; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM MOD_FEED="Feed Display" MOD_FEED_ERR_CACHE="Please make cache directory writeable" MOD_FEED_ERR_FEED_NOT_RETRIEVED="Feed not found" MOD_FEED_ERR_NO_URL="No feed URL specified." MOD_FEED_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Show the description text for the entire feed" MOD_FEED_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Feed Description" MOD_FEED_FIELD_IMAGE_DESC="Show the image associated with the entire feed" MOD_FEED_FIELD_IMAGE_LABEL="Feed Image" MOD_FEED_FIELD_ITEMDESCRIPTION_DESC="Show the description or intro text of individual RSS items" MOD_FEED_FIELD_ITEMDESCRIPTION_LABEL="Item Description" MOD_FEED_FIELD_ITEMS_DESC="Enter number of RSS items to display" MOD_FEED_FIELD_ITEMS_LABEL="Feed Items" MOD_FEED_FIELD_RSSTITLE_DESC="Display news feed title" MOD_FEED_FIELD_RSSTITLE_LABEL="Feed Title" MOD_FEED_FIELD_RSSURL_DESC="Enter the URL of the RSS/RDF/ATOM feed" MOD_FEED_FIELD_RSSURL_LABEL="Feed URL" MOD_FEED_FIELD_RTL_DESC="Display feed in RTL direction" MOD_FEED_FIELD_RTL_LABEL="RTL Feed" MOD_FEED_FIELD_WORDCOUNT_DESC="Allows you to limit the amount of visible Item description text. 0 will show all the text" MOD_FEED_FIELD_WORDCOUNT_LABEL="Word Count" MOD_FEED_XML_DESCRIPTION="This module allows the displaying of a syndicated feed"