2020-01-02 22:20:31 +07:00

824 lines
20 KiB

* @package Joomla.Plugin
* @subpackage Editors.tinymce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* TinyMCE Editor Plugin
* @package Joomla.Plugin
* @subpackage Editors.tinymce
* @since 1.5
class PlgEditorTinymce extends JPlugin
* Base path for editor files
protected $_basePath = 'media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce';
* Load the language file on instantiation.
* @var boolean
* @since 3.1
protected $autoloadLanguage = true;
* Initialises the Editor.
* @return string JavaScript Initialization string
* @since 1.5
public function onInit()
$language = JFactory::getLanguage();
$mode = (int) $this->params->get('mode', 1);
$theme = array('simple', 'advanced', 'advanced');
$skin = $this->params->get('skin', '0');
switch ($skin)
case '3':
$skin = 'skin : "o2k7", skin_variant : "black",';
case '2':
$skin = 'skin : "o2k7", skin_variant : "silver",';
case '1':
$skin = 'skin : "o2k7",';
case '0':
$skin = 'skin : "default",';
$entity_encoding = $this->params->def('entity_encoding', 'raw');
$langMode = $this->params->def('lang_mode', 0);
$langPrefix = $this->params->def('lang_code', 'en');
if ($langMode)
$langPrefix = substr($language->getTag(), 0, strpos($language->getTag(), '-'));
$text_direction = 'ltr';
if ($language->isRTL())
$text_direction = 'rtl';
$use_content_css = $this->params->def('content_css', 1);
$content_css_custom = $this->params->def('content_css_custom', '');
* Lets get the default template for the site application
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('client_id=0 AND home=' . $db->quote('1'));
$template = $db->loadResult();
$content_css = '';
$templates_path = JPATH_SITE . '/templates';
// Loading of css file for 'styles' dropdown
if ( $content_css_custom )
// If URL, just pass it to $content_css
if (strpos($content_css_custom, 'http') !== false)
$content_css = 'content_css : "' . $content_css_custom . '",';
// If it is not a URL, assume it is a file name in the current template folder
$content_css = 'content_css : "' . JUri::root() . 'templates/' . $template . '/css/' . $content_css_custom . '",';
// Issue warning notice if the file is not found (but pass name to $content_css anyway to avoid TinyMCE error
if (!file_exists($templates_path . '/' . $template . '/css/' . $content_css_custom))
$msg = sprintf(JText::_('PLG_TINY_ERR_CUSTOMCSSFILENOTPRESENT'), $content_css_custom);
JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', $msg);
// Process when use_content_css is Yes and no custom file given
if ($use_content_css)
// First check templates folder for default template
// if no editor.css file in templates folder, check system template folder
if (!file_exists($templates_path . '/' . $template . '/css/editor.css'))
// If no editor.css file in system folder, show alert
if (!file_exists($templates_path . '/system/css/editor.css'))
$content_css = 'content_css : "' . JUri::root() . 'templates/system/css/editor.css",';
$content_css = 'content_css : "' . JUri::root() . 'templates/' . $template . '/css/editor.css",';
$relative_urls = $this->params->def('relative_urls', '1');
if ($relative_urls)
// Relative
$relative_urls = "true";
// Absolute
$relative_urls = "false";
$newlines = $this->params->def('newlines', 0);
if ($newlines)
// br
$forcenewline = "force_br_newlines : true, force_p_newlines : false, forced_root_block : '',";
// p
$forcenewline = "force_br_newlines : false, force_p_newlines : true, forced_root_block : 'p',";
$invalid_elements = $this->params->def('invalid_elements', 'script,applet,iframe');
$extended_elements = $this->params->def('extended_elements', '');
// theme_advanced_* settings
$toolbar = $this->params->def('toolbar', 'top');
$toolbar_align = $this->params->def('toolbar_align', 'left');
$html_height = $this->params->def('html_height', '550');
$html_width = $this->params->def('html_width', '750');
$resizing = $this->params->def('resizing', 'true');
$resize_horizontal = $this->params->def('resize_horizontal', 'false');
if ($this->params->get('element_path', 1))
$element_path = 'theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", theme_advanced_path : true';
$element_path = 'theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "none", theme_advanced_path : false';
$buttons1_add_before = $buttons1_add = array();
$buttons2_add_before = $buttons2_add = array();
$buttons3_add_before = $buttons3_add = array();
$buttons4 = array();
$plugins = array();
if ($extended_elements != "")
$elements = explode(',', $extended_elements);
// Initial values for buttons
array_push($buttons4, 'cut', 'copy', 'paste');
// array_push($buttons4,'|');
// Plugins
// Fonts
$fonts = $this->params->def('fonts', 1);
