4" => "nine columns ", "element3-4" => "nine columns ",
"1/1" => "twelve columns ", "element1-1" => "twelve columns " );
$gdl_class_to_num = array(
"element1-6" => 1/6, "1/6"=>1/6,
"element1-5" => 1/5, "1/5"=>1/5,
"element1-4" => 1/4, "1/4"=>1/4,
"element1-3" => 1/3, "1/3"=>1/3,
"element1-2" => 0.5, "1/2"=>0.5,
"element2-3" => 2/3, "2/3"=>2/3,
"element3-4" => 3/4, "3/4"=>3/4,
"element1-1" => 1, "1/1" => 1 );
// Print the item size <div> with it's class
function print_item_size($item_size, $item_row_size = '0', $addition_class='',
$html_row_tag = 'div', $html_col_tag = 'div', $additional_style=''){
global $gdl_div_size_num_class, $gdl_class_to_num;
// init the first row
if( empty($item_row_size) ){
echo '<' . $html_row_tag .' class="row">';
$gdl_row_class = $gdl_div_size_num_class[$item_size] . $addition_class;
$gdl_item_size = $gdl_class_to_num[$item_size];
$item_row_size = $item_row_size + $gdl_item_size;
if($item_row_size > 1){
$item_row_size = $gdl_item_size;
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // close row
echo '<' . $html_row_tag . ' class="row">'; // open new row
if( empty($additional_style) ){
echo '<' . $html_col_tag . ' class="' . $gdl_row_class . '">';
echo '<' . $html_col_tag . ' class="' . $gdl_row_class . '" style="' . $additional_style . '">';
return $item_row_size;
// Print the item size <div> with it's class
function return_item_size($item_size, $item_row_size = '0', $addition_class='', $html_row_tag = 'div', $html_col_tag = 'div'){
global $gdl_div_size_num_class, $gdl_class_to_num;
$return = "";
// init the first row
if( empty($item_row_size) ){
$return = $return . '<' . $html_row_tag .' class="row">';
$gdl_row_class = $gdl_div_size_num_class[$item_size] . $addition_class;
$gdl_item_size = $gdl_class_to_num[$item_size];
$item_row_size = $item_row_size + $gdl_item_size;
if($item_row_size > 1){
$item_row_size = $gdl_item_size;
$return = $return . '<div class="clear"></div>';
$return = $return . '</div>'; // close row
$return = $return . '<' . $html_row_tag . ' class="row">'; // open new row
$return = $return . '<' . $html_col_tag . ' class="' . $gdl_row_class . '">';
return array( 'row-size'=>$item_row_size, 'return'=>$return);
// Print page header
function print_page_header( $header, $caption = '' ){
echo '<div class="page-header-wrapper gdl-container-color boxed-style gdl-border-x bottom">';
echo '<div class="page-header-container container">';
echo '<div class="page-header-inner-wrapper ">';
echo '<h1 class="page-header-title">' . $header . '</h1>';
if( !empty($caption) ){
echo '<div class="page-header-caption"><span class="head">//</span>' . $caption . '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // page header inner wrapper
echo '</div>'; // page header container
echo '</div>'; // page header wrapper
// Print header of each item
function print_item_header( $header, $addition_class = '', $additional_html = '' ){
echo '<div class="gdl-header-wrapper ' . $addition_class . '">';
echo '<h3 class="gdl-header-title">' . $header . '</h3><i class="icon-double-angle-right"></i>';
echo $additional_html;
echo '</div>';
// Print accordion
function print_accordion_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
$gdl_active = 'active';
$tab_xml = find_xml_node($item_xml, 'tab-item');
echo "<ul class='gdl-accordion'>";
foreach($tab_xml->childNodes as $accordion){
echo '<li class="' . $gdl_active . '">';
echo '<h2 class="accordion-title"><span class="accordion-icon"></span>' . find_xml_value($accordion, 'title') . '</h2>';
echo '<div class="accordion-content" >';
echo do_shortcode(find_xml_value($accordion, 'caption')) . '</div>';
echo '</li>';
if( !empty($gdl_active) ) $gdl_active = '';
echo "</ul>";
// Print column
function print_column_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
echo '<div class="gdl-column-item">';
echo do_shortcode(html_entity_decode(find_xml_value($item_xml,'column-text')));
echo '</div>';
// Print Content Item
function print_content_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
// Print Divider
function print_divider($item_xml){
echo '<div class="gdl-divider-wrapper">';
echo '<div class="scroll-top">';
echo find_xml_value($item_xml, 'text');
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="gdl-divider"></div>';
echo '</div>';
// Print gallery
function print_gallery_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
global $gallery_div_size_num_class, $sidebar_type, $gdl_element_id;
$gallery_row_size = 0;
$gallery_page = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'page');
$gallery_size = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'item-size');
$item_size = $gallery_div_size_num_class[$gallery_size][$sidebar_type];
