0, 'format.eol' => "\n", 'format.indent' => "\t");
* An array to hold included paths
* @var array
* @since 1.5
protected static $includePaths = array();
* An array to hold method references
* @var array
* @since 1.6
protected static $registry = array();
* Method to extract a key
* @param string $key The name of helper method to load, (prefix).(class).function
* prefix and class are optional and can be used to load custom html helpers.
* @return array Contains lowercase key, prefix, file, function.
* @since 1.6
protected static function extract($key)
$key = preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9_\.]#i', '', $key);
// Check to see whether we need to load a helper file
$parts = explode('.', $key);
$prefix = (count($parts) == 3 ? array_shift($parts) : 'JHtml');
$file = (count($parts) == 2 ? array_shift($parts) : '');
$func = array_shift($parts);
return array(strtolower($prefix . '.' . $file . '.' . $func), $prefix, $file, $func);
* Class loader method
* Additional arguments may be supplied and are passed to the sub-class.
* Additional include paths are also able to be specified for third-party use
* @param string $key The name of helper method to load, (prefix).(class).function
* prefix and class are optional and can be used to load custom
* html helpers.
* @return mixed JHtml::call($function, $args) or False on error
* @since 1.5
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function _($key)
list($key, $prefix, $file, $func) = static::extract($key);
if (array_key_exists($key, static::$registry))
$function = static::$registry[$key];
$args = func_get_args();
// Remove function name from arguments
return static::call($function, $args);
$className = $prefix . ucfirst($file);
if (!class_exists($className))
$path = JPath::find(static::$includePaths, strtolower($file) . '.php');
if ($path)
require_once $path;
if (!class_exists($className))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s not found.', $className), 500);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s %s not found.', $prefix, $file), 500);
$toCall = array($className, $func);
if (is_callable($toCall))
static::register($key, $toCall);
$args = func_get_args();
// Remove function name from arguments
return static::call($toCall, $args);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s::%s not found.', $className, $func), 500);
* Registers a function to be called with a specific key
* @param string $key The name of the key
* @param string $function Function or method
* @return boolean True if the function is callable
* @since 1.6
public static function register($key, $function)
list($key) = static::extract($key);
if (is_callable($function))
static::$registry[$key] = $function;
return true;
return false;
* Removes a key for a method from registry.
* @param string $key The name of the key
* @return boolean True if a set key is unset
* @since 1.6
public static function unregister($key)
list($key) = static::extract($key);
if (isset(static::$registry[$key]))
return true;
return false;
* Test if the key is registered.
* @param string $key The name of the key
* @return boolean True if the key is registered.
* @since 1.6
public static function isRegistered($key)
list($key) = static::extract($key);
return isset(static::$registry[$key]);
* Function caller method
* @param callable $function Function or method to call
* @param array $args Arguments to be passed to function
* @return mixed Function result or false on error.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.call-user-func-array.php
* @since 1.6
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
protected static function call($function, $args)
if (!is_callable($function))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Function not supported', 500);
// PHP 5.3 workaround
$temp = array();
foreach ($args as &$arg)
$temp[] = &$arg;
return call_user_func_array($function, $temp);
* Write a element
* @param string $url The relative URL to use for the href attribute
* @param string $text The target attribute to use
* @param array $attribs An associative array of attributes to add
* @return string string
* @since 1.5
public static function link($url, $text, $attribs = null)
if (is_array($attribs))
$attribs = JArrayHelper::toString($attribs);
return '' . $text . '';
* Write a element
* @param string $url The relative URL to use for the src attribute.
* @param string $name The target attribute to use.
* @param array $attribs An associative array of attributes to add.
* @param string $noFrames The message to display if the iframe tag is not supported.
* @return string element or message if not supported.
* @since 1.5
public static function iframe($url, $name, $attribs = null, $noFrames = '')
if (is_array($attribs))
$attribs = JArrayHelper::toString($attribs);
return '';
* Compute the files to be included
* @param string $folder folder name to search into (images, css, js, ...).
* @param string $file path to file.
* @param boolean $relative path to file is relative to /media folder (and searches in template).
* @param boolean $detect_browser detect browser to include specific browser files.
* @param boolean $detect_debug detect debug to include compressed files if debug is on.
* @return array files to be included.
* @see JBrowser
* @since 1.6
protected static function includeRelativeFiles($folder, $file, $relative, $detect_browser, $detect_debug)
// If http is present in filename
if (strpos($file, 'http') === 0)
$includes = array($file);
// Extract extension and strip the file
$strip = JFile::stripExt($file);
$ext = JFile::getExt($file);
// Prepare array of files
$includes = array();
// Detect browser and compute potential files
if ($detect_browser)
$navigator = JBrowser::getInstance();
$browser = $navigator->getBrowser();
$major = $navigator->getMajor();
$minor = $navigator->getMinor();
// Try to include files named filename.ext, filename_browser.ext, filename_browser_major.ext, filename_browser_major_minor.ext
// where major and minor are the browser version names
$potential = array($strip, $strip . '_' . $browser, $strip . '_' . $browser . '_' . $major,
$strip . '_' . $browser . '_' . $major . '_' . $minor);
$potential = array($strip);
// If relative search in template directory or media directory
if ($relative)
// Get the template
$template = JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
// For each potential files
foreach ($potential as $strip)
$files = array();
// Detect debug mode
if ($detect_debug && JFactory::getConfig()->get('debug'))
* Detect if we received a file in the format name.min.ext
* If so, strip the .min part out, otherwise append -uncompressed
if (strrpos($strip, '.min', '-4'))
$position = strrpos($strip, '.min', '-4');
$filename = str_replace('.min', '.', $strip, $position);
$files[] = $filename . $ext;
$files[] = $strip . '-uncompressed.' . $ext;
$files[] = $strip . '.' . $ext;
* Loop on 1 or 2 files and break on first found.
