getParams(); // Get some data from the models $state = $this->get('State'); $items = $this->get('Items'); $category = $this->get('Category'); $children = $this->get('Children'); $parent = $this->get('Parent'); $pagination = $this->get('Pagination'); // Check for errors. if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) { JError::raiseWarning(500, implode("\n", $errors)); return false; } // Prepare the data. // Compute the contact slug. for ($i = 0, $n = count($items); $i < $n; $i++) { $item = &$items[$i]; $item->slug = $item->alias ? ($item->id.':'.$item->alias) : $item->id; $temp = new JRegistry; $temp->loadString($item->params); $item->params = clone($params); $item->params->merge($temp); if ($item->params->get('show_email', 0) == 1) { $item->email_to = trim($item->email_to); if (!empty($item->email_to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($item->email_to)) { $item->email_to = JHtml::_('email.cloak', $item->email_to); } else { $item->email_to = ''; } } } // Escape strings for HTML output $this->pageclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('pageclass_sfx')); $maxLevel = $params->get('maxLevel', -1); $this->maxLevel = &$maxLevel; $this->state = &$state; $this->items = &$items; $this->category = &$category; $this->children = &$children; $this->params = &$params; $this->parent = &$parent; $this->pagination = &$pagination; $this->_prepareDocument(); parent::display($tpl); } /** * Prepares the document */ protected function _prepareDocument() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $menus = $app->getMenu(); $title = null; // Because the application sets a default page title, // we need to get it from the menu item itself $menu = $menus->getActive(); if ($menu) { $this->params->def('page_heading', $this->params->get('page_title', $menu->title)); } else { $this->params->def('page_heading', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE')); } $title = $this->params->get('page_title', ''); if (empty($title)) { $title = $app->getCfg('sitename'); } elseif ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) { $title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $app->getCfg('sitename'), $title); } elseif ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) { $title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $title, $app->getCfg('sitename')); } $this->document->setTitle($title); if ($this->params->get('menu-meta_description')) { $this->document->setDescription($this->params->get('menu-meta_description')); } if ($this->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')) { $this->document->setMetadata('keywords', $this->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')); } if ($this->params->get('robots')) { $this->document->setMetadata('robots', $this->params->get('robots')); } } }