* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Derek Herman * @since 2.0 */ /** * Creating Options option type. * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_creating_options' ) ) { function ot_type_creating_options() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

'. __( 'Label', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Label field should be a short but descriptive block of text 100 characters or less with no HTML.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'ID', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The ID field is a unique alphanumeric key used to differentiate each theme option (underscores are acceptable). Also, the plugin will change all text you write in this field to lowercase and replace spaces and special characters with an underscore automatically.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Type', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'You are required to choose one of the supported option types when creating a new option. Here is a list of the available option types. For more information about each type click the Option Types tab to the left.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo ''; echo '

'. __( 'Description', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Enter a detailed description for the users to read on the Theme Options page, HTML is allowed. This is also where you enter content for both the Textblock & Textblock Titled option types.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Choices', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Click the "Add Choice" button to add an item to the choices array. This will only affect the following option types: Checkbox, Radio, Select & Select Image.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Settings', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Click the "Add Setting" button found inside a newly created setting to add an item to the settings array. This will only affect the List Item type.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Standard', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Setting the standard value for your option only works for some option types. Those types are one that have a single string value saved to them and not an array of values.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Rows', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Enter a numeric value for the number of rows in your textarea. This will only affect the following option types: CSS, Textarea, & Textarea Simple.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Post Type', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Add a comma separated list of post type like post,page. This will only affect the following option types: Custom Post Type Checkbox, & Custom Post Type Select. Below are the default post types available with WordPress and that are also compatible with OptionTree. You can also add your own custom post_type. At this time any does not seem to return results properly and is something I plan on looking into.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo ''; echo '

'. __( 'Taxonomy', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Add a comma separated list of any registered taxonomy like category,post_tag. This will only affect the following option types: Taxonomy Checkbox, & Taxonomy Select.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * ot_get_option() option type. * * This is a callback function to display text about ot_get_option(). * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_option_types' ) ) { function ot_type_option_types() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

'. __( 'Background', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Background option type is for adding background styles to your theme either dynamically via the CSS option type below or manually with ot_get_option(). Background has filters that allow you to change the defaults. For example, you can filter on ot_recognized_background_repeat, ot_recognized_background_attachment, and ot_recognized_background_position. These filters allow you to fine tune the select lists for your specific CSS needs.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Category Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Category Select option type displays a list of category IDs. It allows the user to select only one category ID and will return that value for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Category Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Category Checkbox option type displays a list of category IDs. It allows the user to check multiple category IDs and will return that value as an array for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Checkbox option type is fairly self explanatory. Typically used to ask questions. For example, "Do you want to activate asynchronous Google analytics?" would be a single checkbox with a value of yes. You could have more complex usages but the idea is that you can easily grab the value of the checkbox and use it in you theme. In this situation you would test if the checkbox has a value and execute a block of code if it does and do nothing if it doesn\'t.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Colorpicker', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Colorpicker option type saves a hexadecimal color code for use in CSS. Use it to modify the color of something in your theme.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'CSS', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The CSS option type is a textarea that when used properly can add dynamic CSS to your theme from within OptionTree. Unfortunately, due server limitations you will need to create a file named dynamic.css at the root level of your theme and change permissions using chmod so the server can write to the file. I have had the most success setting this single file to 0777 but feel free to play around with permissions until everything is working. A good starting point is 0666. When the server can save to the file CSS will automatically be updated each time you save your theme options.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'An example of the CSS option type: This assumes you have an option with the ID of custom_background_css which will display the saved values for that option.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Input', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '
body {
  background-color: {{custom_background_css|background-color}};
'; echo '

'. __( 'Output', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '
/* BEGIN custom_background_css */
body {
  background: color image repeat attachment position;
  background-color: color;
/* END custom_background_css */
'; echo '

