array(), 'helper' => array()); /** * The name of the default template source file. * * @var string */ protected $_template = null; /** * The output of the template script. * * @var string */ protected $_output = null; /** * Callback for escaping. * * @var string * @deprecated 13.3 */ protected $_escape = 'htmlspecialchars'; /** * Charset to use in escaping mechanisms; defaults to urf8 (UTF-8) * * @var string */ protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; /** * Constructor * * @param array $config A named configuration array for object construction.
* name: the name (optional) of the view (defaults to the view class name suffix).
* charset: the character set to use for display
* escape: the name (optional) of the function to use for escaping strings
* base_path: the parent path (optional) of the views directory (defaults to the component folder)
* template_plath: the path (optional) of the layout directory (defaults to base_path + /views/ + view name
* helper_path: the path (optional) of the helper files (defaults to base_path + /helpers/)
* layout: the layout (optional) to use to display the view
* * @since 12.2 */ public function __construct($config = array()) { // Set the view name if (empty($this->_name)) { if (array_key_exists('name', $config)) { $this->_name = $config['name']; } else { $this->_name = $this->getName(); } } // Set the charset (used by the variable escaping functions) if (array_key_exists('charset', $config)) { JLog::add('Setting a custom charset for escaping is deprecated. Override JViewLegacy::escape() instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); $this->_charset = $config['charset']; } // User-defined escaping callback if (array_key_exists('escape', $config)) { $this->setEscape($config['escape']); } // Set a base path for use by the view if (array_key_exists('base_path', $config)) { $this->_basePath = $config['base_path']; } else { $this->_basePath = JPATH_COMPONENT; } // Set the default template search path if (array_key_exists('template_path', $config)) { // User-defined dirs $this->_setPath('template', $config['template_path']); } elseif (is_dir(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/view')) { $this->_setPath('template', $this->_basePath . '/view/' . $this->getName() . '/tmpl'); } else { $this->_setPath('template', $this->_basePath . '/views/' . $this->getName() . '/tmpl'); } // Set the default helper search path if (array_key_exists('helper_path', $config)) { // User-defined dirs $this->_setPath('helper', $config['helper_path']); } else { $this->_setPath('helper', $this->_basePath . '/helpers'); } // Set the layout if (array_key_exists('layout', $config)) { $this->setLayout($config['layout']); } else { $this->setLayout('default'); } $this->baseurl = JUri::base(true); } /** * Execute and display a template script. * * @param string $tpl The name of the template file to parse; automatically searches through the template paths. * * @return mixed A string if successful, otherwise a Error object. * * @see fetch() * @since 12.2 */ public function display($tpl = null) { $result = $this->loadTemplate($tpl); if ($result instanceof Exception) { return $result; } echo $result; } /** * Assigns variables to the view script via differing strategies. * * This method is overloaded; you can assign all the properties of * an object, an associative array, or a single value by name. * * You are not allowed to set variables that begin with an underscore; * these are either private properties for JView or private variables * within the template script itself. * * * $view = new JView; * * // Assign directly * $view->var1 = 'something'; * $view->var2 = 'else'; * * // Assign by name and value * $view->assign('var1', 'something'); * $view->assign('var2', 'else'); * * // Assign by assoc-array * $ary = array('var1' => 'something', 'var2' => 'else'); * $view->assign($obj); * * // Assign by object * $obj = new stdClass; * $obj->var1 = 'something'; * $obj->var2 = 'else'; * $view->assign($obj); * * * * @return boolean True on success, false on failure. * * @deprecated 13.3 Use native PHP syntax. */ public function assign() { JLog::add(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated. Use native PHP syntax.