2020-01-02 22:20:31 +07:00

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* @package Joomla.Platform
* @subpackage OAuth
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die();
* Joomla Platform class for interacting with an OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a server.
* @package Joomla.Platform
* @subpackage OAuth
* @since 13.1
abstract class JOAuth1Client
* @var JRegistry Options for the JOAuth1Client object.
* @since 13.1
protected $options;
* @var array Contains access token key, secret and verifier.
* @since 13.1
protected $token = array();
* @var JHttp The HTTP client object to use in sending HTTP requests.
* @since 13.1
protected $client;
* @var JInput The input object to use in retrieving GET/POST data.
* @since 13.1
protected $input;
* @var JApplicationWeb The application object to send HTTP headers for redirects.
* @since 13.1
protected $application;
* @var string Selects which version of OAuth to use: 1.0 or 1.0a.
* @since 13.1
protected $version;
* Constructor.
* @param JRegistry $options OAuth1Client options object.
* @param JHttp $client The HTTP client object.
* @param JInput $input The input object
* @param JApplicationWeb $application The application object
* @param string $version Specify the OAuth version. By default we are using 1.0a.
* @since 13.1
public function __construct(JRegistry $options = null, JHttp $client = null, JInput $input = null, JApplicationWeb $application = null,
$version = null)
$this->options = isset($options) ? $options : new JRegistry;
$this->client = isset($client) ? $client : JHttpFactory::getHttp($this->options);
$this->input = isset($input) ? $input : JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$this->application = isset($application) ? $application : new JApplicationWeb;
$this->version = isset($version) ? $version : '1.0a';
* Method to for the oauth flow.
* @return void
* @since 13.1
* @throws DomainException
public function authenticate()
// Already got some credentials stored?
if ($this->token)
$response = $this->verifyCredentials();
if ($response)
return $this->token;
$this->token = null;
// Check for callback.
if (strcmp($this->version, '1.0a') === 0)
$verifier = $this->input->get('oauth_verifier');
$verifier = $this->input->get('oauth_token');
if (empty($verifier))
// Generate a request token.
// Authenticate the user and authorise the app.
// Callback
$session = JFactory::getSession();
// Get token form session.
$this->token = array('key' => $session->get('key', null, 'oauth_token'), 'secret' => $session->get('secret', null, 'oauth_token'));
// Verify the returned request token.
if (strcmp($this->token['key'], $this->input->get('oauth_token')) !== 0)
throw new DomainException('Bad session!');
// Set token verifier for 1.0a.
if (strcmp($this->version, '1.0a') === 0)
$this->token['verifier'] = $this->input->get('oauth_verifier');
// Generate access token.
// Return the access token.
return $this->token;
* Method used to get a request token.
* @return void
* @since 13.1
* @throws DomainException
private function _generateRequestToken()
// Set the callback URL.
if ($this->getOption('callback'))
$parameters = array(
'oauth_callback' => $this->getOption('callback')
$parameters = array();
// Make an OAuth request for the Request Token.
$response = $this->oauthRequest($this->getOption('requestTokenURL'), 'POST', $parameters);
parse_str($response->body, $params);
if (strcmp($this->version, '1.0a') === 0 && strcmp($params['oauth_callback_confirmed'], 'true') !== 0)
throw new DomainException('Bad request token!');
// Save the request token.
$this->token = array('key' => $params['oauth_token'], 'secret' => $params['oauth_token_secret']);
// Save the request token in session
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('key', $this->token['key'], 'oauth_token');
$session->set('secret', $this->token['secret'], 'oauth_token');
* Method used to authorise the application.
* @return void
* @since 13.1
private function _authorise()
$url = $this->getOption('authoriseURL') . '?oauth_token=' . $this->token['key'];
if ($this->getOption('scope'))
$scope = is_array($this->getOption('scope')) ? implode(' ', $this->getOption('scope')) : $this->getOption('scope');
$url .= '&scope=' . urlencode($scope);
if ($this->getOption('sendheaders'))
* Method used to get an access token.
* @return void
* @since 13.1
private function _generateAccessToken()
// Set the parameters.
$parameters = array(
'oauth_token' => $this->token['key']
if (strcmp($this->version, '1.0a') === 0)
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, array('oauth_verifier' => $this->token['verifier']));
// Make an OAuth request for the Access Token.
$response = $this->oauthRequest($this->getOption('accessTokenURL'), 'POST', $parameters);
parse_str($response->body, $params);
// Save the access token.
$this->token = array('key' => $params['oauth_token'], 'secret' => $params['oauth_token_secret']);
* Method used to make an OAuth request.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @param string $method The request method.
* @param array $parameters Array containing request parameters.
* @param mixed $data The POST request data.
* @param array $headers An array of name-value pairs to include in the header of the request
* @return object The JHttpResponse object.
* @since 13.1
* @throws DomainException
public function oauthRequest($url, $method, $parameters, $data = array(), $headers = array())
// Set the parameters.
$defaults = array(
'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->getOption('consumer_key'),
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_version' => '1.0',
'oauth_nonce' => $this->generateNonce(),
'oauth_timestamp' => time()
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, $defaults);
// Do not encode multipart parameters. Do not include $data in the signature if $data is not array.
if (isset($headers['Content-Type']) && strpos($headers['Content-Type'], 'multipart/form-data') !== false || !is_array($data))
$oauth_headers = $parameters;
// Use all parameters for the signature.
