; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 TPL_ISIS_CLEAR_CACHE="Clear Cache" TPL_ISIS_COLOR_DESC="Choose a colour for the navigation bar. An empty field will set it to default." TPL_ISIS_COLOR_HEADER_DESC="Choose a colour for the header. An empty field will set it to default." TPL_ISIS_COLOR_HEADER_LABEL="Header Colour" TPL_ISIS_COLOR_LABEL="Nav Bar Colour" TPL_ISIS_COLOR_SIDEBAR_DESC="Sidebar Background colour. An empty field will set it to default." TPL_ISIS_COLOR_SIDEBAR_LABEL="Sidebar Colour" TPL_ISIS_EDIT_ACCOUNT="Edit Account" TPL_ISIS_FIELD_ADMIN_MENUS_DESC="If you intend to use Joomla Administrator on a monitor, set this to 'No'. It will prevent the collapse of the administrator menus when reducing the width of the window. Default is 'Yes'." TPL_ISIS_FIELD_ADMIN_MENUS_LABEL="Collapse Administrator Menu" TPL_ISIS_HEADER_DESC="Optional display of header" TPL_ISIS_HEADER_LABEL="Display Header" TPL_ISIS_INSTALLER="Installer" TPL_ISIS_ISFREESOFTWARE="Joomla is free software released under the GNU General Public License." TPL_ISIS_LOGO_DESC="Upload a custom logo for the admin template." TPL_ISIS_LOGO_LABEL="Logo" TPL_ISIS_LOGOUT="Logout" TPL_ISIS_PREVIEW="Preview %s" TPL_ISIS_STATUS_BOTTOM="Fixed bottom" TPL_ISIS_STATUS_DESC="Choose the location of the status module." TPL_ISIS_STATUS_LABEL="Status Module Position" TPL_ISIS_STATUS_TOP="Top" TPL_ISIS_STICKY_DESC="Optionally set the toolbar to a fixed (sticky) location" TPL_ISIS_STICKY_LABEL="Sticky Toolbar" TPL_ISIS_TOOLBAR="Toolbar" TPL_ISIS_XML_DESCRIPTION="Continuing the Egyptian god/goddess theme (Khepri from 1.5 and Hathor from 1.6), Isis is the Joomla 3 admin template based on Bootstrap from Twitter and the launch of the Joomla User Interface library (JUI)."