set($action->name, $user->authorise($action->name, $assetName)); } return $result; } public static function santiseSearchWord(&$searchword, $searchphrase) { $ignored = false; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $tag = $lang->getTag(); $search_ignore = $lang->getIgnoredSearchWords(); // Deprecated in 1.6 use $lang->getIgnoredSearchWords instead $ignoreFile = $lang->getLanguagePath() . '/' . $tag . '/' . $tag . '.ignore.php'; if (file_exists($ignoreFile)) { include $ignoreFile; } // Check for words to ignore $aterms = explode(' ', JString::strtolower($searchword)); // First case is single ignored word if (count($aterms) == 1 && in_array(JString::strtolower($searchword), $search_ignore)) { $ignored = true; } // Filter out search terms that are too small $lower_limit = $lang->getLowerLimitSearchWord(); foreach ($aterms as $aterm) { if (JString::strlen($aterm) < $lower_limit) { $search_ignore[] = $aterm; } } // Next is to remove ignored words from type 'all' or 'any' (not exact) searches with multiple words if (count($aterms) > 1 && $searchphrase != 'exact') { $pruned = array_diff($aterms, $search_ignore); $searchword = implode(' ', $pruned); } return $ignored; } /** * @since 1.5 */ public static function limitSearchWord(&$searchword) { $restriction = false; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); // Limit searchword to a maximum of characters $upper_limit = $lang->getUpperLimitSearchWord(); if (JString::strlen($searchword) > $upper_limit) { $searchword = JString::substr($searchword, 0, $upper_limit - 1); $restriction = true; } // Searchword must contain a minimum of characters if ($searchword && JString::strlen($searchword) < $lang->getLowerLimitSearchWord()) { $searchword = ''; $restriction = true; } return $restriction; } /** * Logs a search term * * @param string $search_term The term being searched * * @return void * * @since 1.5 * @deprecated 4.0 Use JSearchHelper::logSearch() instead */ public static function logSearch($search_term) { JLog::add(__METHOD__ . '() is deprecated, use JSearchHelper::logSearch() instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); JSearchHelper::logSearch($search_term, 'com_search'); } /** * Prepares results from search for display * * @param string $text The source string * @param string $searchword The searchword to select around * * @return string * * @since 1.5 */ public static function prepareSearchContent($text, $searchword) { // Strips tags won't remove the actual jscript $text = preg_replace("']*>.*?'si", "", $text); $text = preg_replace('/{.+?}/', '', $text); // $text = preg_replace('/]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/is','\2', $text); // Replace line breaking tags with whitespace $text = preg_replace("'<(br[^/>]*?/|hr[^/>]*?/|/(div|h[1-6]|li|p|td))>'si", ' ', $text); return self::_smartSubstr(strip_tags($text), $searchword); } /** * Checks an object for search terms (after stripping fields of HTML) * * @param object $object The object to check * @param string $searchTerm Search words to check for * @param array $fields List of object variables to check against * * @return boolean True if searchTerm is in object, false otherwise */ public static function checkNoHtml($object, $searchTerm, $fields) { $searchRegex = array( '#]*>.*?#si', '#]*>.*?#si', '##si', '#<[^>]*>#i' ); $terms = explode(' ', $searchTerm); if (empty($fields)) { return false; } foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!isset($object->$field)) { continue; } $text = self::remove_accents($object->$field); foreach ($searchRegex as $regex) { $text = preg_replace($regex, '', $text); } foreach ($terms as $term) { $term = self::remove_accents($term); if (JString::stristr($text, $term) !== false) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Transliterates given text to ASCII//TRANSLIT. * Simulates glibc transliteration style even if libiconv is used by PHP * * @param string $str String to remove accents from * * @return string * * @since 3.2 */ public static function remove_accents($str) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_GB.UTF-8"); $str = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", $str); //TODO: remove other prefixes as well? return preg_replace("/[\"'^]([a-z])/ui", '\1', $str); } /** * returns substring of characters around a searchword * * @param string $text The source string * @param integer $searchword Number of chars to return * * @return string * * @since 1.5 */ public static function _smartSubstr($text, $searchword) { $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $length = $lang->getSearchDisplayedCharactersNumber(); $ltext = self::remove_accents($text); $textlen = JString::strlen($ltext); $lsearchword = JString::strtolower(self::remove_accents($searchword)); $wordfound = false; $pos = 0; while ($wordfound === false && $pos < $textlen) { if (($wordpos = @JString::strpos($ltext, ' ', $pos + $length)) !== false) { $chunk_size = $wordpos - $pos; } else { $chunk_size = $length; } $chunk = JString::substr($ltext, $pos, $chunk_size); $wordfound = JString::strpos(JString::strtolower($chunk), $lsearchword); if ($wordfound === false) { $pos += $chunk_size + 1; } } if ($wordfound !== false) { return (($pos > 0) ? '... ' : '') . JString::substr($text, $pos, $chunk_size) . ' ...'; } else { if (($wordpos = @JString::strpos($text, ' ', $length)) !== false) { return JString::substr($text, 0, $wordpos) . ' ...'; } else { return JString::substr($text, 0, $length); } } } }