; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM MOD_WRAPPER="Wrapper" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_ADD_DESC="By default, http:// will be added unless it detects http:// or https:// in the URL you provide. This allows you to switch this ability off." MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_ADD_LABEL="Auto Add" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_AUTOHEIGHT_DESC="The height will automatically be set to the size of the external page. This will only work for pages on your own domain." MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_AUTOHEIGHT_LABEL="Auto Height" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_HEIGHT_DESC="Height of the iFrame window" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_HEIGHT_LABEL="Height" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_SCROLL_DESC="Show/Hide Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Bars." MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_SCROLL_LABEL="Scroll Bars" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_TARGET_DESC="Name of the iFrame when used as Target" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_TARGET_LABEL="Target Name" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_URL_DESC="URL to site/file you wish to display within the iframe." MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_URL_LABEL="URL" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_VALUE_AUTO="Auto" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_WIDTH_DESC="Width of the iFrame window. You can enter an absolute figure in pixels or a relative figure by adding a %." MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_WIDTH_LABEL="Width" MOD_WRAPPER_NO_IFRAMES="No Iframes" MOD_WRAPPER_XML_DESCRIPTION="This module shows an iFrame window to specified location." MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_FRAME_LABEL="Frame border" MOD_WRAPPER_FIELD_FRAME_DESC="Show frame border which wraps the iframe"