'. __( 'Custom Post Type Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Custom Post Type Select option type displays a list of IDs from any available WordPress post type or custom post type. It will return a single post ID for use in a custom function or loop. Requires at least one valid post_type when created in the settings. For some reason any does not work correctly and will looked into in future version.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Custom Post Type Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Custom Post Type Select option type displays a list of IDs from any available WordPress post type or custom post type. It allows the user to check multiple post IDs for use in a custom function or loop. Requires at least one valid post_type when created in the settings. For some reason any does not work correctly and will looked into in future version.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'List Item', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The list Item replaced the old Slider option type. It allows for a great deal of customization. You can add settings to the List Item and those settings will be displayed to the user when they add a new List Item. Typical use is for creating sliding content or blocks of code for custom layouts.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Measurement', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Measurement option type is a mix of input and select fields. The text input excepts a value and the select lets you choose the unit of measurement to add to that value. Currently the default units are px, %, em, pt. However, you can change them with the ot_measurement_unit_types filter.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Example filter to add new units to the Measurement option type. Added to functions.php.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_measurement_unit_types( $array, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on measurement with a field ID of my_measurement */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_measurement\' ) {
    $array[\'in\'] = \'inches\';
    $array[\'ft\'] = \'feet\';
  return $array;
add_filter( \'ot_measurement_unit_types\', \'filter_measurement_unit_types\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

' . __( 'Example filter to completely change the units in the Measurement option type. Added to functions.php.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_measurement_unit_types( $array, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on measurement with a field ID of my_measurement */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_measurement\' ) {
    $array = array(
      \'in\' => \'inches\',
      \'ft\' => \'feet\'
  return $array;
add_filter( \'ot_measurement_unit_types\', \'filter_measurement_unit_types\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

'. __( 'Page Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Page Select option type displays a list of page IDs. It will return a single page ID for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Page Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Page Select option type displays a list of page IDs. It allows the user to check multiple page IDs for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Post Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Post Select option type displays a list of post IDs. It will return a single post ID for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Post Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Post Select option type displays a list of post IDs. It allows the user to check multiple post IDs for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Radio', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Radio option type could ask a question. For example, "Do you want to activate the custom navigation?" could require a yes or no answer with a radio option. In this situation you would test if the radio has a value of \'yes\' and execute a block of code, or if it\'s \'no\' execute a different block of code.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Radio Image', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'the Radio Images option type is primarily used for layouts. However, you can filter the image list using ot_radio_images. As well, you can add your own custom images using the choices array.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'This example executes the ot_radio_images filter on layout images attached to the my_radio_images field. Added to functions.php.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_radio_images( $array, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter where the field ID is my_radio_images */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_radio_images\' ) {
    $array = array(
        \'value\'   => \'left-sidebar\',
        \'label\'   => __( \'Left Sidebar\', \'option-tree\' ),
        \'src\'     => OT_URL . \'/assets/images/layout/left-sidebar.png\'
        \'value\'   => \'right-sidebar\',
        \'label\'   => __( \'Right Sidebar\', \'option-tree\' ),
        \'src\'     => OT_URL . \'/assets/images/layout/right-sidebar.png\'
  return $array;
add_filter( \'ot_radio_images\', \'filter_radio_images\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

'. __( 'Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Select option type is used to list anything you want that would be chosen from a select list.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Slider', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Slider option type is technically deprecated. Use the List Item option type instead, as it\'s infinitely more customizable. Typical use is for creating sliding image content.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Tag Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Tag Checkbox option type displays a list of tag IDs. It allows the user to check multiple tag IDs and will return that value as an array for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Tag Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Tag Select option type displays a list of tag IDs. It allows the user to select only one tag ID and will return that value for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Taxonomy Checkbox', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Taxonomy Checkbox option type displays a list of taxonomy IDs. It allows the user to check multiple taxonomy IDs and will return that value as an array for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Taxonomy Select', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Taxonomy Select option type displays a list of taxonomy IDs. It allows the user to select only one taxonomy ID and will return that value for use in a custom function or loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Text (Input)', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Text option type would be used to save a string value. For example, a link to feedburner, your Twitter username, or Google Analytics ID are all good candidates. Any optional or required text that is of reasonably short character length.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Textarea', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Textarea option type is a large string value used for custom code or text in the theme. The new Textarea has a WYSIWYG editor that can be filtered to change the buttons shown. For example, you can filter on wpautop, media_buttons, tinymce, and quicktags.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Example filters to alter the Textarea option type. Added to functions.php.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'This example keeps WordPress from executing the wpautop filter on the line breaks. The default is true which means it wraps line breaks with an HTML p tag.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_textarea_wpautop( $content, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on the textarea with a field ID of my_textarea */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_textarea\' ) {
    return false;
  return $content;
add_filter( \'ot_wpautop\', \'filter_textarea_wpautop\', 10, 1 );
'; echo '

