get('State'); $item = $this->get('Item'); $this->form = $this->get('Form'); // Get the parameters $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_contact'); if ($item) { // If we found an item, merge the item parameters $params->merge($item->params); // Get Category Model data $categoryModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Category', 'ContactModel', array('ignore_request' => true)); $categoryModel->setState('', $item->catid); $categoryModel->setState('list.ordering', ''); $categoryModel->setState('list.direction', 'asc'); $categoryModel->setState('filter.published', 1); $contacts = $categoryModel->getItems(); } // Check for errors. if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) { JError::raiseWarning(500, implode("\n", $errors)); return false; } // check if access is not public $groups = $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels(); $return = ''; if ((!in_array($item->access, $groups)) || (!in_array($item->category_access, $groups))) { JError::raiseWarning(403, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR')); return; } $options['category_id'] = $item->catid; $options['order by'] = 'a.default_con DESC, a.ordering ASC'; // Handle email cloaking if ($item->email_to && $params->get('show_email')) { $item->email_to = JHtml::_('email.cloak', $item->email_to); } if ($params->get('show_street_address') || $params->get('show_suburb') || $params->get('show_state') || $params->get('show_postcode') || $params->get('show_country')) { if (!empty ($item->address) || !empty ($item->suburb) || !empty ($item->state) || !empty ($item->country) || !empty ($item->postcode)) { $params->set('address_check', 1); } } else { $params->set('address_check', 0); } // Manage the display mode for contact detail groups switch ($params->get('contact_icons')) { case 1 : // text $params->set('marker_address', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_ADDRESS') . ": "); $params->set('marker_email', JText::_('JGLOBAL_EMAIL') . ": "); $params->set('marker_telephone', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_TELEPHONE') . ": "); $params->set('marker_fax', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_FAX') . ": "); $params->set('marker_mobile', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_MOBILE') . ": "); $params->set('marker_misc', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_OTHER_INFORMATION') . ": "); $params->set('marker_class', 'jicons-text'); break; case 2 : // none $params->set('marker_address', ''); $params->set('marker_email', ''); $params->set('marker_telephone', ''); $params->set('marker_mobile', ''); $params->set('marker_fax', ''); $params->set('marker_misc', ''); $params->set('marker_class', 'jicons-none'); break; default : // icons $image1 = JHtml::_('image', 'contacts/'.$params->get('icon_address', 'con_address.png'), JText::_('COM_CONTACT_ADDRESS').": ", null, true); $image2 = JHtml::_('image', 'contacts/'.$params->get('icon_email', 'emailButton.png'), JText::_('JGLOBAL_EMAIL').": ", null, true); $image3 = JHtml::_('image', 'contacts/'.$params->get('icon_telephone', 'con_tel.png'), JText::_('COM_CONTACT_TELEPHONE').": ", null, true); $image4 = JHtml::_('image', 'contacts/'.$params->get('icon_fax', 'con_fax.png'), JText::_('COM_CONTACT_FAX').": ", null, true); $image5 = JHtml::_('image', 'contacts/'.$params->get('icon_misc', 'con_info.png'), JText::_('COM_CONTACT_OTHER_INFORMATION').": ", null, true); $image6 = JHtml::_('image', 'contacts/'.$params->get('icon_mobile', 'con_mobile.png'), JText::_('COM_CONTACT_MOBILE').": ", null, true); $params->set('marker_address', $image1); $params->set('marker_email', $image2); $params->set('marker_telephone', $image3); $params->set('marker_fax', $image4); $params->set('marker_misc', $image5); $params->set('marker_mobile', $image6); $params->set('marker_class', 'jicons-icons'); break; } // Add links to contacts if ($params->get('show_contact_list') && count($contacts) > 1) { foreach ($contacts as &$contact) { $contact->link = JRoute::_(ContactHelperRoute::getContactRoute($contact->slug, $contact->catid)); } $item->link = JRoute::_(ContactHelperRoute::getContactRoute($item->slug, $item->catid)); } JHtml::_('behavior.formvalidation'); //Escape strings for HTML output $this->pageclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('pageclass_sfx')); $this->contact = &$item; $this->params = &$params; $this->return = &$return; $this->state = &$state; $this->item = &$item; $this->user = &$user; $this->contacts = &$contacts; $item->tags = new JHelperTags; $item->tags->getItemTags('', $this->item->id); // Override the layout only if this is not the active menu item // If it is the active menu item, then the view and item id will match $active = $app->getMenu()->getActive(); if ((!$active) || ((strpos($active->link, 'view=contact') === false) || (strpos($active->link, '&id=' . (string) $this->item->id) === false))) { if ($layout = $params->get('contact_layout')) { $this->setLayout($layout); } } elseif (isset($active->query['layout'])) { // We need to set the layout in case this is an alternative menu item (with an alternative layout) $this->setLayout($active->query['layout']); } $this->_prepareDocument(); parent::display($tpl); } /** * Prepares the document */ protected function _prepareDocument() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $menus = $app->getMenu(); $pathway = $app->getPathway(); $title = null; // Because the application sets a default page title, // we need to get it from the menu item itself $menu = $menus->getActive(); if ($menu) { $this->params->def('page_heading', $this->params->get('page_title', $menu->title)); } else { $this->params->def('page_heading', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE')); } $title = $this->params->get('page_title', ''); $id = (int) @$menu->query['id']; // if the menu item does not concern this contact if ($menu && ($menu->query['option'] != 'com_contact' || $menu->query['view'] != 'contact' || $id != $this->item->id)) { // If this is not a single contact menu item, set the page title to the contact title if ($this->item->name) { $title = $this->item->name; } $path = array(array('title' => $this->contact->name, 'link' => '')); $category = JCategories::getInstance('Contact')->get($this->contact->catid); while ($category && ($menu->query['option'] != 'com_contact' || $menu->query['view'] == 'contact' || $id != $category->id) && $category->id > 1) { $path[] = array('title' => $category->title, 'link' => ContactHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($this->contact->catid)); $category = $category->getParent(); } $path = array_reverse($path); foreach ($path as $item) { $pathway->addItem($item['title'], $item['link']); } } if (empty($title)) { $title = $app->getCfg('sitename'); } elseif ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) { $title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $app->getCfg('sitename'), $title); } elseif ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) { $title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $title, $app->getCfg('sitename')); } if (empty($title)) { $title = $this->item->name; } $this->document->setTitle($title); if ($this->item->metadesc) { $this->document->setDescription($this->item->metadesc); } elseif (!$this->item->metadesc && $this->params->get('menu-meta_description')) { $this->document->setDescription($this->params->get('menu-meta_description')); } if ($this->item->metakey) { $this->document->setMetadata('keywords', $this->item->metakey); } elseif (!$this->item->metakey && $this->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')) { $this->document->setMetadata('keywords', $this->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')); } if ($this->params->get('robots')) { $this->document->setMetadata('robots', $this->params->get('robots')); } $mdata = $this->item->metadata->toArray(); foreach ($mdata as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $this->document->setMetadata($k, $v); } } } }