loadForm('com_config.application', 'application', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => $loadData)); if (empty($form)) { return false; } return $form; } /** * Method to get the configuration data. * * This method will load the global configuration data straight from * JConfig. If configuration data has been saved in the session, that * data will be merged into the original data, overwriting it. * * @return array An array containg all global config data. * * @since 1.6 */ public function getData() { // Get the config data. $config = new JConfig; $data = JArrayHelper::fromObject($config); // Prime the asset_id for the rules. $data['asset_id'] = 1; // Get the text filter data $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_config'); $data['filters'] = JArrayHelper::fromObject($params->get('filters')); // If no filter data found, get from com_content (update of 1.6/1.7 site) if (empty($data['filters'])) { $contentParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content'); $data['filters'] = JArrayHelper::fromObject($contentParams->get('filters')); } // Check for data in the session. $temp = JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('com_config.config.global.data'); // Merge in the session data. if (!empty($temp)) { $data = array_merge($data, $temp); } $this->preprocessData('com_config.application', $data); return $data; } /** * Method to save the configuration data. * * @param array $data An array containing all global config data. * * @return bool True on success, false on failure. * * @since 1.6 */ public function save($data) { // Save the rules if (isset($data['rules'])) { $rules = new JAccessRules($data['rules']); // Check that we aren't removing our Super User permission // Need to get groups from database, since they might have changed $myGroups = JAccess::getGroupsByUser(JFactory::getUser()->get('id')); $myRules = $rules->getData(); $hasSuperAdmin = $myRules['core.admin']->allow($myGroups); if (!$hasSuperAdmin) { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_CONFIG_ERROR_REMOVING_SUPER_ADMIN')); return false; } $asset = JTable::getInstance('asset'); if ($asset->loadByName('root.1')) { $asset->rules = (string) $rules; if (!$asset->check() || !$asset->store()) { JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', $asset->getError()); } } else { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_CONFIG_ERROR_ROOT_ASSET_NOT_FOUND')); return false; } unset($data['rules']); } // Save the text filters if (isset($data['filters'])) { $registry = new JRegistry; $registry->loadArray(array('filters' => $data['filters'])); $extension = JTable::getInstance('extension'); // Get extension_id $extension_id = $extension->find(array('name' => 'com_config')); if ($extension->load((int) $extension_id)) { $extension->params = (string) $registry; if (!$extension->check() || !$extension->store()) { JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', $extension->getError()); } } else { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_CONFIG_ERROR_CONFIG_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND')); return false; } unset($data['filters']); } // Get the previous configuration. $prev = new JConfig; $prev = JArrayHelper::fromObject($prev); // Merge the new data in. We do this to preserve values that were not in the form. $data = array_merge($prev, $data); /* * Perform miscellaneous options based on configuration settings/changes. */ // Escape the offline message if present. if (isset($data['offline_message'])) { $data['offline_message'] = JFilterOutput::ampReplace($data['offline_message']); } // Purge the database session table if we are changing to the database handler. if ($prev['session_handler'] != 'database' && $data['session_handler'] == 'database') { $table = JTable::getInstance('session'); $table->purge(-1); } if (empty($data['cache_handler'])) { $data['caching'] = 0; } // Clean the cache if disabled but previously enabled. if (!$data['caching'] && $prev['caching']) { $cache = JFactory::getCache(); $cache->clean(); } // Create the new configuration object. $config = new JRegistry('config'); $config->loadArray($data); // Overwrite the old FTP credentials with the new ones. $temp = JFactory::getConfig(); $temp->set('ftp_enable', $data['ftp_enable']); $temp->set('ftp_host', $data['ftp_host']); $temp->set('ftp_port', $data['ftp_port']); $temp->set('ftp_user', $data['ftp_user']); $temp->set('ftp_pass', $data['ftp_pass']); $temp->set('ftp_root', $data['ftp_root']); // Clear cache of com_config component. $this->cleanCache('_system'); // Write the configuration file. return $this->writeConfigFile($config); } /** * Method to unset the root_user value from configuration data. * * This method will load the global configuration data straight from * JConfig and remove the root_user value for security, then save the configuration. * * @since 1.6 */ public function removeroot() { // Get the previous configuration. $prev = new JConfig; $prev = JArrayHelper::fromObject($prev); // Create the new configuration object, and unset the root_user property $config = new JRegistry('config'); unset($prev['root_user']); $config->loadArray($prev); // Write the configuration file. return $this->writeConfigFile($config); } /** * Method to write the configuration to a file. * * @param JRegistry $config A JRegistry object containing all global config data. * * @return bool True on success, false on failure. * * @since 2.5.4 */ private function writeConfigFile(JRegistry $config) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // Set the configuration file path. $file = JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php'; // Get the new FTP credentials. $ftp = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp', true); // Attempt to make the file writeable if using FTP. if (!$ftp['enabled'] && JPath::isOwner($file) && !JPath::setPermissions($file, '0644')) { JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('COM_CONFIG_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_PHP_NOTWRITABLE')); } // Attempt to write the configuration file as a PHP class named JConfig. $configuration = $config->toString('PHP', array('class' => 'JConfig', 'closingtag' => false)); if (!JFile::write($file, $configuration)) { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_CONFIG_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED')); return false; } // Attempt to make the file unwriteable if using FTP. if (!$ftp['enabled'] && JPath::isOwner($file) && !JPath::setPermissions($file, '0444')) { JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('COM_CONFIG_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_PHP_NOTUNWRITABLE')); } return true; } }