' . __( 'This example keeps WordPress from executing the media_buttons filter on the textarea WYSIWYG. The default is true which means show the buttons.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_textarea_media_buttons( $content, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on the textarea with a field ID of my_textarea */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_textarea\' ) {
    return false;
  return $content;
add_filter( \'ot_media_buttons\', \'filter_textarea_media_buttons\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

' . __( 'This example keeps WordPress from executing the tinymce filter on the textarea WYSIWYG. The default is true which means show the tinymce.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_textarea_tinymce( $content, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on the textarea with a field ID of my_textarea */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_textarea\' ) {
    return false;
  return $content;
add_filter( \'ot_tinymce\', \'filter_textarea_tinymce\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

' . __( 'This example alters the quicktags filter on the textarea WYSIWYG. The default is array( \'buttons\' => \'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,spell,close\' ) which means show those quicktags. It also means you can filter in your own custom quicktags.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_textarea_quicktags( $content, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on the textarea with a field ID of my_textarea */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_textarea\' ) {
    return array( \'buttons\' => \'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,spell,close,fullscreen\' );
  } else if ( $field_id == \'my_other_textarea\' ) {
    return false; /* show no quicktags */
  return $content;
add_filter( \'ot_quicktags\', \'filter_textarea_quicktags\', 10, 1 );
'; echo '

'. __( 'Textarea Simple', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Textarea Simple option type is a large string value used for custom code or text in the theme. The new Textarea Simple does not have a WYSIWYG editor. But you can still filter on wpautop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'This example tells WordPress to execute the wpautop filter on the line breaks. The default is false which means it does not wraps line breaks with an HTML p tag. Added to functions.php.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_textarea_simple_wpautop( $content, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter on the textarea with a field ID of my_textarea */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_textarea\' ) {
    return true;
  return $content;
add_filter( \'ot_wpautop\', \'filter_textarea_simple_wpautop\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

'. __( 'Textblock', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Textblock option type is used only on the Theme Option page. It will allow you to create & display HTML on your Theme Options page but has no title above the text block. You can then use the Textblock to add a more detailed set of instruction on how the options are used in your theme. You would NEVER use this in your themes template files as it does not save a value.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Textblock Titled', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Textblock Titled option type is used only on the Theme Option page. It will allow you to create & display HTML on your Theme Options page and has a title above the text block. You can then use the Textblock Titled to add a more detailed set of instruction on how the options are used in your theme. You would NEVER use this in your themes template files as it does not save a value.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

'. __( 'Typography', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Typography option type is for adding typographic styles to your theme either dynamically via the CSS option type below or manually with ot_get_option(). Typography has filters that allow you to change the defaults. For example, you can filter on ot_recognized_font_styles, ot_recognized_font_weights, ot_recognized_font_variants, and ot_recognized_font_families. These filters allow you to fine tune the select lists for your specific CSS needs. The most important one though is ot_recognized_font_families as you can add your Google Fonts to create custom font stacks.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'This example would filter ot_recognized_font_families to build your own font stack. Added to functions.php.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
function filter_ot_recognized_font_families( $array, $field_id ) {
  /* only run the filter when the field ID is my_google_fonts_headings */
  if ( $field_id == \'my_google_fonts_headings\' ) {
    $array = array(
      \'sans-serif\'    => \'sans-serif\',
      \'open-sans\'     => \'"Open Sans", sans-serif\',
      \'droid-sans\'    => \'"Droid Sans", sans-serif\'
  return $array;
add_filter( \'ot_recognized_font_families\', \'filter_ot_recognized_font_families\', 10, 2 );
'; echo '

'. __( 'Upload', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'The Upload option type is used to upload any WordPress supported media. After uploading, users are required to press the "Send to OptionTree" button in order to populate the input with the URI of that media. There is one caveat of this feature. If you import the theme options and have uploaded media on one site the old URI will not reflect the URI of your new site. You\'ll have to re-upload or FTP any media to your new server and change the URIs if necessary.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * ot_get_option() option type. * * This is a callback function to display text about ot_get_option(). * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_ot_get_option' ) ) { function ot_type_ot_get_option() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

'. __( 'Description', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'This function returns a value from the "option_tree" array of saved values or the default value supplied. The returned value would be mixed. Meaning it could be a string, integer, boolean, or array.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Usage', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

<?php ot_get_option( $option_id, $default ); ?>

'; echo '

' . __( 'Parameters', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '$option_id'; echo '