if ($fonts)
$buttons1_add[] = 'fontselect,fontsizeselect';
// Paste
$paste = $this->params->def('paste', 1);
if ($paste)
$plugins[] = 'paste';
$buttons4[] = 'pastetext';
$buttons4[] = 'pasteword';
$buttons4[] = 'selectall,|';
// Search & replace
$searchreplace = $this->params->def('searchreplace', 1);
if ($searchreplace)
$plugins[] = 'searchreplace';
$buttons2_add_before[] = 'search,replace,|';
// Insert date and/or time plugin
$insertdate = $this->params->def('insertdate', 1);
$format_date = $this->params->def('format_date', '%Y-%m-%d');
$inserttime = $this->params->def('inserttime', 1);
$format_time = $this->params->def('format_time', '%H:%M:%S');
if ($insertdate or $inserttime)
$plugins[] = 'insertdatetime';
if ($insertdate)
$buttons2_add[] = 'insertdate';
if ($inserttime)
$buttons2_add[] = 'inserttime';
// Colors
$colors = $this->params->def('colors', 1);
if ($colors)
$buttons2_add[] = 'forecolor,backcolor';
// Table
$table = $this->params->def('table', 1);
if ($table)
$plugins[] = 'table';
$buttons3_add_before[] = 'tablecontrols';
// Emotions
$smilies = $this->params->def('smilies', 1);
if ($smilies)
$plugins[] = 'emotions';
$buttons3_add[] = 'emotions';
// Media plugin
$media = $this->params->def('media', 1);
if ($media)
$plugins[] = 'media';
$buttons3_add[] = 'media';
// Horizontal line
$hr = $this->params->def('hr', 1);
if ($hr)
$plugins[] = 'advhr';
$elements[] = 'hr[id|title|alt|class|width|size|noshade|style]';
$buttons3_add[] = 'advhr';
$elements[] = 'hr[id|class|title|alt]';
// RTL/LTR buttons
$directionality = $this->params->def('directionality', 1);
if ($directionality)
$plugins[] = 'directionality';
$buttons3_add[] = 'ltr,rtl';
// Fullscreen
$fullscreen = $this->params->def('fullscreen', 1);
if ($fullscreen)
$plugins[] = 'fullscreen';
$buttons2_add[] = 'fullscreen';
// Layer
$layer = $this->params->def('layer', 1);
if ($layer)
$plugins[] = 'layer';
$buttons4[] = 'insertlayer';
$buttons4[] = 'moveforward';
$buttons4[] = 'movebackward';
$buttons4[] = 'absolute';
// Style
$style = $this->params->def('style', 1);
if ($style)
$plugins[] = 'style';
$buttons4[] = 'styleprops';
// XHTMLxtras
$xhtmlxtras = $this->params->def('xhtmlxtras', 1);
if ($xhtmlxtras)
$plugins[] = 'xhtmlxtras';
$buttons4[] = 'cite,abbr,acronym,ins,del,attribs';
// Visualchars
$visualchars = $this->params->def('visualchars', 1);
if ($visualchars)
$plugins[] = 'visualchars';
$buttons4[] = 'visualchars';
// Visualblocks
$visualblocks = $this->params->def('visualblocks', 1);
if ($visualblocks)
$plugins[] = 'visualblocks';
$buttons4[] = 'visualblocks';
// Non-breaking
$nonbreaking = $this->params->def('nonbreaking', 1);
if ($nonbreaking)
$plugins[] = 'nonbreaking';
$buttons4[] = 'nonbreaking';
// Blockquote
$blockquote = $this->params->def('blockquote', 1);
if ($blockquote)
$buttons4[] = 'blockquote';
// Wordcount
$wordcount = $this->params->def('wordcount', 1);
if ($wordcount)
$plugins[] = 'wordcount';
// Template
$template = $this->params->def('template', 1);
if ($template)
$plugins[] = 'template';
$buttons4[] = 'template';
// Advimage
$advimage = $this->params->def('advimage', 1);
if ($advimage)
$plugins[] = 'advimage';
$elements[] = 'img[class|src|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name|style]';
// Advlink
$advlink = $this->params->def('advlink', 1);
if ($advlink)
$plugins[] = 'advlink';
$elements[] = 'a[id|class|name|href|hreflang|target|title|onclick|rel|style]';
// Advlist
$advlist = $this->params->def('advlist', 1);
if ($advlist)
$plugins[] = 'advlist';
// Autosave
$autosave = $this->params->def('autosave', 1);
if ($autosave)
$plugins[] = 'autosave';
// Context menu
$contextmenu = $this->params->def('contextmenu', 1);
if ($contextmenu)
$plugins[] = 'contextmenu';
// Inline popups
$inlinepopups = $this->params->def('inlinepopups', 1);
if ($inlinepopups)
$plugins[] = 'inlinepopups';
$dialog_type = 'dialog_type : "modal",';
$dialog_type = "";
$custom_plugin = $this->params->def('custom_plugin', '');
if ($custom_plugin != "")
$plugins[] = $custom_plugin;
$custom_button = $this->params->def('custom_button', '');
if ($custom_button != "")
$buttons4[] = $custom_button;
// Prepare config variables
$buttons1_add_before = implode(',', $buttons1_add_before);
$buttons2_add_before = implode(',', $buttons2_add_before);
$buttons3_add_before = implode(',', $buttons3_add_before);
$buttons1_add = implode(',', $buttons1_add);
$buttons2_add = implode(',', $buttons2_add);
$buttons3_add = implode(',', $buttons3_add);
$buttons4 = implode(',', $buttons4);
$plugins = implode(',', $plugins);
$elements = implode(',', $elements);
switch ($mode)
case 0: /* Simple mode*/
$load = "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" .