$gallery_post = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'gdl-gallery', 'name'=>$gallery_page, 'numberposts'=> 1));
echo '<div class="gdl-gallery-item">';
$slider_xml_string = get_post_meta($gallery_post[0]->ID,'post-option-gallery-xml', true);
$slider_xml_dom = new DOMDocument();
if( !empty( $slider_xml_string ) ){
foreach( $slider_xml_dom->documentElement->childNodes as $slider ){
$gallery_row_size = print_item_size($gallery_size, $gallery_row_size, 'mb40');
$link_type = find_xml_value($slider, 'linktype');
$image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(find_xml_value($slider, 'image'), $item_size);
$alt_text = get_post_meta(find_xml_value($slider, 'image') , '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
echo '<div class="gdl-gallery-image">';
if( $link_type == 'Link to URL' ){
$link = find_xml_value( $slider, 'link');
echo '<a href="' . $link . '" title="' . $link . '" target="_blank">';
echo '<img src="' . $image_url[0] . '" alt="' . $alt_text . '" />';
echo '</a>';
}else if( $link_type == 'Lightbox' ){
$image_full = wp_get_attachment_image_src(find_xml_value($slider, 'image'), 'full');
echo '<a data-rel="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gal' . $gdl_element_id . '" href="' . $image_full[0] . '" title="' . $alt_text . '">';
echo '<img src="' . $image_url[0] . '" alt="' . $alt_text . '" />';
echo '</a>';
echo '<img src="' . $image_url[0] . '" alt="' . $alt_text . '" />';
echo '</div>'; // gallery-thumbnail-image
echo '</div>'; // print item size
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // end row
echo '</div>'; // gdl gallery item
// Print Message Box
function print_message_box($item_xml){
$box_color = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'color');
$box_title = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'title');
$box_content = html_entity_decode(find_xml_value($item_xml, 'content'));
echo '<div class="message-box-wrapper ' . $box_color . '">';
echo '<div class="message-box-title">' . $box_title . '</div>';
echo '<div class="message-box-content">' . do_shortcode($box_content) . '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Print personnal item
function print_personnal_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
global $personnal_div_size_num_class, $sidebar_type;
$num_fetch = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'num-fetch');
$category = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'category', false);
$category = ( $category == 'All' )? '': $category;
$personnal_size = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'item-size');
$personnal_row_size = 0;
$item_size = $personnal_div_size_num_class[$personnal_size][$sidebar_type];
$post_temp = query_posts(array('post_type'=>'personnal',
'personnal-category'=>$category, 'posts_per_page'=>$num_fetch));
echo '<div class="personnal-item-holder">';
while( have_posts() ){
$personnal_row_size = print_item_size($personnal_size, $personnal_row_size, 'personnal-item-wrapper');
echo '<div class="personnal-item">';
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id , $item_size );
$alt_text = get_post_meta($thumbnail_id , '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
if( !empty($thumbnail) ){
echo '<div class="personnal-thumbnail"><img src="' . $thumbnail[0] . '" alt="' . $alt_text . '"></div>';
echo '<div class="personnal-title">';
echo '</div>';
$position = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'personnal-option-position', true );
if( !empty($position) ){
echo '<div class="personnal-position">' . $position . "</div>";
echo '<div class="personnal-content">';
echo '</div>';
$social_info = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'personnal-option-social-info', true );
if( !empty($social_info) ){
echo '<div class="personnal-social-info">';
echo do_shortcode($social_info);
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // personnal item
echo '</div>'; //close print_item_size
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; //close row
echo '</div>';
// Print price item
function print_price_item($item_xml){
global $gdl_admin_translator;
if( $gdl_admin_translator == 'enable' ){
$translator_read_more = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_read_more_price', 'BUY NOW');
$translator_read_more = __('BUY NOW','gdl_front_end');
$price_item_row_size = 0;
$price_item_number = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'item-number');
$price_item_category = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'category', false);
$price_item_category = ($price_item_category == 'All')? '': $price_item_category;
$price_posts = get_posts(array('post_type'=>'price_table', 'price-table-category'=>$price_item_category,
echo '<div class="price-table-wrapper">';
foreach($price_posts as $price_post){
