/* Use this script if you need to support IE 7 and IE 6. */ window.onload = function() { function addIcon(el, entity) { var html = el.innerHTML; el.innerHTML = '' + entity + '' + html; } var icons = { 'icon-home' : '!', 'icon-user' : '"', 'icon-locked' : '#', 'icon-comments' : '$', 'icon-comments-2' : '%', 'icon-out' : '&', 'icon-redo' : ''', 'icon-undo' : '(', 'icon-file-add' : ')', 'icon-plus' : '*', 'icon-pencil' : '+', 'icon-pencil-2' : ',', 'icon-folder' : '-', 'icon-folder-2' : '.', 'icon-picture' : '/', 'icon-pictures' : '0', 'icon-list-view' : '1', 'icon-power-cord' : '2', 'icon-cube' : '3', 'icon-puzzle' : '4', 'icon-flag' : '5', 'icon-tools' : '6', 'icon-cogs' : '7', 'icon-cog' : '8', 'icon-equalizer' : '9', 'icon-wrench' : ':', 'icon-brush' : ';', 'icon-eye' : '<', 'icon-checkbox-unchecked' : '=', 'icon-checkbox' : '>', 'icon-checkbox-partial' : '?', 'icon-star' : '@', 'icon-star-2' : 'A', 'icon-star-3' : 'B', 'icon-calendar' : 'C', 'icon-calendar-2' : 'D', 'icon-help' : 'E', 'icon-support' : 'F', 'icon-warning' : 'H', 'icon-checkmark' : 'G', 'icon-cancel' : 'J', 'icon-minus' : 'K', 'icon-remove' : 'L', 'icon-mail' : 'M', 'icon-mail-2' : 'N', 'icon-drawer' : 'O', 'icon-drawer-2' : 'P', 'icon-box-add' : 'Q', 'icon-box-remove' : 'R', 'icon-search' : 'S', 'icon-filter' : 'T', 'icon-camera' : 'U', 'icon-play' : 'V', 'icon-music' : 'W', 'icon-grid-view' : 'X', 'icon-grid-view-2' : 'Y', 'icon-menu' : 'Z', 'icon-thumbs-up' : '[', 'icon-thumbs-down' : '\', 'icon-cancel-2' : 'I', 'icon-plus-2' : ']', 'icon-minus-2' : '^', 'icon-key' : '_', 'icon-quote' : '`', 'icon-quote-2' : 'a', 'icon-database' : 'b', 'icon-location' : 'c', 'icon-zoom-in' : 'd', 'icon-zoom-out' : 'e', 'icon-expand' : 'f', 'icon-contract' : 'g', 'icon-expand-2' : 'h', 'icon-contract-2' : 'i', 'icon-health' : 'j', 'icon-wand' : 'k', 'icon-refresh' : 'l', 'icon-vcard' : 'm', 'icon-clock' : 'n', 'icon-compass' : 'o', 'icon-address' : 'p', 'icon-feed' : 'q', 'icon-flag-2' : 'r', 'icon-pin' : 's', 'icon-lamp' : 't', 'icon-chart' : 'u', 'icon-bars' : 'v', 'icon-pie' : 'w', 'icon-dashboard' : 'x', 'icon-lightning' : 'y', 'icon-move' : 'z', 'icon-next' : '{', 'icon-previous' : '|', 'icon-first' : '}', 'icon-last' : '', 'icon-loop' : '', 'icon-shuffle' : '', 'icon-arrow-first' : '', 'icon-arrow-last' : '', 'icon-arrow-up' : '', 'icon-arrow-right' : '', 'icon-arrow-down' : '', 'icon-arrow-left' : '', 'icon-arrow-up-2' : '', 'icon-arrow-right-2' : '', 'icon-arrow-down-2' : '', 'icon-arrow-left-2' : '', 'icon-play-2' : '', 'icon-menu-2' : '', 'icon-arrow-up-3' : '', 'icon-arrow-right-3' : '', 'icon-arrow-down-3' : '', 'icon-arrow-left-3' : '', 'icon-printer' : '', 'icon-color-palette' : '', 'icon-camera-2' : '', 'icon-file' : '', 'icon-file-remove' : '', 'icon-copy' : '', 'icon-cart' : '', 'icon-basket' : '', 'icon-broadcast' : '', 'icon-screen' : '', 'icon-tablet' : '', 'icon-mobile' : '', 'icon-users' : '', 'icon-briefcase' : '', 'icon-download' : '', 'icon-upload' : '', 'icon-bookmark' : '', 'icon-out-2' : '' }, els = document.getElementsByTagName('*'), i, attr, html, c, el; for (i = 0; i < els.length; i += 1) { el = els[i]; attr = el.getAttribute('data-icon'); if (attr) { addIcon(el, attr); } c = el.className; c = c.match(/icon-[^s'"]+/); if (c) { addIcon(el, icons[c[0]]); } } };