JUri::root() . $this->_basePath .
$return = $load .
"\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">
// General
directionality: \"$text_direction\",
editor_selector : \"mce_editable\",
language : \"" . $langPrefix . "\",
mode : \"specific_textareas\",
theme : \"$theme[$mode]\",
// Cleanup/Output
inline_styles : true,
gecko_spellcheck : true,
entity_encoding : \"$entity_encoding\",
// URL
relative_urls : $relative_urls,
remove_script_host : false,
// Layout
document_base_url : \"" . JUri::root() . "\"
case 1: /* Advanced mode*/
$load = "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" .
JUri::root() . $this->_basePath .
$return = $load .
"\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">
// General
directionality: \"$text_direction\",
editor_selector : \"mce_editable\",
language : \"" . $langPrefix . "\",
mode : \"specific_textareas\",
theme : \"$theme[$mode]\",
// Cleanup/Output
inline_styles : true,
gecko_spellcheck : true,
entity_encoding : \"$entity_encoding\",
extended_valid_elements : \"$elements\",
invalid_elements : \"$invalid_elements\",
// URL
relative_urls : $relative_urls,
remove_script_host : false,
document_base_url : \"" . JUri::root() . "\",
// Layout
// Advanced theme
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : \"$toolbar\",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : \"$toolbar_align\",
theme_advanced_source_editor_height : \"$html_height\",
theme_advanced_source_editor_width : \"$html_width\",
theme_advanced_resizing : $resizing,
theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : $resize_horizontal,
case 2: /* Extended mode*/
$load = "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" .
JUri::root() . $this->_basePath .
$return = $load .
"\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">
// General
directionality: \"$text_direction\",
editor_selector : \"mce_editable\",
language : \"" . $langPrefix . "\",
mode : \"specific_textareas\",
plugins : \"$plugins\",
theme : \"$theme[$mode]\",
// Cleanup/Output
inline_styles : true,
gecko_spellcheck : true,
entity_encoding : \"$entity_encoding\",
extended_valid_elements : \"$elements\",
invalid_elements : \"$invalid_elements\",
// URL
relative_urls : $relative_urls,
remove_script_host : false,
document_base_url : \"" . JUri::root() . "\",
template_external_list_url : \"" . JUri::root() . "media/editors/tinymce/templates/template_list.js\",
// Layout
// Advanced theme
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : \"$toolbar\",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : \"$toolbar_align\",
theme_advanced_source_editor_height : \"$html_height\",
theme_advanced_source_editor_width : \"$html_width\",
theme_advanced_resizing : $resizing,
theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : $resize_horizontal,
theme_advanced_buttons1_add_before : \"$buttons1_add_before\",
theme_advanced_buttons2_add_before : \"$buttons2_add_before\",
theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : \"$buttons3_add_before\",
theme_advanced_buttons1_add : \"$buttons1_add\",
theme_advanced_buttons2_add : \"$buttons2_add\",
theme_advanced_buttons3_add : \"$buttons3_add\",
theme_advanced_buttons4 : \"$buttons4\",
plugin_insertdate_dateFormat : \"$format_date\",
plugin_insertdate_timeFormat : \"$format_time\",
fullscreen_settings : {
theme_advanced_path_location : \"top\"
return $return;
* TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor - get the editor content
* @param string $editor The name of the editor
* @return string
public function onGetContent($editor)
return 'tinyMCE.get(\'' . $editor . '\').getContent();';
* TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor - set the editor content
* @param string $editor The name of the editor
* @param string $html HTML code to set as the content for the editor
* @return string
public function onSetContent($editor, $html)
return 'tinyMCE.get(\'' . $editor . '\').setContent(' . $html . ');';
* TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor - copy editor content to form field
* @param string $editor The name of the editor
* @return string
public function onSave($editor)
return 'if (tinyMCE.get("' . $editor . '").isHidden()) {tinyMCE.get("' . $editor . '").show()}; tinyMCE.get("' . $editor . '").save();';
* @param string $name
* @return boolean
public function onGetInsertMethod($name)
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$js = "
function isBrowserIE()
return navigator.appName==\"Microsoft Internet Explorer\";
function jInsertEditorText( text, editor )
if (isBrowserIE())
if (window.parent.tinyMCE)
tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand(editor, 'mceInsertContent',false,text);
var global_ie_bookmark = false;
function IeCursorFix()
if (isBrowserIE())
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '');
global_ie_bookmark = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark(false);
return true;
return true;
* Display the editor area.
