options = isset($options) ? $options : new JRegistry; // Setup the authentication and token urls if not already set. $this->options->def('authurl', 'http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth'); $this->options->def('tokenurl', 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token'); // Call the JOauthOauth2client constructor to setup the object. parent::__construct($this->options, $client, $input); } /** * Method used to set permissions. * * @param string $scope Comma separated list of permissions. * * @return JFacebookOauth This object for method chaining * * @since 13.1 */ public function setScope($scope) { $this->setOption('scope', $scope); return $this; } /** * Method to get the current scope * * @return string Comma separated list of permissions. * * @since 13.1 */ public function getScope() { return $this->getOption('scope'); } }