;/** ; * @version $Id: en-GB.mod_k2_users.ini 1812 2013-01-14 18:45:06Z lefteris.kavadas $ ; * @package K2 ; * @author JoomlaWorks http://www.joomlaworks.net ; * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. ; * @license GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ; */ K2_ALPHABETICAL="Alphabetical" K2_BY_K2_USER_GROUP="By K2 user group" K2_CACHE_TIME="Cache time" K2_CACHING="Caching" K2_CATEGORIES="Categories" K2_CLICK_TO_SELECT_ONE_OR_MORE_USERS="Click to select one or more users" K2_CUSTOM_WIDTH_FOR_USER_AVATAR_IN_PX="Custom width for user avatar (in px)" K2_DISPLAY_OPTIONS="Display options" K2_DRAG_USERS_ONE_BY_ONE_TO_REORDER_THE_LIST_CLICK_THE_REMOVE_ICON_TO_REMOVE_A_USER_FROM_THE_LIST="Drag users one by one to re-order the list. Click the remove icon to remove a user from the list." K2_EMAIL="E-mail" K2_FETCH_USERS="Fetch users" K2_INHERIT_FROM_COMPONENT_PARAMETERS="Inherit from component parameters" K2_ITEM_COUNT="Item count" K2_LIMIT="Limit" K2_MODULE_CLASS_SUFFIX="Module class suffix" K2_MODULE_CLASS_SUFFIX_DESCRIPTION="A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the Module. This allows for individual Module styling." K2_MOST_RECENT_ITEM="Most recent item" K2_NO_CACHING="No caching" K2_ORDERING="Ordering" K2_RANDOM="Random" K2_RECENT_ITEMS="Recent items" K2_RETRIEVE_SPECIFIC_USERS="Retrieve specific users" K2_RETRIEVE_USERS_USING_FILTERS="Retrieve users using filters" K2_RSS_FEED_ICON="RSS feed icon" K2_SELECTED_USERS_SORT_WITH_DRAG_DROP="Selected users (sort with drag & drop)" K2_SELECT_A_K2_USER_GROUP="Select a K2 User group" K2_SELECT_SUBTEMPLATE="Select sub-template" K2_SELECT_WHETHER_TO_CACHE_THE_CONTENT_OF_THIS_MODULE="Select whether to cache the content of this module" K2_SOURCE="Source" K2_SUBSCRIBE_TO_THIS_USERS_RSS_FEED="Subscribe to this user's RSS feed" K2_THE_TIME_IN_SECONDS_BEFORE_THE_MODULE_IS_RECACHED="The time (in seconds) before the module is recached." K2_MOD_K2_USERS_DESCRTIPTION="This module utilizes on-the-fly MVC template overrides. What this means is that you can create a new sub-template folder for this module within your Joomla! template's /html/mod k2 users/ folder. The module will then pickup the new sub-template auto-magically, without you editing any XML file or doing any other non-designer work!" K2_USERS="K2 Users will fetch a list of K2 users based on some criteria. You can additionally select to retrieve one or more items for each K2 user." K2_USER_ADDED_IN_THE_LIST="User added in the list" K2_USER_AVATAR="User avatar" K2_USER_AVATAR_WIDTH="User avatar width" K2_USER_DESCRIPTION="User description" K2_USER_EXISTS_ALREADY_IN_THE_LIST="User exists already in the list" K2_USER="User" K2_USE_CUSTOM_WIDTH="Use custom width" K2_USE_GLOBAL="Use global" K2_WEBSITE="Website" K2_WITH_MOST_COMMENTED_ITEMS="With most commented items" K2_WITH_MOST_ITEMS="With most items" K2_WITH_MOST_POPULAR_ITEMS="With most popular items" K2_WORD_LIMIT_FOR_USER_DESCRIPTION="Word limit for user description" ;Untranslated K2_HIDE="Hide" K2_NAME="Name" K2_SHOW="Show" K2_URL="URL" K2_THE_SELECTED_USER_IS_ALREADY_IN_THE_LIST="The selected user is already in the list" K2_USE_DEFAULT="Use default" MOD_K2_USERS="K2 users"