* @param string $name The control name.
* @param string $content The contents of the text area.
* @param string $width The width of the text area (px or %).
* @param string $height The height of the text area (px or %).
* @param integer $col The number of columns for the textarea.
* @param integer $row The number of rows for the textarea.
* @param boolean $buttons True and the editor buttons will be displayed.
* @param string $id An optional ID for the textarea (note: since 1.6). If not supplied the name is used.
* @param string $asset The object asset
* @param object $author The author.
* @return string
public function onDisplay($name, $content, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons = true, $id = null, $asset = null, $author = null)
if (empty($id))
$id = $name;
// Only add "px" to width and height if they are not given as a percentage
if (is_numeric($width))
$width .= 'px';
if (is_numeric($height))
$height .= 'px';
$editor = '<textarea name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id .'" cols="' . $col .'" rows="' . $row . '" style="width: ' . $width . '; height:' . $height . ';" class="mce_editable">' . $content . "</textarea>\n" .
$this->_displayButtons($id, $buttons, $asset, $author) .
return $editor;
* Displays the editor buttons.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $buttons [array with button objects | boolean true to display buttons]
* @param string $asset
* @param string $author
* @return string HTML
private function _displayButtons($name, $buttons, $asset, $author)
// Load modal popup behavior
JHtml::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button');
$args['name'] = $name;
$args['event'] = 'onGetInsertMethod';
$return = '';
$results[] = $this->update($args);
foreach ($results as $result)
if (is_string($result) && trim($result))
$return .= $result;
if (is_array($buttons) || (is_bool($buttons) && $buttons))
$results = $this->_subject->getButtons($name, $buttons, $asset, $author);
* This will allow plugins to attach buttons or change the behavior on the fly using AJAX
$return .= "\n<div id=\"editor-xtd-buttons\" class=\"btn-toolbar pull-left\">\n";
$return .= "\n<div class=\"btn-toolbar\">\n";
foreach ($results as $button)
* Results should be an object
if ( $button->get('name') )
$class = ($button->get('class')) ? $button->get('class') : null;
$class .= ($button->get('modal')) ? ' modal-button' : null;
$href = ($button->get('link')) ? ' href="'.JUri::base().$button->get('link').'"' : null;
$onclick = ($button->get('onclick')) ? ' onclick="'.$button->get('onclick').'"' : ' onclick="IeCursorFix(); return false;"';
$title = ($button->get('title')) ? $button->get('title') : $button->get('text');
$return .= '<a class="' . $class . '" title="' . $title . '"' . $href . $onclick . ' rel="' . $button->get('options')
. '"><i class="icon-' . $button->get('name'). '"></i> ' . $button->get('text') . "</a>\n";
$return .= "</div>\n";
$return .= "</div>\n";
return $return;
* @return string
private function _toogleButton($name)
$return = '';
$return .= "\n<div class=\"toggle-editor btn-toolbar pull-right\">\n";
$return .= "<div class=\"btn-group\"><a class=\"btn\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"tinyMCE.execCommand('mceToggleEditor', false, '" . $name . "');return false;\" title=\"" . JText::_('PLG_TINY_BUTTON_TOGGLE_EDITOR') . '"><i class="icon-eye"></i> ' . JText::_('PLG_TINY_BUTTON_TOGGLE_EDITOR') . "</a></div>";
$return .= "</div>\n";
$return .= "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>\n";
return $return;