'JFeedParserRss', 'feed' => 'JFeedParserAtom'); /** * Method to load a URI into the feed reader for parsing. * * @param string $uri The URI of the feed to load. Idn uris must be passed already converted to punycode. * * @return JFeedReader * * @since 12.3 * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws RuntimeException */ public function getFeed($uri) { // Create the XMLReader object. $reader = new XMLReader; // Open the URI within the stream reader. if (!$reader->open($uri, null, LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_ERR_NONE | LIBXML_NOWARNING)) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to open the feed.'); } try { // Skip ahead to the root node. do { $reader->read(); } while ($reader->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new RuntimeException('Error reading feed.'); } // Setup the appopriate feed parser for the feed. $parser = $this->_fetchFeedParser($reader->name, $reader); return $parser->parse(); } /** * Method to register a JFeedParser class for a given root tag name. * * @param string $tagName The root tag name for which to register the parser class. * @param string $className The JFeedParser class name to register for a root tag name. * @param boolean $overwrite True to overwrite the parser class if one is already registered. * * @return JFeedFactory * * @since 12.3 * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function registerParser($tagName, $className, $overwrite = false) { // Verify that the class exists. if (!class_exists($className)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The feed parser class ' . $className . ' does not exist.'); } // Validate that the tag name is valid. if (!preg_match('/\A(?!XML)[a-z][\w0-9-]*/i', $tagName)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The tag name ' . $tagName . ' is not valid.'); } // Register the given parser class for the tag name if nothing registered or the overwrite flag set. if (empty($this->parsers[$tagName]) || (bool) $overwrite) { $this->parsers[(string) $tagName] = (string) $className; } return $this; } /** * Method to return a new JFeedParser object based on the registered parsers and a given type. * * @param string $type The name of parser to return. * @param XMLReader $reader The XMLReader instance for the feed. * * @return JFeedParser * * @since 12.3 * @throws LogicException */ private function _fetchFeedParser($type, XMLReader $reader) { // Look for a registered parser for the feed type. if (empty($this->parsers[$type])) { throw new LogicException('No registered feed parser for type ' . $type . '.'); } return new $this->parsers[$type]($reader); } }