params = null; $module->module = $tmp; $module->id = 0; $module->user = 0; } } } // Get the user and configuration object // $user = JFactory::getUser(); $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); // Set the module content if (!is_null($content)) { $module->content = $content; } // Get module parameters $params = new JRegistry; $params->loadString($module->params); // Use parameters from template if (isset($attribs['params'])) { $template_params = new JRegistry; $template_params->loadString(html_entity_decode($attribs['params'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); $params->merge($template_params); $module = clone $module; $module->params = (string) $params; } // Default for compatibility purposes. Set cachemode parameter or use JModuleHelper::moduleCache from within the // module instead $cachemode = $params->get('cachemode', 'oldstatic'); if ($params->get('cache', 0) == 1 && $conf->get('caching') >= 1 && $cachemode != 'id' && $cachemode != 'safeuri') { // Default to itemid creating method and workarounds on $cacheparams = new stdClass; $cacheparams->cachemode = $cachemode; $cacheparams->class = 'JModuleHelper'; $cacheparams->method = 'renderModule'; $cacheparams->methodparams = array($module, $attribs); $contents = JModuleHelper::ModuleCache($module, $params, $cacheparams); } else { $contents = JModuleHelper::renderModule($module, $attribs); } return $contents; } }