input->getInt('id'); $this->setState('', $pk); // Load the parameters. Merge Global and Menu Item params into new object $params = $app->getParams(); $menuParams = new JRegistry; if ($menu = $app->getMenu()->getActive()) { $menuParams->loadString($menu->params); } $mergedParams = clone $menuParams; $mergedParams->merge($params); $this->setState('params', $mergedParams); $user = JFactory::getUser(); // Create a new query object. $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); if ((!$user->authorise('core.edit.state', 'com_content')) && (!$user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_content'))){ // limit to published for people who can't edit or edit.state. $this->setState('filter.published', 1); // Filter by start and end dates. $nullDate = $db->quote($db->getNullDate()); $nowDate = $db->quote(JFactory::getDate()->toSQL()); $query->where('(a.publish_up = ' . $nullDate . ' OR a.publish_up <= ' . $nowDate . ')') ->where('(a.publish_down = ' . $nullDate . ' OR a.publish_down >= ' . $nowDate . ')'); } else { $this->setState('filter.published', array(0, 1, 2)); } // process show_noauth parameter if (!$params->get('show_noauth')) { $this->setState('filter.access', true); } else { $this->setState('filter.access', false); } // Optional filter text $this->setState('list.filter', $app->input->getString('filter-search')); // filter.order $itemid = $app->input->get('id', 0, 'int') . ':' . $app->input->get('Itemid', 0, 'int'); $orderCol = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.category.list.' . $itemid . '.filter_order', 'filter_order', '', 'string'); if (!in_array($orderCol, $this->filter_fields)) { $orderCol = 'a.ordering'; } $this->setState('list.ordering', $orderCol); $listOrder = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.category.list.' . $itemid . '.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', '', 'cmd'); if (!in_array(strtoupper($listOrder), array('ASC', 'DESC', ''))) { $listOrder = 'ASC'; } $this->setState('list.direction', $listOrder); $this->setState('list.start', $app->input->get('limitstart', 0, 'uint')); // set limit for query. If list, use parameter. If blog, add blog parameters for limit. if (($app->input->get('layout') == 'blog') || $params->get('layout_type') == 'blog') { $limit = $params->get('num_leading_articles') + $params->get('num_intro_articles') + $params->get('num_links'); $this->setState('list.links', $params->get('num_links')); } else { $limit = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.category.list.' . $itemid . '.limit', 'limit', $params->get('display_num'), 'uint'); } $this->setState('list.limit', $limit); // set the depth of the category query based on parameter $showSubcategories = $params->get('show_subcategory_content', '0'); if ($showSubcategories) { $this->setState('filter.max_category_levels', $params->get('show_subcategory_content', '1')); $this->setState('filter.subcategories', true); } $this->setState('filter.language', JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled()); $this->setState('layout', $app->input->get('layout')); } /** * Get the articles in the category * * @return mixed An array of articles or false if an error occurs. * @since 1.5 */ function getItems() { $limit = $this->getState('list.limit'); if ($this->_articles === null && $category = $this->getCategory()) { $model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Articles', 'ContentModel', array('ignore_request' => true)); $model->setState('params', JFactory::getApplication()->getParams()); $model->setState('filter.category_id', $category->id); $model->setState('filter.published', $this->getState('filter.published')); $model->setState('filter.access', $this->getState('filter.access')); $model->setState('filter.language', $this->getState('filter.language')); $model->setState('list.ordering', $this->_buildContentOrderBy()); $model->setState('list.start', $this->getState('list.start')); $model->setState('list.limit', $limit); $model->setState('list.direction', $this->getState('list.direction')); $model->setState('list.filter', $this->getState('list.filter')); // filter.subcategories indicates whether to include articles from subcategories in the list or blog $model->setState('filter.subcategories', $this->getState('filter.subcategories')); $model->setState('filter.max_category_levels', $this->setState('filter.max_category_levels')); $model->setState('list.links', $this->getState('list.links')); if ($limit >= 0) { $this->_articles = $model->getItems(); if ($this->_articles === false) { $this->setError($model->getError()); } } else { $this->_articles = array(); } $this->_pagination = $model->getPagination(); } return $this->_articles; } /** * Build the orderby for the query * * @return string $orderby portion of query * @since 1.5 */ protected function _buildContentOrderBy() { $app = JFactory::getApplication('site'); $db = $this->getDbo(); $params = $this->state->params; $itemid = $app->input->get('id', 0, 'int') . ':' . $app->input->get('Itemid', 0, 'int'); $orderCol = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.category.list.' . $itemid . '.filter_order', 'filter_order', '', 'string'); $orderDirn = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.category.list.' . $itemid . '.