content; } /* * html5 (chosen html5 tag and font headder tags) */ function modChrome_html5($module, &$params, &$attribs) { $moduleTag = $params->get('module_tag'); $headerTag = htmlspecialchars($params->get('header_tag')); $headerClass = $params->get('header_class'); $bootstrapSize = $params->get('bootstrap_size'); $moduleClass = !empty($bootstrapSize) ? ' span' . (int) $bootstrapSize . '' : ''; $moduleClassSfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx')); if (!empty ($module->content)) { $html = "<{$moduleTag} class=\"moduletable{$moduleClassSfx} {$moduleClass}\">"; if ((bool) $module->showtitle) { $html .= "<{$headerTag} class=\"{$headerClass}\">{$module->title}"; } $html .= $module->content; $html .= ""; echo $html; } } /* * xhtml (divs and font header tags) */ function modChrome_xhtml($module, &$params, &$attribs) { $content = trim($module->content); if (!empty ($content)) : ?>
showtitle != 0) : ?>

title; ?>

content); if (!empty($content)) { if ($params->get('automatic_title', '0') == '0') { echo JHtml::_('sliders.panel', $module->title, 'module' . $module->id); } elseif (method_exists('mod' . $module->name . 'Helper', 'getTitle')) { echo JHtml::_('sliders.panel', call_user_func_array(array('mod' . $module->name . 'Helper', 'getTitle'), array($params, $module)), 'module' . $module->id); } else { echo JHtml::_('sliders.panel', JText::_('MOD_' . $module->name . '_TITLE'), 'module' . $module->id); } echo $content; } } /* * allows tabs */ function modChrome_tabs($module, &$params, &$attribs) { $content = trim($module->content); if (!empty($content)) { if ($params->get('automatic_title', '0') == '0') { echo JHtml::_('tabs.panel', $module->title, 'module' . $module->id); } elseif (method_exists('mod' . $module->name . 'Helper', 'getTitle')) { echo JHtml::_('tabs.panel', call_user_func_array(array('mod' . $module->name . 'Helper', 'getTitle'), array($params)), 'module' . $module->id); } else { echo JHtml::_('tabs.panel', JText::_('MOD_' . $module->name . '_TITLE'), 'module' . $module->id); } echo $content; } }