; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM COM_WEBLINKS_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE="Web Links" COM_WEBLINKS_EDIT="Edit Web link" COM_WEBLINKS_ERR_TABLES_NAME="There is already a Web Link with that name in this category. Please try again." COM_WEBLINKS_ERR_TABLES_PROVIDE_URL="Please provide a valid URL" COM_WEBLINKS_ERR_TABLES_TITLE="Your Web Link must contain a title." COM_WEBLINKS_ERROR_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND="Web link category not found" COM_WEBLINKS_ERROR_UNIQUE_ALIAS="Another Web Link from this category has the same alias" COM_WEBLINKS_ERROR_WEBLINK_NOT_FOUND="Web Link not found" COM_WEBLINKS_ERROR_WEBLINK_URL_INVALID="Invalid Web link URL" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ALIAS_DESC="The alias is for internal use only. Leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value from the title. It has to be unique for each web link in the same category." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CATEGORY_DESC="You must select a Category." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_DESC="You may enter here a description for your Web link" COM_WEBLINKS_FILTER_LABEL="Filter field" COM_WEBLINKS_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC="Web Links Filter Search" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_TITLE_DESC="Your Web Link must have a Title." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_URL_DESC="You must enter a URL." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_URL_LABEL="URL" COM_WEBLINKS_FORM_CREATE_WEBLINK="Submit a Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_GRID_TITLE="Title" COM_WEBLINKS_LINK="Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_NAME="Name" COM_WEBLINKS_NO_WEBLINKS="There are no Web Links in this category" COM_WEBLINKS_NUM="# of links:" COM_WEBLINKS_FORM_EDIT_WEBLINK="Edit a Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_FORM_SUBMIT_WEBLINK="Submit a Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_SAVE_SUCCESS="Web link successfully saved" COM_WEBLINKS_SUBMIT_SAVE_SUCCESS="Web Link successfully submitted" COM_WEBLINKS_WEB_LINKS="Web links" JGLOBAL_NEWITEMSLAST_DESC="New Web Links default to the last position. Ordering can be changed after this Web Link has been saved."