__('Enable Lightbox','framework'), // "desc" => __('Check this to enable the lightbox.','framework'), // "id" => "format_image_lightbox", // "type" => "select", // 'std' => 'no', // 'options' => array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), // ), array( "name" => __('Upload images', 'framework'), "desc" => __('Select the images that should be upload to this gallery', 'framework'), "id" => "gallery_image_ids", "type" => 'gallery' ), array( "name" => __('Image height', 'framework'), "desc" => __('Slider height', 'framework'), "id" => "format_image_height", "type" => 'text' ) ); $tw_audio = array( array( "name" => __('MP3 File URL','framework'), "desc" => __('The URL to the .mp3 audio file','framework'), "id" => "format_audio_mp3", "type" => "text", 'std' => '' ), array( "name" => __('Embeded Code','framework'), "desc" => __('The embed code','framework'), "id" => "format_audio_embed", "type" => "textarea", 'std' => '' ) ); $tw_video = array( array( "name" => __('M4V File URL','framework'), "desc" => __('The URL to the .m4v video file','framework'), "id" => "format_video_m4v", "type" => "text", 'std' => '' ), array( "name" => __('Video Thumbnail Image','framework'), "desc" => __('The preivew image.','framework'), "id" => "format_video_thumb", "type" => "text", 'std' => '' ), array( "name" => __('Embeded Code','framework'), "desc" => __('If you\'re not using self hosted video then you can include embeded code here.','framework'), "id" => "format_video_embed", "type" => "textarea", 'std' => '' ) ); $tw_quote = array( array( "name" => __('The Quote','framework'), "desc" => __('Write your quote in this field.','framework'), "id" => "format_quote_text", "type" => "textarea", 'std' => '' ), array( "name" => __('The Author','framework'), "desc" => __('Write your author name of this.','framework'), "id" => "format_quote_author", "type" => "text", 'std' => '' ) ); $tw_link = array( array( "name" => __('The URL','framework'), "desc" => __('Insert the URL you wish to link to.','framework'), "id" => "format_link_url", "type" => "text", 'std' => '' ) ); $tw_status = array( array( "name" => __('The URL','framework'), "desc" => __('Insert the status URL.','framework'), "id" => "format_status_url", "type" => "text", 'std' => '' ) ); /* ================================================================================== */ /* Add Metabox /* ================================================================================== */ add_action('admin_init', 'tw_post_format_add_box'); if (!function_exists('tw_post_format_add_box')) { function tw_post_format_add_box() { global $tw_quote, $tw_image, $tw_link, $tw_audio, $tw_video, $tw_status; add_meta_box('tw-format-quote', __('Quote Settings', 'themewaves'), 'post_format_metabox', 'post', 'normal', 'high', $tw_quote); add_meta_box('tw-format-gallery', __('Gallery Settings', 'themewaves'), 'post_format_metabox', 'post', 'normal', 'high', $tw_image); add_meta_box('tw-format-link', __('Link Settings', 'themewaves'), 'post_format_metabox', 'post', 'normal', 'high', $tw_link); add_meta_box('tw-format-audio', __('Audio Settings', 'themewaves'), 'post_format_metabox', 'post', 'normal', 'high', $tw_audio); add_meta_box('tw-format-video', __('Video Settings', 'themewaves'), 'post_format_metabox', 'post', 'normal', 'high', $tw_video); add_meta_box('tw-format-status', __('Status Settings', 'themewaves'), 'post_format_metabox', 'post', 'normal', 'high', $tw_status); } } /* ================================================================================== */ /* Callback function to show fields in meta box /* ================================================================================== */ if (!function_exists('post_format_metabox')) { function post_format_metabox($post, $metabox) { global $post; ?> ID, $settings['id'], true); $settings['value'] = !empty($options) ? $options : (isset($settings['std']) ? $settings['std'] : ''); call_user_func('settings_'.$settings['type'], $settings); } ?>