(' . __( 'string', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'required', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Enter the options unique identifier.', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default:', 'option-tree' ) . ' ' . __( 'None', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '$default'; echo '

(' . __( 'string', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'optional', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Enter a default return value. This is just incase the request returns null.', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default', 'option-tree' ) . ': ' . __( 'None', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * get_option_tree() option type. * * This is a callback function to display text about get_option_tree(). * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_get_option_tree' ) ) { function ot_type_get_option_tree() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

' . __( 'This function has been deprecated. That means it has been replaced by a new function or is no longer supported, and may be removed from future versions. All code that uses this function should be converted to use its replacement.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Use', 'option-tree' ) . 'ot_get_option()' . __( 'instead', 'option-tree' ) . '.

'; echo '

'. __( 'Description', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'This function returns, or echos if asked, a value from the "option_tree" array of saved values.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Usage', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

<?php get_option_tree( $item_id, $options, $echo, $is_array, $offset ); ?>

'; echo '

' . __( 'Parameters', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '$item_id'; echo '

(' . __( 'string', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'required', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Enter a unique Option Key to get a returned value or array.', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default:', 'option-tree' ) . ' ' . __( 'None', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '$options'; echo '

(' . __( 'array', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'optional', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Used to cut down on database queries in template files.', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default', 'option-tree' ) . ': ' . __( 'None', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '$echo'; echo '

(' . __( 'boolean', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'optional', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Echo the output.', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default', 'option-tree' ) . ': FALSE

'; echo '$is_array'; echo '

(' . __( 'boolean', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'optional', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Used to indicate the $item_id is an array of values.', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default', 'option-tree' ) . ': FALSE

'; echo '$offset'; echo '

(' . __( 'integer', 'option-tree' ) . ') (' . __( 'optional', 'option-tree' ) . ') ' . __( 'Numeric offset key for the $item_id array, -1 will return all values (an array starts at 0).', 'option-tree' ) . '
' . __( 'Default', 'option-tree' ) . ': -1

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * Examples option type. * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_examples' ) ) { function ot_type_examples() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

' . __( 'If you\'re using the plugin version of OptionTree it is highly recommended to include a function_exists check in your code, as described in the examples below. If you\'ve integrated OptionTree directly into your themes root directory, you will not need to wrap your code with function_exists, as you\'re guaranteed to have the ot_get_option() function available.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'String Examples', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Returns the value of test_input.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
if ( function_exists( \'ot_get_option\' ) ) {
  $test_input = ot_get_option( \'test_input\' );
'; echo '

' . __( 'Returns the value of test_input, but also has a default value if it returns empty.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
if ( function_exists( \'ot_get_option\' ) ) {
  $test_input = ot_get_option( \'test_input\', \'default input value goes here.\' );
'; echo '

' . __( 'Array Examples', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( 'Assigns the value of navigation_ids to the variable $ids. It then echos an unordered list of links (navigation) using wp_list_pages().', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
if ( function_exists( \'ot_get_option\' ) ) {
  /* get an array of page id\'s */
  $ids = ot_get_option( \'navigation_ids\', array() );

  /* echo custom navigation using wp_list_pages() */
  if ( ! empty( $ids ) )
    echo \'<ul>\';
        \'include\'   => $ids,
        \'title_li\'  => \'\'
    echo \'</ul>\';
'; echo '

' . __( 'The next two examples demonstrate how to use the Measurement option type. The Measurement option type is an array with two key/value pairs. The first is the value of measurement and the second is the unit of measurement.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
if ( function_exists( \'ot_get_option\' ) ) {
  /* get the array */
  $measurement = ot_get_option( \'measurement_option_type_id\' );
  /* only echo values if they actually exist, else echo some default value */
  if ( isset( measurement[0] ) && $measurement[1] ) {
    echo $measurement[0].$measurement[1];
  } else {
    echo \'10px\';
'; echo '
if ( function_exists( \'ot_get_option\' ) ) {
  /* get the array, and have a default just incase */
  $measurement = ot_get_option( \'measurement_option_type_id\', array( \'10\', \'px\' ) );
  /* implode array into a string value */
  if ( ! empty( measurement ) ) {
    echo implode( \'\', $measurement );
'; echo '

