get('caching') && $this->args["cache"]) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $cache = JFactory::getCache('mod_roknavmenu'); $cache->setCaching(true); $args = array($this->args); $checksum = md5(implode(',', $this->args)); $menuitems = $cache->get(array( $this, 'getFullMenuItems' ), $args, 'mod_roknavmenu-' . $user->get('aid', 0) . '-' . $checksum); } else { $menuitems = $this->getFullMenuItems($this->args); } /* Set the active to the current run since its not saved with the cache */ $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $jmenu = $app->getMenu(); $active = $jmenu->getActive(); if (is_object($active)) { if (array_key_exists($active->id, $menuitems)) { $this->current_node = $active->id; } } $this->populateActiveBranch($menuitems); return $menuitems; } public function getFullMenuItems($args) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $menu = $app->getMenu(); $attributes = array('menutype'); $values = array($args['menutype']); //public level menu items if (isset($args['check_access_level']) && $args['check_access_level']==0) { $attributes[] = 'access'; $values[] = array(1); } //registered level menu items elseif (isset($args['check_access_level']) && $args['check_access_level']==1) { $attributes[] = 'access'; $values[] = array(1,2); } //user level menu items else { $attributes[] = 'access'; $values[] = JFactory::getUser()->getAuthorisedViewLevels(); } // Get Menu Items $rows = $menu->getItems($attributes, $values); $outputNodes = array(); if (is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $item) { //Create the new Node $node = new JoomlaRokMenuNode(); $node->setId($item->id); $node->setParent($item->parent_id); $node->setTitle(addslashes(htmlspecialchars($item->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))); $node->setParams($item->params); $node->setLink($item->link); // Menu Link is a special type that is a link to another item if ($item->type == 'alias' && $newItem = $menu->getItem($item->params->get('aliasoptions'))) { $node->setAlias(true); $node->setLink($newItem->link); } // Get the icon image associated with the item $iParams = (is_object($item->params)) ? $item->params : new JRegisry($item->params); if ($args['menu_images'] && $iParams->get('menu_image') && $iParams->get('menu_image') != -1) { $node->setImage(JURI::base(true) . '/images/stories/' . $iParams->get('menu_image')); if ($args['menu_images_link']) { $node->setLink(null); } } switch ($item->type) { case 'separator': $node->setType('separator'); break; case 'url': if ((strpos($node->getLink(), 'index.php?') === 0) && (strpos($node->getLink(), 'Itemid=') === false)) { $node->setLink($node->getLink() . '&Itemid=' . $node->getId()); } elseif (!empty($item->link) && ($item->link != null)) { $node->setLink($item->link); } $node->setType('menuitem'); break; default : $router = JSite::getRouter(); if ($node->isAlias() && $newItem) { $menu_id = $item->params->get('aliasoptions'); $node->setMenuId($menu_id); //for aliased items formatter.php doesn't cover if ($node->getMenuId() == $this->current_node) { //taken back out because it caused all the aliased menu items on RT demos to highlight //$node->addListItemClass('active'); //$node->setCssId('current'); } } else { $menu_id = $node->getId(); $node->setMenuId($menu_id); } $link = ($router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF) ? 'index.php?Itemid=' . $menu_id : $node->getLink() . '&Itemid=' . $menu_id; $node->setLink($link); $node->setType('menuitem'); break; } if ($node->getLink() != null) { // set the target based on menu item options switch ($item->browserNav) { case 1: $node->setTarget('_blank'); break; case 2: //$node->setLink(str_replace('index.php', 'index2.php', $node->getLink())); //$node->setTarget('newnotool'); $value = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(",'targetWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');return false;", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $node->addLinkAttrib('onclick', $value); break; default: //$node->setTarget('current'); break; } // Get the final URL if ($item->home == 1) { // Set Home Links to the Base //removed because it breaks SEF extensions //$node->setLink(JRoute::_(JURI::base())); } if ($item->type != 'separator' && $item->type != 'url') { $iSecure = $iParams->get('secure', 0); if (array_key_exists('url_type', $args) && $args['url_type'] == 'full') { $url = JRoute::_($node->getLink(), true, $iSecure); $base = (!preg_match("/^http/", $node->getLink())) ? rtrim(JURI::base(false) . '/') : ''; $routed = $base . $url; $secure = RokNavMenuTree::_getSecureUrl($routed, $iSecure); $node->setLink($secure); } else { $node->setLink(JRoute::_($node->getLink(), true, $iSecure)); } } else if ($item->type == 'url') { $node->setLink(str_replace('&', '&', $node->getLink())); } } $node->addListItemClass("item" . $node->getId()); $node->setAccess($item->access); $node->addSpanClass($node->getType()); // Add node to output list $outputNodes[$node->getId()] = $node; } } return $outputNodes; } /** * @param $nodeList * * @return void */ protected function populateActiveBranch($nodeList) { } /** * @return RokMenuNodeTree */ public function getRealMenuTree() { $menuitems = $this->getFullMenuItems($this->args); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $jmenu = $app->getMenu(); $active = $jmenu->getActive(); if (is_object($active)) { if (array_key_exists($active->id, $menuitems)) { $this->current_node = $active->id; } } //$this->populateActiveBranch($menuitems); $menu = $this->createJoomlaMenuTree($menuitems, $this->args['maxdepth']); return $menu; } /** * Takes the menu item nodes and puts them into a tree structure * * @param $nodes * @param $maxdepth * * @return bool|RokMenuNodeTree */ protected function createJoomlaMenuTree(&$nodes, $maxdepth) { $menu = new RokMenuNodeTree(self::ROOT_ID); // TODO: move maxdepth to higher processing level? if (!empty($nodes)) { // Build Menu Tree root down (orphan proof - child might have lower id than parent) $ids = array(); $ids[0] = true; $unresolved = array(); // pop the first item until the array is empty if there is any item if (is_array($nodes)) { while (count($nodes) && !is_null($node = array_shift($nodes))) { if (!$menu->addNode($node)) { if (!array_key_exists($node->getId(), $unresolved) || $unresolved[$node->getId()] < $maxdepth) { array_push($nodes, $node); if (!isset($unresolved[$node->getId()])) $unresolved[$node->getId()] = 1; else $unresolved[$node->getId()]++; } } } } } return $menu; } public function getMenuTree() { if (null == $this->menu) { //Cache this basd on access level $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); if ($conf->get('caching',0) && isset($this->args["module_cache"]) && $this->args["module_cache"]) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $cache = JFactory::getCache('mod_roknavmenu'); $cache->setCaching(true); $args = array($this->args); $checksum = md5(implode(',', $this->args)); $this->menu = $cache->get(array( $this, 'getRealMenuTree' ), $args, 'mod_roknavmenu-' . $user->get('aid', 0) . '-' . $checksum); } else { $this->menu = $this->getRealMenuTree(); } $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $jmenu = $app->getMenu(); $active = $jmenu->getActive(); if (is_object($active)) { if ($this->menu->findNode($active->id)) { $this->current_node = $active->id; } } $this->active_branch = $this->findActiveBranch($this->menu, $this->current_node); } return $this->menu; } /** * Gets the current active based on the current_node * * @param RokMenuNodeTree $menu * @param $active_id * * @return array */ protected function findActiveBranch(RokMenuNodeTree $menu, $active_id) { $active_branch = array(); /** @var $current JoomlaRokMenuNode */ $current = $menu->findNode($active_id); if ($current) { do { $active_branch[$current->getId()] = $current; if ($current->getParent() == self::ROOT_ID) break; } while ($current = $current->getParentRef()); $active_branch = array_reverse($active_branch, true); } return $active_branch; } } }