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* @version $Id: akismet.class.php 1994 2013-07-04 17:25:25Z lefteris.kavadas $
* @package K2
* @author JoomlaWorks http://www.joomlaworks.net
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die ;
* Akismet anti-comment spam service
* The class in this package allows use of the {@link http://akismet.com Akismet} anti-comment spam service in any PHP5 application.
* This service performs a number of checks on submitted data and returns whether or not the data is likely to be spam.
* Please note that in order to use this class, you must have a vaild {@link http://wordpress.com/api-keys/ WordPress API key}. They are free for non/small-profit types and getting one will only take a couple of minutes.
* For commercial use, please {@link http://akismet.com/commercial/ visit the Akismet commercial licensing page}.
* Please be aware that this class is PHP5 only. Attempts to run it under PHP4 will most likely fail.
* See the Akismet class documentation page linked to below for usage information.
* @package akismet
* @author Alex Potsides, {@link http://www.achingbrain.net http://www.achingbrain.net}
* @version 0.5
* @copyright Alex Potsides, {@link http://www.achingbrain.net http://www.achingbrain.net}
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License
* The Akismet PHP5 Class
* This class takes the functionality from the Akismet WordPress plugin written by {@link http://photomatt.net/ Matt Mullenweg} and allows it to be integrated into any PHP5 application or website.
* The original plugin is {@link http://akismet.com/download/ available on the Akismet website}.
* <code>
* $akismet = new Akismet('http://www.example.com/blog/', 'aoeu1aoue');
* $akismet->setCommentAuthor($name);
* $akismet->setCommentAuthorEmail($email);
* $akismet->setCommentAuthorURL($url);
* $akismet->setCommentContent($comment);
* $akismet->setPermalink('http://www.example.com/blog/alex/someurl/');
* if($akismet->isCommentSpam())
* // store the comment but mark it as spam (in case of a mis-diagnosis)
* else
* // store the comment normally
* </code>
* Optionally you may wish to check if your WordPress API key is valid as in the example below.
* <code>
* $akismet = new Akismet('http://www.example.com/blog/', 'aoeu1aoue');
* if($akismet->isKeyValid()) {
* // api key is okay
* } else {
* // api key is invalid
* }
* </code>
* @package akismet
* @name Akismet
* @version 0.5
* @author Alex Potsides
* @link http://www.achingbrain.net/
class Akismet
private $version = '0.5';
private $wordPressAPIKey;
private $blogURL;
private $comment;
private $apiPort;
private $akismetServer;
private $akismetVersion;
private $requestFactory;
// This prevents some potentially sensitive information from being sent accross the wire.
private $ignore = array(
* @param string $blogURL The URL of your blog.
* @param string $wordPressAPIKey WordPress API key.
public function __construct($blogURL, $wordPressAPIKey)
$this->blogURL = $blogURL;
$this->wordPressAPIKey = $wordPressAPIKey;
// Set some default values
$this->apiPort = 80;
$this->akismetServer = 'rest.akismet.com';
$this->akismetVersion = '1.1';
$this->requestFactory = new SocketWriteReadFactory();
// Start to populate the comment data
$this->comment['blog'] = $blogURL;
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
$this->comment['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
$this->comment['referrer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
* This is necessary if the server PHP5 is running on has been set up to run PHP4 and
* PHP5 concurently and is actually running through a separate proxy al a these instructions:
* http://www.schlitt.info/applications/blog/archives/83_How_to_run_PHP4_and_PHP_5_parallel.html
* and http://wiki.coggeshall.org/37.html
* Otherwise the user_ip appears as the IP address of the PHP4 server passing the requests to the
* PHP5 one...
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != getenv('SERVER_ADDR'))
$this->comment['user_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$this->comment['user_ip'] = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
* Makes a request to the Akismet service to see if the API key passed to the constructor is valid.
* Use this method if you suspect your API key is invalid.