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', '', 'cmd'); $orderby = ' '; if (!in_array($orderCol, $this->filter_fields)) { $orderCol = null; } if (!in_array(strtoupper($orderDirn), array('ASC', 'DESC', ''))) { $orderDirn = 'ASC'; } if ($orderCol && $orderDirn) { $orderby .= $db->escape($orderCol) . ' ' . $db->escape($orderDirn) . ', '; } $articleOrderby = $params->get('orderby_sec', 'rdate'); $articleOrderDate = $params->get('order_date'); $categoryOrderby = $params->def('orderby_pri', ''); $secondary = ContentHelperQuery::orderbySecondary($articleOrderby, $articleOrderDate) . ', '; $primary = ContentHelperQuery::orderbyPrimary($categoryOrderby); $orderby .= $primary . ' ' . $secondary . ' a.created '; return $orderby; } public function getPagination() { if (empty($this->_pagination)) { return null; } return $this->_pagination; } /** * Method to get category data for the current category * * @param integer An optional ID * * @return object * @since 1.5 */ public function getCategory() { if (!is_object($this->_item)) { if ( isset( $this->state->params ) ) { $params = $this->state->params; $options = array(); $options['countItems'] = $params->get('show_cat_num_articles', 1) || !$params->get('show_empty_categories_cat', 0); } else { $options['countItems'] = 0; } $categories = JCategories::getInstance('Content', $options); $this->_item = $categories->get($this->getState('', 'root')); // Compute selected asset permissions. if (is_object($this->_item)) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $asset = 'com_content.category.'.$this->_item->id; // Check general create permission. if ($user->authorise('core.create', $asset)) { $this->_item->getParams()->set('access-create', true); } // TODO: Why aren't we lazy loading the children and siblings? $this->_children = $this->_item->getChildren(); $this->_parent = false; if ($this->_item->getParent()) { $this->_parent = $this->_item->getParent(); } $this->_rightsibling = $this->_item->getSibling(); $this->_leftsibling = $this->_item->getSibling(false); } else { $this->_children = false; $this->_parent = false; } } return $this->_item; } /** * Get the parent category. * * @param integer An optional category id. If not supplied, the model state '' will be used. * * @return mixed An array of categories or false if an error occurs. * @since 1.6 */ public function getParent() { if (!is_object($this->_item)) { $this->getCategory(); } return $this->_parent; } /** * Get the left sibling (adjacent) categories. * * @return mixed An array of categories or false if an error occurs. * @since 1.6 */ function &getLeftSibling() { if (!is_object($this->_item)) { $this->getCategory(); } return $this->_leftsibling; } /** * Get the right sibling (adjacent) categories. * * @return mixed An array of categories or false if an error occurs. * @since 1.6 */ function &getRightSibling() { if (!is_object($this->_item)) { $this->getCategory(); } return $this->_rightsibling; } /** * Get the child categories. * * @param integer An optional category id. If not supplied, the model state '' will be used. * * @return mixed An array of categories or false if an error occurs. * @since 1.6 */ function &getChildren() { if (!is_object($this->_item)) { $this->getCategory(); } // Order subcategories if (count($this->_children)) { $params = $this->getState()->get('params'); if ($params->get('orderby_pri') == 'alpha' || $params->get('orderby_pri') == 'ralpha') { jimport('joomla.utilities.arrayhelper'); JArrayHelper::sortObjects($this->_children, 'title', ($params->get('orderby_pri') == 'alpha') ? 1 : -1); } } return $this->_children; } /** * Increment the hit counter for the category. * * @param int $pk Optional primary key of the category to increment. * * @return boolean True if successful; false otherwise and internal error set. */ public function hit($pk = 0) { // Initialise variables. $pk = (!empty($pk)) ? $pk : (int) $this->getState(''); $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->update('#__categories') ->set('hits = hits + 1') ->where('id = ' . (int) $pk); $db->setQuery($query); try { $db->execute(); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $this->setError($e->getMessage()); return false; } return true; } }