$best_price = get_post_meta( $price_post->ID, 'price-table-best-price', true );
$best_price = ($best_price == 'Yes')? ' best-price':'';
$price_item_row_size = print_item_size('1/' . $price_item_number,
$price_item_row_size, 'price-item-wrapper wrapper mb0' . $best_price);
echo '<div class="price-item-inner-wrapper">';
echo '<div class="price-item">';
echo '<div class="price-title-wrapper">';
echo '<div class="price-title" >' . $price_post->post_title . '</div>';
echo '<div class="price-tag">';
_e(get_post_meta( $price_post->ID, 'price-table-price-tag', true ), 'gdl_front_end');
$suffix = __(get_post_meta( $price_post->ID, 'price-table-price-suffix', true ), 'gdl_front_end');
if( !empty($suffix) ){ echo '<span class="price-suffix">' . $suffix . '</span>'; }
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>'; // price-title-wrapper
echo '<div class="price-content">';
echo apply_filters('the_content', $price_post->post_content);
echo '</div>';
$price_url = __(get_post_meta( $price_post->ID, 'price-table-option-url', true ), 'gdl_front_end');
if( !empty($price_url) ){
echo '<div class="price-button-wrapper">';
echo '<a class="gdl-button" target="_blank" href="' . $price_url . '">' . $translator_read_more . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // price item
echo '</div>'; // price item inner wrapper
echo '</div>'; // print item size
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // end row
echo '</div>'; // price table wrapper
// Print postslider item
function print_post_slider_item($item_xml){
global $gdl_date_format;
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
$num_fetch = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'num-fetch');
$num_excerpt = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'num-excerpt');
$show_caption = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'show-caption');
$category = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'category', false);
$category = ($category == 'All')? '': $category;
$postslider_xml = "<single-item><Post-Slider>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('size', find_xml_value($item_xml, 'size'));
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('width', find_xml_value($item_xml, 'width'));
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('height', find_xml_value($item_xml, 'height'));
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('slider-type', find_xml_value($item_xml, 'slider-type'));
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "<slider-item>";
query_posts(array('post_type'=>'post', 'category_name'=>$category, 'posts_per_page'=>$num_fetch ));
while( have_posts() ){
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "<slider>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('image', get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('linktype', 'Link to URL' );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('link', htmlspecialchars(get_permalink()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('comment', get_comments_number(get_the_ID()) );
if( $show_caption == "Yes" ){
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('title', htmlspecialchars(get_the_title()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('caption', htmlspecialchars(gdl_get_excerpt($num_excerpt)) );
}else if( $show_caption == "Show Date" ){
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('title', htmlspecialchars(get_the_title()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('caption', __('Posted on ', 'gdl_front_end') . get_the_time($gdl_date_format) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "</slider>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "</slider-item>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "</Post-Slider></single-item>";
$slider_xml_val = new DOMDocument();
foreach( $slider_xml_val->documentElement->childNodes as $slider_item_xml){
// Print postslider item
function print_top_post_slider_item($category, $num_fetch, $width, $height){
global $gdl_date_format;
$category = ($category == 'All')? '': $category;
$postslider_xml = "<single-item><Post-Slider>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('width', $width);
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('height', $height);
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('slider-type', 'Carousel Slider');
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "<slider-item>";
query_posts(array('post_type'=>'post', 'category_name'=>$category, 'posts_per_page'=>$num_fetch ));
while( have_posts() ){
