; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM TPL_PROTOSTAR_XML_DESCRIPTION="Continuing the space theme (Solarflare from 1.0 and Milkyway from 1.5), Protostar is the Joomla 3 site template based on Bootstrap from Twitter and the launch of the Joomla User Interface library (JUI)." TPL_PROTOSTAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DESC="Choose a background colour for static layouts. Default is #F4F6F7" TPL_PROTOSTAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR_LABEL="Background Colour" TPL_PROTOSTAR_BACKTOTOP="Back to Top" TPL_PROTOSTAR_COLOR_LABEL="Template Colour" TPL_PROTOSTAR_COLOR_DESC="Choose an overall colour for the site template. Default is #08C" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FLUID="Fluid" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FLUID_LABEL="Fluid Layout" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FLUID_DESC="Use Bootstrap's Fluid or Static Container (both are Responsive)" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FONT_LABEL="Google Font for Headings" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FONT_DESC="Load a Google font for the headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.)" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FONT_NAME_LABEL="Google Font Name" TPL_PROTOSTAR_FONT_NAME_DESC="Example: Open+Sans or Source+Sans+Pro" TPL_PROTOSTAR_LOGO_LABEL="Logo" TPL_PROTOSTAR_LOGO_DESC="Upload a custom logo for the site template." TPL_PROTOSTAR_STATIC="Static"