' . __( 'This example displays a very basic slider loop.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
if ( function_exists( \'ot_get_option\' ) ) {
  /* get the slider array */
  $slides = ot_get_option( \'my_slider\', array() );
  if ( ! empty( $slides ) ) {
    foreach( $slides as $slide ) {
      echo \'
        <a href="\' . $slide[\'link\'] . \'"><img src="\' . $slide[\'image\'] . \'" alt="\' . $slide[\'title\'] . \'" /></a>
        <div class="description">\' . $slide[\'description\'] . \'</div>
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * Layouts Overview option type. * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_layouts_overview' ) ) { function ot_type_layouts_overview() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

'. __( 'It\'s Super Simple', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Layouts make your theme awesome! With theme options data that you can save/import/export you can package themes with different color variations, or make it easy to do A/B testing on text and so much more. Basically, you save a snapshot of your data as a layout.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Once you have created all your different layouts, or theme variations, you can save them to a separate text file for repackaging with your theme. Alternatively, you could just make different variations for yourself and change your theme with the click of a button, all without deleting your previous options data.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( ' Adding a layout is ridiculously easy, follow these steps and you\'ll be on your way to having a WordPress super theme.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'For Developers', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( '', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
' . __( 'Creating a Layout', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
' . __( 'Activating a Layout', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
' . __( 'Deleting a Layout', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
' . __( 'Edit Layout Data', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '

' . __( 'End-Users Mode', 'option-tree' ) . ':

'; echo '

' . __( '', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
' . __( 'Creating a Layout', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
' . __( 'Activating a Layout', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
' . __( 'Deleting a Layout', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
' . __( 'Edit Layout Data', 'option-tree' ) . ':
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * Meta Boxes option type. * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_meta_boxes' ) ) { function ot_type_meta_boxes() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

'. __( 'How-to-guide', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'There are a few simple steps you need to take in order to use OptionTree\'s built in Meta Box API. In the code below I\'ll show you a basic demo of how to create your very own custom meta box using any number of the option types you have at your disposal. If you would like to see some demo code, there is a directory named theme-mode inside the assets directory that contains a file named demo-meta-boxes.php you can reference.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'It\'s important to note that Meta Boxes do not support WYSIWYG editors at this time and if you set one of your options to Textarea it will automatically revert to a Textarea Simple until a valid solution is found. WordPress released this statement regarding the wp_editor() function:', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
' . __( 'Once instantiated, the WYSIWYG editor cannot be moved around in the DOM. What this means in practical terms, is that you cannot put it in meta-boxes that can be dragged and placed elsewhere on the page.', 'option-tree' ) . '
'; echo '
' . __( 'Create and include your custom meta boxes file.', 'option-tree' ) . '
'; echo ''; echo '
 * Meta Boxes
include_once( \'includes/meta-boxes.php\' );
'; echo ''; echo "
 * Initialize the meta boxes. 
add_action( 'admin_init', 'custom_meta_boxes' );

function custom_meta_boxes() {

  $my_meta_box = array(
    'id'        => 'my_meta_box',
    'title'     => 'My Meta Box',
    'desc'      => '',
    'pages'     => array( 'post' ),
    'context'   => 'normal',
    'priority'  => 'high',
    'fields'    => array(
        'id'          => 'background',
        'label'       => 'Background',
        'desc'        => '',
        'std'         => '',
        'type'        => 'background',
        'class'       => '',
        'choices'     => array()
  ot_register_meta_box( $my_meta_box );

"; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * Theme Mode option type. * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_theme_mode' ) ) { function ot_type_theme_mode() { /* format setting outer wrapper */ echo '
'; /* description */ echo '
'; echo '

'. __( 'How-to-guide', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '

' . __( 'There are a few simple steps you need to take in order to use OptionTree as a theme included module. In the code below I\'ll show you a basic demo of how to include the entire plugin as a module, which will allow you to have the most up-to-date version of OptionTree without ever needing to hack the core of the plugin. If you would like to see some demo code, there is a directory named theme-mode inside the assets directory that contains a file named demo-theme-options.php you can reference.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
' . __( 'Step 1: Include the plugin & turn on theme mode.', 'option-tree' ) . '
'; echo ''; echo '
 * Optional: set \'ot_show_pages\' filter to false.
 * This will hide the settings & documentation pages.
add_filter( \'ot_show_pages\', \'__return_false\' );

 * Required: set \'ot_theme_mode\' filter to true.
add_filter( \'ot_theme_mode\', \'__return_true\' );

 * Required: include OptionTree.
include_once( \'option-tree/ot-loader.php\' );
'; echo '