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); // Get the arguments; there may be 1 or 2. $arg0 = @func_get_arg(0); $arg1 = @func_get_arg(1); // Assign by object if (is_object($arg0)) { // Assign public properties foreach (get_object_vars($arg0) as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) != '_') { $this->$key = $val; } } return true; } // Assign by associative array if (is_array($arg0)) { foreach ($arg0 as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) != '_') { $this->$key = $val; } } return true; } // Assign by string name and mixed value. // We use array_key_exists() instead of isset() because isset() // fails if the value is set to null. if (is_string($arg0) && substr($arg0, 0, 1) != '_' && func_num_args() > 1) { $this->$arg0 = $arg1; return true; } // $arg0 was not object, array, or string. return false; } /** * Assign variable for the view (by reference). * * You are not allowed to set variables that begin with an underscore; * these are either private properties for JView or private variables * within the template script itself. * * * $view = new JView; * * // Assign by name and value * $view->assignRef('var1', $ref); * * // Assign directly * $view->ref = &$var1; * * * @param string $key The name for the reference in the view. * @param mixed &$val The referenced variable. * * @return boolean True on success, false on failure. * * @since 12.2 * @deprecated 13.3 Use native PHP syntax. */ public function assignRef($key, &$val) { JLog::add(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated. Use native PHP syntax.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); if (is_string($key) && substr($key, 0, 1) != '_') { $this->$key = &$val; return true; } return false; } /** * Escapes a value for output in a view script. * * If escaping mechanism is either htmlspecialchars or htmlentities, uses * {@link $_encoding} setting. * * @param mixed $var The output to escape. * * @return mixed The escaped value. * * @since 12.2 */ public function escape($var) { if (in_array($this->_escape, array('htmlspecialchars', 'htmlentities'))) { return call_user_func($this->_escape, $var, ENT_COMPAT, $this->_charset); } return call_user_func($this->_escape, $var); } /** * Method to get data from a registered model or a property of the view * * @param string $property The name of the method to call on the model or the property to get * @param string $default The name of the model to reference or the default value [optional] * * @return mixed The return value of the method * * @since 12.2 */ public function get($property, $default = null) { // If $model is null we use the default model if (is_null($default)) { $model = $this->_defaultModel; } else { $model = strtolower($default); } // First check to make sure the model requested exists if (isset($this->_models[$model])) { // Model exists, let's build the method name $method = 'get' . ucfirst($property); // Does the method exist? if (method_exists($this->_models[$model], $method)) { // The method exists, let's call it and return what we get $result = $this->_models[$model]->$method(); return $result; } } // Degrade to JObject::get $result = parent::get($property, $default); return $result; } /** * Method to get the model object * * @param string $name The name of the model (optional) * * @return mixed JModelLegacy object * * @since 12.2 */ public function getModel($name = null) { if ($name === null) { $name = $this->_defaultModel; } return $this->_models[strtolower($name)]; } /** * Get the layout. * * @return string The layout name */ public function getLayout() { return $this->_layout; } /** * Get the layout template. * * @return string The layout template name */ public function getLayoutTemplate() { return $this->_layoutTemplate; } /** * Method to get the view name * * The model name by default parsed using the classname, or it can be set * by passing a $config['name'] in the class constructor * * @return string The name of the model * * @since 12.2 * @throws Exception */ public function getName() { if (empty($this->_name)) { $classname = get_class($this); $viewpos = strpos($classname, 'View'); if ($viewpos === false) { throw new Exception(JText::_('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_GET_NAME'), 500); } $this->_name = strtolower(substr($classname, $viewpos + 4)); } return $this->_name; } /** * Method to add a model to the view. We support a multiple model single * view system by which models are referenced by classname. A caveat to the * classname referencing is that any classname prepended by JModel will be * referenced by the name without JModel, eg. JModelCategory is just * Category. * * @param JModelLegacy $model The model to add to the view. * @param boolean $default Is this the default model? * * @return object The added model. * * @since 12.2 */ public function setModel($model, $default = false) { $name = strtolower($model->getName()); $this->_models[$name] = $model; if ($default) { $this->_defaultModel = $name; } return $model; } /** * Sets the layout name to use * * @param string $layout The layout name or a string in format