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "<slider>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('image', get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('linktype', 'Link to URL' );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('link', htmlspecialchars(get_permalink()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('title', htmlspecialchars(get_the_title()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('caption', __('Posted on ', 'gdl_front_end') . get_the_time($gdl_date_format) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . create_xml_tag('comment', get_comments_number(get_the_ID()) );
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "</slider>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "</slider-item>";
$postslider_xml = $postslider_xml . "</Post-Slider></single-item>";
$slider_xml_val = new DOMDocument();
foreach( $slider_xml_val->documentElement->childNodes as $slider_item_xml){
// Print stunning text
function print_stunning_text($item_xml){
$title = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'title');
$caption = html_entity_decode(find_xml_value($item_xml, 'caption'));
$shadow = (find_xml_value($item_xml, 'shadow') != 'No')? 'shadow-on': '';
echo '<div class="stunning-text-wrapper gdl-border-x top ' . $shadow . '">';
echo '<div class="stunning-text-inner-wrapper gdl-border-x bottom">';
echo '<div class="stunning-text-content">';
echo '<h1 class="stunning-text-title">' . $title . '</h1>';
echo '<div class="stunning-text-caption">' . do_shortcode($caption) . '</div>';
echo '</div>'; // stunning text content
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; //stunning-text-inner-wrapper
if( !empty($shadow) ){
echo '<div class="stunning-text-shadow"></div>';
echo '</div>';
// Print Tab
function print_tab_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
$num = 0;
$tab_title = array();
$tab_content = array();
$tab_xml = find_xml_node($item_xml, 'tab-item');
foreach($tab_xml->childNodes as $toggle_box){
$tab_title[$num] = find_xml_value($toggle_box, 'title');
$tab_content[$num] = html_entity_decode(find_xml_value($toggle_box, 'caption'));
echo '<div class="gdl-tab">';
// tab title
echo '<ul class="gdl-tab-title">';
for($i=0; $i<$num; $i++){
echo '<li><a data-tab="tab-' . $i . '" ';
echo ( $i == 0 )? 'class="active" ':'';
echo ' >' . $tab_title[$i] . '</a></li>';
echo "</ul>";
// tab content
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo "<ul class='gdl-tab-content'>";
for($i=0; $i<$num; $i++){
echo '<li data-tab="tab-' . $i . '" ';
echo ( $i == 0 )? 'class="active"':'';
echo ' >' . do_shortcode($tab_content[$i]) . '</li>';
echo "</ul>";
echo '</div>'; // gdl tab
// Print Testimonial
function print_testimonial($item_xml){
$display_type = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'display-type');
if( $display_type == 'Carousel Testimonial' ){
$additional = 'navigation-on';
$additional = '';
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header'), $additional );
$num_fetch = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'num-fetch');
$orderby = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'orderby');
$order = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'order');
$category = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'category', false);
$category = ( $category == 'All' )? '': $category;
$item_size = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'item-size');
$testimonial_row_size = 0;
query_posts(array( 'post_type'=>'testimonial', 'orderby'=>$orderby, 'posts_per_page'=>$num_fetch,
'order'=>$order, 'testimonial-category'=>$category ));
if( $display_type == 'Static Testimonial' ){
echo '<div class="gdl-static-testimonial">';
if( have_posts() ){
while( have_posts() ){
$testimonial_row_size = print_item_size($item_size, $testimonial_row_size, 'mb20');
echo '<div class="testimonial-item">';
// testimonial content
echo '<div class="testimonial-content">';
echo '</div>';
// testimonial author
$author = get_the_title();
$position = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), "testimonial-option-author-position", true );
echo '<div class="testimonial-info">';
echo '<span class="testimonial-author">' . $author . '</span>';
if( !empty($position) ){
echo ',<span class="testimonial-position"> ' . $position . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>'; // testimonial item
echo '</div>'; // close print_item_size
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; // close row
echo '</div>'; // gdl static testimonial
}else if( $display_type == 'Carousel Testimonial' ){
echo '<div class="gdl-carousel-testimonial">';
// navigation
echo '<div class="testimonial-navigation">';
echo '<a class="testimonial-prev"></a>';
echo '<a class="testimonial-next"></a>';
echo '</div>';
// content
echo '<div class="testimonial-item-wrapper">';
if( have_posts() ){
while( have_posts() ){
echo '<div class="testimonial-item">';
// testimonial content