* Add the content of the MD5SUM file located in the same folder to url to ensure cache browser refresh
* This MD5SUM file must represent the signature of the folder content
foreach ($files as $file)
// If the file is in the template folder
$path = JPATH_THEMES . "/$template/$folder/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::base(true) . "/templates/$template/$folder/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// If the file contains any /: it can be in an media extension subfolder
if (strpos($file, '/'))
// Divide the file extracting the extension as the first part before /
list($extension, $file) = explode('/', $file, 2);
// If the file yet contains any /: it can be a plugin
if (strpos($file, '/'))
// Divide the file extracting the element as the first part before /
list($element, $file) = explode('/', $file, 2);
// Try to deal with plugins group in the media folder
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/media/$extension/$element/$folder/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/media/$extension/$element/$folder/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deal with classical file in a a media subfolder called element
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/media/$extension/$folder/$element/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/media/$extension/$folder/$element/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deal with system files in the template folder
$path = JPATH_THEMES . "/$template/$folder/system/$element/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/templates/$template/$folder/system/$element/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deal with system files in the media folder
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/media/system/$folder/$element/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/media/system/$folder/$element/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deals in the extension media folder
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/media/$extension/$folder/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/media/$extension/$folder/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deal with system files in the template folder
$path = JPATH_THEMES . "/$template/$folder/system/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/templates/$template/$folder/system/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deal with system files in the media folder
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/media/system/$folder/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/media/system/$folder/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// Try to deal with system files in the media folder
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/media/system/$folder/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/media/system/$folder/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
// If not relative and http is not present in filename
foreach ($potential as $strip)
$files = array();
// Detect debug mode
if ($detect_debug && JFactory::getConfig()->get('debug'))
* Detect if we received a file in the format name.min.ext
* If so, strip the .min part out, otherwise append -uncompressed
if (strrpos($strip, '.min', '-4'))
$position = strrpos($strip, '.min', '-4');
$filename = str_replace('.min', '.', $strip, $position);
$files[] = $filename . $ext;
$files[] = $strip . '-uncompressed.' . $ext;
$files[] = $strip . '.' . $ext;
* Loop on 1 or 2 files and break on first found.
* Add the content of the MD5SUM file located in the same folder to url to ensure cache browser refresh
* This MD5SUM file must represent the signature of the folder content
foreach ($files as $file)
$path = JPATH_ROOT . "/$file";
if (file_exists($path))
$md5 = dirname($path) . '/MD5SUM';
$includes[] = JUri::root(true) . "/$file" .
(file_exists($md5) ? ('?' . file_get_contents($md5)) : '');
return $includes;
* Write a element
* @param string $file The relative or absolute URL to use for the src attribute.
* @param string $alt The alt text.
* @param mixed $attribs String or associative array of attribute(s) to use.
* @param boolean $relative Path to file is relative to /media folder (and searches in template).
* @param mixed $path_rel Return html tag without (-1) or with file computing(false). Return computed path only (true).
* @return string
* @since 1.5
public static function image($file, $alt, $attribs = null, $relative = false, $path_rel = false)
if ($path_rel !== -1)
$includes = static::includeRelativeFiles('images', $file, $relative, false, false);
$file = count($includes) ? $includes[0] : null;
// If only path is required
if ($path_rel)
return $file;
return '
* Write a element
* @param string $file path to file
* @param array $attribs attributes to be added to the stylesheet
* @param boolean $relative path to file is relative to /media folder
* @param boolean $path_only return the path to the file only
* @param boolean $detect_browser detect browser to include specific browser css files
* will try to include file, file_*browser*, file_*browser*_*major*, file_*browser*_*major*_*minor*
Navigator | browser | major.minor |
Safari 3.0.x | konqueror | 522.x |
Safari 3.1.x and 3.2.x | konqueror | 525.x |
Safari 4.0 to 4.0.2 | konqueror | 530.x |
Safari 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 | konqueror | 531.x |
iOS 4.0 Safari | konqueror | 532.x |
Safari 5.0 | konqueror | 533.x |
Google Chrome 1.0 | konqueror | 528.x |
Google Chrome 2.0 | konqueror | 530.x |
Google Chrome 3.0 and 4.x | konqueror | 532.x |
Google Chrome 5.0 | konqueror | 533.x |
Internet Explorer 5.5 | msie | 5.5 |
Internet Explorer 6.x | msie | 6.x |
Internet Explorer 7.x | msie | 7.x |
Internet Explorer 8.x | msie | 8.x |
Firefox | mozilla | 5.0 |