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2020-01-02 23:15:16 +07:00
/* WooFramework Media Library-driven AJAX File Uploader Module
/* JavaScript Functions (2010-11-05)
/* The code below is designed to work as a part of the WooFramework Media Library-driven
/* AJAX File Uploader Module. It is included only on screens where this module is used.
/* Used with (very) slight modifications for Options Framework.
(function ($) {
optionsframeworkMLU = {
/* Remove file when the "remove" button is clicked.
removeFile: function () {
$('.mlu_remove_button').live('click', function(event) {
var clickedObject = $(this);
var theID = $(this).attr('title');
var image_to_remove = $('#image_' + theID);
var button_to_hide = $('#reset_' + theID);
image_to_remove.fadeOut(500,function(){ $(this).remove(); });
return false;
// Hide the delete button on the first row
$('a.delete-inline', "#option-1").hide();
}, // End removeFile
/* Replace the default file upload field with a customised version.
recreateFileField: function () {
var uploadbutton = '<input class="upload_file_button" type="button" value="Upload" />';
$(this).wrap('<div class="file_wrap" />');
$(this).addClass('file').css('opacity', 0); //set to invisible
$(this).parent().append($('<div class="fake_file" />').append($('<input type="text" class="upload" />').attr('id',$(this).attr('id')+'_file')).val( $(this).val() ).append(uploadbutton));
$(this).bind('change', function() {
$(this).bind('mouseout', function() {
}, // End recreateFileField
/* Use a custom function when working with the Media Uploads popup.
/* Requires jQuery, Media Upload and Thickbox JavaScripts.
mediaUpload: function () {
$( '.media_upload_button' ).removeAttr('style');
var formfield,
btnContent = true,
// On Click
$('.media_upload_button').live("click", function () {
clickedObject = $(this);
formfield = $(this).parent().prev('input').attr('id');
formID = $(this).attr('rel');
imgID = $(this).attr('id');
//Change "insert into post" to "Use this Button"
tbframe_interval = setInterval(function() {jQuery('#TB_iframeContent').contents().find('.savesend .button').val('Use This Image');}, 2000);
// Display a custom title for each Thickbox popup.
var woo_title = '';
if ( $(this).parents('.section').find('.heading') ) { woo_title = $(this).parents('.section').find('.heading').text(); } // End IF Statement
tb_show( woo_title, 'media-upload.php?post_id='+formID+'&TB_iframe=1' );
return false;
window.original_send_to_editor = window.send_to_editor;
window.send_to_editor = function(html) {
if (formfield) {
//clear interval for "Use this Button" so button text resets
// itemurl = $(html).attr('href'); // Use the URL to the main image.
if ( $(html).html(html).find('img').length > 0 ) {
itemurl = $(html).html(html).find('img').attr('src'); // Use the URL to the size selected.
} else {
// It's not an image. Get the URL to the file instead.
var htmlBits = html.split("'"); // jQuery seems to strip out XHTML when assigning the string to an object. Use alternate method.
itemurl = htmlBits[1]; // Use the URL to the file.
var itemtitle = htmlBits[2];
itemtitle = itemtitle.replace( '>', '' );
itemtitle = itemtitle.replace( '</a>', '' );
} // End IF Statement
var image = /(^.*\.jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico*)/gi;
var document = /(^.*\.pdf|doc|docx|ppt|pptx|odt*)/gi;
var audio = /(^.*\.mp3|m4a|ogg|wav*)/gi;
var video = /(^.*\.mp4|m4v|mov|wmv|avi|mpg|ogv|3gp|3g2*)/gi;
if (itemurl.match(image)) {
btnContent = '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="'+itemurl+'"><img id="image_'+imgID+'" class="of-option-image" src="'+itemurl+'" alt="" /></a>';
} else {
// No output preview if it's not an image.
// btnContent = '';
// Standard generic output if it's not an image.
html = '<a href="'+itemurl+'" target="_blank" rel="external">View File</a>';
btnContent = 'Sorry, but that is not a valid image URL';
$('#' + formfield).val(itemurl);
// $('#' + formfield).next().next('div').slideDown().html(btnContent);
$('#' + formfield).siblings('.screenshot').fadeIn().html(btnContent);
} else {
// Clear the formfield value so the other media library popups can work as they are meant to. - 2010-11-11.
formfield = '';
} // End mediaUpload
}; // End optionsframeworkMLU Object // Don't remove this, or the sky will fall on your head.
/* Execute the above methods in the optionsframeworkMLU object.
$(document).ready(function () {