$oauth_headers = array_merge($parameters, $data);
// Sign the request.
$oauth_headers = $this->_signRequest($url, $method, $oauth_headers);
// Get parameters for the Authorisation header.
if (is_array($data))
$oauth_headers = array_diff_key($oauth_headers, $data);
// Send the request.
switch ($method)
case 'GET':
$url = $this->toUrl($url, $data);
$response = $this->client->get($url, array('Authorization' => $this->_createHeader($oauth_headers)));
case 'POST':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array('Authorization' => $this->_createHeader($oauth_headers)));
$response = $this->client->post($url, $data, $headers);
case 'PUT':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array('Authorization' => $this->_createHeader($oauth_headers)));
$response = $this->client->put($url, $data, $headers);
case 'DELETE':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array('Authorization' => $this->_createHeader($oauth_headers)));
$response = $this->client->delete($url, $headers);
// Validate the response code.
$this->validateResponse($url, $response);
return $response;
* Method to validate a response.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @param JHttpResponse $response The response to validate.
* @return void
* @since 13.1
* @throws DomainException
abstract public function validateResponse($url, $response);
* Method used to create the header for the POST request.
* @param array $parameters Array containing request parameters.
* @return string The header.
* @since 13.1
private function _createHeader($parameters)
$header = 'OAuth ';
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value)
if (!strcmp($header, 'OAuth '))
$header .= $key . '="' . $this->safeEncode($value) . '"';
$header .= ', ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
return $header;
* Method to create the URL formed string with the parameters.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @param array $parameters Array containing request parameters.
* @return string The formed URL.
* @since 13.1
public function toUrl($url, $parameters)
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value))
foreach ($value as $v)
if (strpos($url, '?') === false)
$url .= '?' . $key . '=' . $v;
$url .= '&' . $key . '=' . $v;
if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false)
$value = $this->safeEncode($value);
if (strpos($url, '?') === false)
$url .= '?' . $key . '=' . $value;
$url .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
return $url;
* Method used to sign requests.
* @param string $url The URL to sign.
* @param string $method The request method.
* @param array $parameters Array containing request parameters.
* @return void
* @since 13.1
private function _signRequest($url, $method, $parameters)
// Create the signature base string.
$base = $this->_baseString($url, $method, $parameters);
$parameters['oauth_signature'] = $this->safeEncode(
hash_hmac('sha1', $base, $this->_prepareSigningKey(), true)
return $parameters;
* Prepare the signature base string.
* @param string $url The URL to sign.
* @param string $method The request method.
* @param array $parameters Array containing request parameters.
* @return string The base string.
* @since 13.1
private function _baseString($url, $method, $parameters)
// Sort the parameters alphabetically
uksort($parameters, 'strcmp');
// Encode parameters.
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value)
$key = $this->safeEncode($key);
if (is_array($value))
foreach ($value as $v)
$v = $this->safeEncode($v);
$kv[] = "{$key}={$v}";
$value = $this->safeEncode($value);
$kv[] = "{$key}={$value}";
// Form the parameter string.
$params = implode('&', $kv);
// Signature base string elements.
$base = array(
// Return the base string.
return implode('&', $this->safeEncode($base));
* Encodes the string or array passed in a way compatible with OAuth.
* If an array is passed each array value will will be encoded.
* @param mixed $data The scalar or array to encode.
* @return string $data encoded in a way compatible with OAuth.
* @since 13.1
public function safeEncode($data)
if (is_array($data))
return array_map(array($this, 'safeEncode'), $data);
elseif (is_scalar($data))
return str_ireplace(
array('+', '%7E'),
array(' ', '~'),
return '';
* Method used to generate the current nonce.
* @return string The current nonce.
* @since 13.1
public static function generateNonce()
$mt = microtime();
$rand = mt_rand();
// The md5s look nicer than numbers.
return md5($mt . $rand);
* Prepares the OAuth signing key.
* @return string The prepared signing key.
* @since 13.1
private function _prepareSigningKey()
return $this->safeEncode($this->getOption('consumer_secret')) . '&' . $this->safeEncode(($this->token) ? $this->token['secret'] : '');
* Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the requesting user if authentication was successful;
* returns a 401 status code and an error message if not.
* @return array The decoded JSON response
* @since 13.1
abstract public function verifyCredentials();
* Get an option from the JOauth1aClient instance.
* @param string $key The name of the option to get
* @return mixed The option value
* @since 13.1
public function getOption($key)
return $this->options->get($key);
* Set an option for the JOauth1aClient instance.
* @param string $key The name of the option to set
* @param mixed $value The option value to set
* @return JOAuth1Client This object for method chaining
* @since 13.1
public function setOption($key, $value)
$this->options->set($key, $value);
return $this;
* Get the oauth token key or secret.
* @return array The oauth token key and secret.
* @since 13.1
public function getToken()
return $this->token;
* Set the oauth token.
* @param array $token The access token key and secret.
* @return JOAuth1Client This object for method chaining.
* @since 13.1
public function setToken($token)
$this->token = $token;
return $this;