echo '<div class="testimonial-content"><div class="testimonial-icon"></div>';
echo '<div class="testimonial-inner-content">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// testimonial author
$author = get_the_title();
$position = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), "testimonial-option-author-position", true );
echo '<div class="testimonial-info">';
echo '<span class="testimonial-author">' . $author . '</span>';
if( !empty($position) ){
echo ',<span class="testimonial-position"> ' . $position . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>'; // testimonial item
echo '</div>'; //testimonial-item-wrapper
echo '</div>';
// Print Toggle Box
function print_toggle_box_item($item_xml){
print_item_header( find_xml_value($item_xml, 'header') );
$tab_xml = find_xml_node($item_xml, 'tab-item');
echo "<ul class='gdl-toggle-box'>";
foreach($tab_xml->childNodes as $toggle_box){
$active = ( find_xml_value($toggle_box, 'active') == 'Yes' )? 'active': '';
echo '<li class="' . $active . '">';
echo '<h2 class="toggle-box-title"><span class="toggle-box-icon"></span>' . find_xml_value($toggle_box, 'title') . '</h2>';
echo '<div class="toggle-box-content">';
echo do_shortcode(html_entity_decode(find_xml_value($toggle_box, 'caption'))) . '</div>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
// Print the slider item
function print_slider_item($item_xml){
$xml_size = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'size');
if( $xml_size == 'full-width' ){
echo '<div class="gdl-slider-wrapper fullwidth">';
echo '<div class="gdl-slider-wrapper">';
$slider_width = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'width');
$slider_height = find_xml_value($item_xml, 'height');
if( !empty($slider_width) && !empty($slider_height) ){
$xml_size = $slider_width . 'x' . $slider_height;
}else if( $xml_size == 'full-width' ){
$xml_size = 'full';
$xml_size = '980x360';
case 'Anything Slider':
print_anything_slider(find_xml_node($item_xml,'slider-item'), $xml_size);
case 'Nivo Slider':
print_nivo_slider(find_xml_node($item_xml,'slider-item'), $xml_size);
case 'Flex Slider':
print_flex_slider(find_xml_node($item_xml,'slider-item'), $xml_size);
case 'Carousel Slider':
print_carousel_slider(find_xml_node($item_xml,'slider-item'), $xml_size);
echo "</div>";
// Print contact form
function print_contact_form($item_xml){
global $gdl_admin_translator;
if( $gdl_admin_translator == 'enable' ){
$gdl_name_string = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_name_contact_form', 'Name');
$gdl_name_error_string = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_name_error_contact_form', 'Please enter your name');
$gdl_email_string = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_email_contact_form', 'Email');
$gdl_email_error_string = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_email_error_contact_form', 'Please enter a valid email address');
$gdl_message_string = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_message_contact_form', 'Message');
$gdl_message_error_string = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_message_error_contact_form', 'Please enter message');
$gdl_submit_button = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.'_translator_submit_contact_form','Submit');
$gdl_name_string = __('Name','gdl_front_end');
$gdl_name_error_string = __('Please enter your name','gdl_front_end');
$gdl_email_string = __('Email','gdl_front_end');
$gdl_email_error_string = __('Please enter a valid email address','gdl_front_end');
$gdl_message_string = __('Message','gdl_front_end');
$gdl_message_error_string = __('Please enter message','gdl_front_end');
$gdl_submit_button = __('Submit','gdl_front_end');
<div class="contact-form-wrapper">
<form class="gdl-contact-form">
<ol class="forms">
<li class="form-input">
<strong><?php echo $gdl_name_string; ?> *</strong>
<input type="text" name="name" class="require-field" />
<div class="error">* <?php echo $gdl_name_error_string; ?></div>
<li class="form-input">
<strong><?php echo $gdl_email_string; ?> *</strong>
<input type="text" name="email" class="require-field email" />
<div class="error">* <?php echo $gdl_email_error_string; ?></div>
<li class="form-textarea"><strong><?php echo $gdl_message_string; ?> *</strong>
<textarea name="message" class="require-field"></textarea>
<div class="error">* <?php echo $gdl_message_error_string; ?></div>
<li class="hidden"><input type="hidden" name="receiver" value="<?php echo find_xml_value($item_xml, 'email'); ?>"></li>
<li class="sending-result" id="sending-result" ><div class="message-box-wrapper green"></div></li>
<li class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="contact-submit button"><?php echo $gdl_submit_button; ?></button>
<div class="contact-loading">
<div class="clear"></div>