2020-01-02 22:20:31 +07:00

339 lines
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* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage com_banners
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* Banner table
* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage com_banners
* @since 1.5
class BannersTableBanner extends JTable
* Constructor
* @since 1.5
public function __construct(&$_db)
parent::__construct('#__banners', 'id', $_db);
$date = JFactory::getDate();
$this->created = $date->toSql();
public function clicks()
$query = 'UPDATE #__banners'
. ' SET clicks = (clicks + 1)'
. ' WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->id;
* Overloaded check function
* @return boolean
* @see JTable::check
* @since 1.5
public function check()
// Set name
$this->name = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->name, ENT_QUOTES);
// Set alias
$this->alias = JApplication::stringURLSafe($this->alias);
if (empty($this->alias))
$this->alias = JApplication::stringURLSafe($this->name);
// Check the publish down date is not earlier than publish up.
if ($this->publish_down > $this->_db->getNullDate() && $this->publish_down < $this->publish_up)
return false;
// Set ordering
if ($this->state < 0)
// Set ordering to 0 if state is archived or trashed
$this->ordering = 0;
} elseif (empty($this->ordering))
// Set ordering to last if ordering was 0
$this->ordering = self::getNextOrder($this->_db->quoteName('catid').'=' . $this->_db->quote($this->catid).' AND state>=0');
return true;
* Overloaded bind function
* @param array $hash named array
* @return null|string null is operation was satisfactory, otherwise returns an error
* @see JTable:bind
* @since 1.5
public function bind($array, $ignore = array())
if (isset($array['params']) && is_array($array['params']))
$registry = new JRegistry;
if ((int) $registry->get('width', 0) < 0){
return false;
if ((int) $registry->get('height', 0) < 0){
return false;
// Converts the width and height to an absolute numeric value:
$width = abs((int) $registry->get('width', 0));
$height = abs((int) $registry->get('height', 0));
// Sets the width and height to an empty string if = 0
$registry->set('width', ($width ? $width : ''));
$registry->set('height', ($height ? $height : ''));
$array['params'] = (string) $registry;
if (isset($array['imptotal']))
$array['imptotal'] = abs((int) $array['imptotal']);
return parent::bind($array, $ignore);
* Method to store a row
* @param boolean $updateNulls True to update fields even if they are null.
public function store($updateNulls = false)
if (empty($this->id))
$purchase_type = $this->purchase_type;
if ($purchase_type < 0 && $this->cid)
$client = JTable::getInstance('Client', 'BannersTable');
$purchase_type = $client->purchase_type;
if ($purchase_type < 0)
$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_banners');
$purchase_type = $params->get('purchase_type');
case 1:
$this->reset = $this->_db->getNullDate();
case 2:
$date = JFactory::getDate('+1 year '.date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now')));
$this->reset = $this->_db->quote($date->toSql());
case 3:
$date = JFactory::getDate('+1 month '.date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now')));
$this->reset = $this->_db->quote($date->toSql());
case 4:
$date = JFactory::getDate('+7 day '.date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now')));
$this->reset = $this->_db->quote($date->toSql());
case 5:
$date = JFactory::getDate('+1 day '.date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now')));
$this->reset = $this->_db->quote($date->toSql());
// Store the row
// Get the old row
$oldrow = JTable::getInstance('Banner', 'BannersTable');
if (!$oldrow->load($this->id) && $oldrow->getError())
// Verify that the alias is unique
$table = JTable::getInstance('Banner', 'BannersTable');
if ($table->load(array('alias' => $this->alias, 'catid' => $this->catid)) && ($table->id != $this->id || $this->id == 0))
return false;
// Store the new row
// Need to reorder ?
if ($oldrow->state >= 0 && ($this->state < 0 || $oldrow->catid != $this->catid))
// Reorder the oldrow
$this->reorder($this->_db->quoteName('catid').'=' . $this->_db->quote($oldrow->catid).' AND state>=0');
return count($this->getErrors()) == 0;
* Method to set the publishing state for a row or list of rows in the database
* table. The method respects checked out rows by other users and will attempt
* to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made.
* @param mixed An optional array of primary key values to update. If not
* set the instance property value is used.
* @param integer The publishing state. eg. [0 = unpublished, 1 = published, 2=archived, -2=trashed]
* @param integer The user id of the user performing the operation.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 1.6
public function publish($pks = null, $state = 1, $userId = 0)
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
// Sanitize input.
$userId = (int) $userId;
$state = (int) $state;
// If there are no primary keys set check to see if the instance key is set.
if (empty($pks))
if ($this->$k)
$pks = array($this->$k);
// Nothing to set publishing state on, return false.
else {
return false;
// Get an instance of the table
$table = JTable::getInstance('Banner', 'BannersTable');
// For all keys
foreach ($pks as $pk)
// Load the banner
if (!$table->load($pk))
// Verify checkout
if ($table->checked_out == 0 || $table->checked_out == $userId)
// Change the state
$table->state = $state;
$table->checked_out = 0;
$table->checked_out_time = $this->_db->getNullDate();
// Check the row
// Store the row
if (!$table->store())
return count($this->getErrors()) == 0;
* Method to set the sticky state for a row or list of rows in the database
* table. The method respects checked out rows by other users and will attempt
* to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made.
* @param mixed An optional array of primary key values to update. If not
* set the instance property value is used.
* @param integer The sticky state. eg. [0 = unsticked, 1 = sticked]
* @param integer The user id of the user performing the operation.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 1.6
public function stick($pks = null, $state = 1, $userId = 0)
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
// Sanitize input.
$userId = (int) $userId;
$state = (int) $state;
// If there are no primary keys set check to see if the instance key is set.
if (empty($pks))
if ($this->$k)
$pks = array($this->$k);
// Nothing to set publishing state on, return false.
else {
return false;
// Get an instance of the table
$table = JTable::getInstance('Banner', 'BannersTable');
// For all keys
foreach ($pks as $pk)
// Load the banner
if (!$table->load($pk))
// Verify checkout
if ($table->checked_out == 0 || $table->checked_out == $userId)
// Change the state
$table->sticky = $state;
$table->checked_out = 0;
$table->checked_out_time = $this->_db->getNullDate();
// Check the row
// Store the row
if (!$table->store())
return count($this->getErrors()) == 0;