<?php /** * @version $Id: AbstractRokMenuFormatter.php 4585 2012-10-27 01:44:54Z btowles $ * @author RocketTheme http://www.rockettheme.com * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2013 RocketTheme, LLC * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPLv2 only */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/RokMenuFormatter.php'); /** * */ abstract class AbstractRokMenuFormatter implements RokMenuFormatter { protected $active_branch = array(); protected $args = array(); protected $current_node = 0; /** * @param $args * @return void */ public function __construct(&$args) { $this->args =& $args; } /** * @param $current_node * @return void */ public function setCurrentNodeId($current_node) { $this->current_node = $current_node; } /** * @param $active_branch * @return void */ public function setActiveBranch(array $active_branch) { $this->active_branch = $active_branch; } /** * @param $menu * @return void */ public function format_tree(&$menu) { if (!empty($menu) && $menu !== false) { $this->_default_format_menu($menu); $this->format_menu($menu); $nodeIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($menu, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($nodeIterator as $node) { $this->_format_subnodes($node); } } } /** * @param $node * @return void */ protected function _format_subnodes(&$node) { if ($node->getId() == $this->current_node) { $node->setCssId('current'); } if (array_key_exists($node->getId(), $this->active_branch)) { $node->addListItemClass('active'); } $this->format_subnode($node); } /** * @param $menu * @return void */ protected function _default_format_menu(&$menu) { // Limit the levels of the tree is called for By limitLevels $start = $this->args['startLevel']; $end = $this->args['endLevel']; if ($this->args['limit_levels']) { //Limit to the active path if the start is more the level 0 if ($start > 0) { $found = false; // get active path and find the start level that matches if (count($this->active_branch)) { foreach ($this->active_branch as $active_child) { if ($active_child->getLevel() == $start - 1) { $menu->resetTop($active_child->getId()); $found = true; break; } } } if (!$found) { $menu->setChildren(array()); } } //remove lower then the defined end level $menu->removeLevel($end); } $always_show_menu = false; if (!array_key_exists('showAllChildren', $this->args) && $start==0) { $always_show_menu = true; } elseif (array_key_exists('showAllChildren', $this->args)) { $always_show_menu = $this->args['showAllChildren']; } if (!$always_show_menu) { if ($menu->hasChildren()) { if (count($this->active_branch) == 0 || empty($this->active_branch)) { $menu->removeLevel($start); } else { $active = array_keys($this->active_branch); foreach ($menu->getChildren() as $toplevel) { if (array_key_exists($toplevel->getId(), $this->active_branch) !== false) { end($active); $menu->removeIfNotInTree($active, current($active)); } else { if (count($this->active_branch) > 0) $menu->removeLevelFromNonActive($this->active_branch, end($this->active_branch)->getLevel()); } } } } } } /** * @param $menu * @return void */ public function format_menu(&$menu) { } }