' . __( 'It\'s that simple! You now have OptionTree built into your theme and anytime there\'s an update to the plugin you just replace the old version and you\'re good to go..', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo '
' . __( 'Step 2: Create Theme Options without using the UI Builder.', 'option-tree' ) . '
'; echo ''; echo '
 * Theme Options
include_once( \'includes/theme-options.php\' );
'; echo ''; echo '

' . __( 'The code below is a boilerplate to get your started. For a full list of the available option types click the "Option Types" tab above. Also a quick note, you don\'t need to put OptionTree in theme mode to manually create options but you will want to hide the docs and settings as each time you load the admin area the settings be be written over with the code below if they\'ve changed in any way. However, this ensures your settings do not get tampered with by the end-user.', 'option-tree' ) . '

'; echo "
 * Initialize the options before anything else. 
add_action( 'admin_init', 'custom_theme_options', 1 );

 * Build the custom settings & update OptionTree.
function custom_theme_options() {
   * Get a copy of the saved settings array. 
  $saved_settings = get_option( 'option_tree_settings', array() );
   * Custom settings array that will eventually be 
   * passes to the OptionTree Settings API Class.
  $custom_settings = array(
    'contextual_help' => array(
      'content'       => array( 
          'id'        => 'general_help',
          'title'     => 'General',
          'content'   => '<p>Help content goes here!</p>'
      'sidebar'       => '<p>Sidebar content goes here!</p>',
    'sections'        => array(
        'id'          => 'general',
        'title'       => 'General'
    'settings'        => array(
        'id'          => 'my_checkbox',
        'label'       => 'Checkbox',
        'desc'        => '',
        'std'         => '',
        'type'        => 'checkbox',
        'section'     => 'general',
        'class'       => '',
        'choices'     => array(
            'value' => 'yes',
            'label' => 'Yes' 
        'id'          => 'my_layout',
        'label'       => 'Layout',
        'desc'        => 'Choose a layout for your theme',
        'std'         => 'right-sidebar',
        'type'        => 'radio-image',
        'section'     => 'general',
        'class'       => '',
        'choices'     => array(
            'value'   => 'left-sidebar',
            'label'   => 'Left Sidebar',
            'src'     => OT_URL . '/assets/images/layout/left-sidebar.png'
            'value'   => 'right-sidebar',
            'label'   => 'Right Sidebar',
            'src'     => OT_URL . '/assets/images/layout/right-sidebar.png'
            'value'   => 'full-width',
            'label'   => 'Full Width (no sidebar)',
            'src'     => OT_URL . '/assets/images/layout/full-width.png'
            'value'   => 'dual-sidebar',
            'label'   => __( 'Dual Sidebar', 'option-tree' ),
            'src'     => OT_URL . '/assets/images/layout/dual-sidebar.png'
            'value'   => 'left-dual-sidebar',
            'label'   => __( 'Left Dual Sidebar', 'option-tree' ),
            'src'     => OT_URL . '/assets/images/layout/left-dual-sidebar.png'
            'value'   => 'right-dual-sidebar',
            'label'   => __( 'Right Dual Sidebar', 'option-tree' ),
            'src'     => OT_URL . '/assets/images/layout/right-dual-sidebar.png'
        'id'          => 'my_slider',
        'label'       => 'Images',
        'desc'        => '',
        'std'         => '',
        'type'        => 'list-item',
        'section'     => 'general',
        'class'       => '',
        'choices'     => array(),
        'settings'    => array(
            'id'      => 'slider_image',
            'label'   => 'Image',
            'desc'    => '',
            'std'     => '',
            'type'    => 'upload',
            'class'   => '',
            'choices' => array()
            'id'      => 'slider_link',
            'label'   => 'Link to Post',
            'desc'    => 'Enter the posts url.',
            'std'     => '',
            'type'    => 'text',
            'class'   => '',
            'choices' => array()
            'id'      => 'slider_description',
            'label'   => 'Description',
            'desc'    => 'This text is used to add fancy captions in the slider.',
            'std'     => '',
            'type'    => 'textarea',
            'class'   => '',
            'choices' => array()
  /* settings are not the same update the DB */
  if ( $saved_settings !== $custom_settings ) {
    update_option( 'option_tree_settings', $custom_settings ); 
"; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /* End of file ot-functions-docs-page.php */ /* Location: ./includes/ot-functions-docs-page.php */