* @return bool True is if the key is valid, false if not.
public function isKeyValid()
// Check to see if the key is valid
$response = $this->sendRequest('key='.$this->wordPressAPIKey.'&blog='.$this->blogURL, $this->akismetServer, '/'.$this->akismetVersion.'/verify-key');
return $response[1] == 'valid';
// makes a request to the Akismet service
private function sendRequest($request, $host, $path)
$http_request = "POST ".$path." HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$http_request .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\r\n";
$http_request .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($request)."\r\n";
$http_request .= "User-Agent: Akismet PHP5 Class ".$this->version." | Akismet/1.11\r\n";
$http_request .= "\r\n";
$http_request .= $request;
$requestSender = $this->requestFactory->createRequestSender();
$response = $requestSender->send($host, $this->apiPort, $http_request);
return explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);
// Formats the data for transmission
private function getQueryString()
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value)
if (!in_array($key, $this->ignore))
if ($key == 'REMOTE_ADDR')
$this->comment[$key] = $this->comment['user_ip'];
$this->comment[$key] = $value;
$query_string = '';
foreach ($this->comment as $key => $data)
if (!is_array($data))
$query_string .= $key.'='.urlencode(stripslashes($data)).'&';
return $query_string;
* Tests for spam.
* Uses the web service provided by {@link http://www.akismet.com Akismet} to see whether or not the submitted comment is spam. Returns a boolean value.
* @return bool True if the comment is spam, false if not
* @throws Will throw an exception if the API key passed to the constructor is invalid.
public function isCommentSpam()
$response = $this->sendRequest($this->getQueryString(), $this->wordPressAPIKey.'.rest.akismet.com', '/'.$this->akismetVersion.'/comment-check');
if ($response[1] == 'invalid' && !$this->isKeyValid())
throw new exception('The Wordpress API key passed to the Akismet constructor is invalid. Please obtain a valid one from http://wordpress.com/api-keys/');
return ($response[1] == 'true');
* Submit spam that is incorrectly tagged as ham.
* Using this function will make you a good citizen as it helps Akismet to learn from its mistakes. This will improve the service for everybody.
public function submitSpam()
$this->sendRequest($this->getQueryString(), $this->wordPressAPIKey.'.'.$this->akismetServer, '/'.$this->akismetVersion.'/submit-spam');
* Submit ham that is incorrectly tagged as spam.
* Using this function will make you a good citizen as it helps Akismet to learn from its mistakes. This will improve the service for everybody.
public function submitHam()
$this->sendRequest($this->getQueryString(), $this->wordPressAPIKey.'.'.$this->akismetServer, '/'.$this->akismetVersion.'/submit-ham');
* To override the user IP address when submitting spam/ham later on
* @param string $userip An IP address. Optional.
public function setUserIP($userip)
$this->comment['user_ip'] = $userip;
* To override the referring page when submitting spam/ham later on
* @param string $referrer The referring page. Optional.
public function setReferrer($referrer)
$this->comment['referrer'] = $referrer;
* A permanent URL referencing the blog post the comment was submitted to.
* @param string $permalink The URL. Optional.
public function setPermalink($permalink)
$this->comment['permalink'] = $permalink;
* The type of comment being submitted.
* May be blank, comment, trackback, pingback, or a made up value like "registration" or "wiki".
public function setCommentType($commentType)
$this->comment['comment_type'] = $commentType;
* The name that the author submitted with the comment.
public function setCommentAuthor($commentAuthor)
$this->comment['comment_author'] = $commentAuthor;
* The email address that the author submitted with the comment.
* The address is assumed to be valid.
public function setCommentAuthorEmail($authorEmail)
$this->comment['comment_author_email'] = $authorEmail;
* The URL that the author submitted with the comment.
public function setCommentAuthorURL($authorURL)
$this->comment['comment_author_url'] = $authorURL;
* The comment's body text.
public function setCommentContent($commentBody)
$this->comment['comment_content'] = $commentBody;
* Lets you override the user agent used to submit the comment.
* you may wish to do this when submitting ham/spam.
* Defaults to $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
public function setCommentUserAgent($userAgent)
$this->comment['user_agent'] = $userAgent;
* Defaults to 80
public function setAPIPort($apiPort)
$this->apiPort = $apiPort;
* Defaults to rest.akismet.com
public function setAkismetServer($akismetServer)
$this->akismetServer = $akismetServer;
* Defaults to '1.1'
* @param string $akismetVersion
public function setAkismetVersion($akismetVersion)
$this->akismetVersion = $akismetVersion;
* Used by unit tests to mock transport layer
* @param AkismetRequestFactory $requestFactory
public function setRequestFactory($requestFactory)
$this->requestFactory = $requestFactory;
* Used internally by Akismet
* This class is used by Akismet to do the actual sending and receiving of data. It opens a connection to a remote host, sends some data and the reads the response and makes it available to the calling program.
* The code that makes up this class originates in the Akismet WordPress plugin, which is {@link http://akismet.com/download/ available on the Akismet website}.
* N.B. It is not necessary to call this class directly to use the Akismet class.
* @package akismet
* @name SocketWriteRead
* @version 0.5
* @author Alex Potsides
* @link http://www.achingbrain.net/
class SocketWriteRead implements AkismetRequestSender
private $response;
private $errorNumber;
private $errorString;
public function __construct()
$this->errorNumber = 0;
$this->errorString = '';
* Sends the data to the remote host.
* @param string $host The host to send/receive data.
* @param int $port The port on the remote host.
* @param string $request The data to send.
* @param int $responseLength The amount of data to read. Defaults to 1160 bytes.
* @throws An exception is thrown if a connection cannot be made to the remote host.
* @returns The server response
public function send($host, $port, $request, $responseLength = 1160)
$response = '';
$fs = fsockopen($host, $port, $this->errorNumber, $this->errorString, 3);
if ($this->errorNumber != 0)
throw new Exception('Error connecting to host: '.$host.' Error number: '.$this->errorNumber.' Error message: '.$this->errorString);
if ($fs !== false)
@fwrite($fs, $request);
while (!feof($fs))
$response .= fgets($fs, $responseLength);
return $response;
* Returns the server response text
* @return string
public function getResponse()
return $this->response;
* Returns the error number
* If there was no error, 0 will be returned.
* @return int
public function getErrorNumner()
return $this->errorNumber;
* Returns the error string
* If there was no error, an empty string will be returned.
* @return string
public function getErrorString()
return $this->errorString;
* Used internally by the Akismet class and to mock the Akismet anti spam service in
* the unit tests.
* N.B. It is not necessary to call this class directly to use the Akismet class.
* @package akismet
* @name SocketWriteReadFactory
* @version 0.5
* @author Alex Potsides
* @link http://www.achingbrain.net/
class SocketWriteReadFactory implements AkismetRequestFactory
public function createRequestSender()
return new SocketWriteRead();
* Used internally by the Akismet class and to mock the Akismet anti spam service in
* the unit tests.
* N.B. It is not necessary to implement this class to use the Akismet class.
* @package akismet
* @name AkismetRequestSender
* @version 0.5
* @author Alex Potsides
* @link http://www.achingbrain.net/
interface AkismetRequestSender
* Sends the data to the remote host.
* @param string $host The host to send/receive data.
* @param int $port The port on the remote host.
* @param string $request The data to send.
* @param int $responseLength The amount of data to read. Defaults to 1160 bytes.
* @throws An exception is thrown if a connection cannot be made to the remote host.
* @returns The server response
public function send($host, $port, $request, $responseLength = 1160);
* Used internally by the Akismet class and to mock the Akismet anti spam service in
* the unit tests.
* N.B. It is not necessary to implement this class to use the Akismet class.
* @package akismet
* @name AkismetRequestFactory
* @version 0.5
* @author Alex Potsides
* @link http://www.achingbrain.net/
interface AkismetRequestFactory
public function createRequestSender();