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* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage com_menus
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* Menu List Model for Menus.
* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage com_menus
* @since 1.6
class MenusModelMenus extends JModelList
* Constructor.
* @param array An optional associative array of configuration settings.
* @see JController
* @since 1.6
public function __construct($config = array())
if (empty($config['filter_fields']))
$config['filter_fields'] = array(
'id', 'a.id',
'title', 'a.title',
'menutype', 'a.menutype',
* Overrides the getItems method to attach additional metrics to the list.
* @return mixed An array of data items on success, false on failure.
* @since 1.6.1
public function getItems()
// Get a storage key.
$store = $this->getStoreId('getItems');
// Try to load the data from internal storage.
if (!empty($this->cache[$store]))
return $this->cache[$store];
// Load the list items.
$items = parent::getItems();
// If emtpy or an error, just return.
if (empty($items))
return array();
// Getting the following metric by joins is WAY TOO SLOW.
// Faster to do three queries for very large menu trees.
// Get the menu types of menus in the list.
$db = $this->getDbo();
$menuTypes = JArrayHelper::getColumn($items, 'menutype');
// Quote the strings.
$menuTypes = implode(
array_map(array($db, 'quote'), $menuTypes)
// Get the published menu counts.
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->select('m.menutype, COUNT(DISTINCT m.id) AS count_published')
->from('#__menu AS m')
->where('m.published = 1')
->where('m.menutype IN (' . $menuTypes . ')')
$countPublished = $db->loadAssocList('menutype', 'count_published');
catch (RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Get the unpublished menu counts.
->where('m.published = 0')
->where('m.menutype IN (' . $menuTypes . ')');
$countUnpublished = $db->loadAssocList('menutype', 'count_published');
catch (RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Get the trashed menu counts.
->where('m.published = -2')
->where('m.menutype IN (' . $menuTypes . ')');
$countTrashed = $db->loadAssocList('menutype', 'count_published');
catch (RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Inject the values back into the array.
foreach ($items as $item)
$item->count_published = isset($countPublished[$item->menutype]) ? $countPublished[$item->menutype] : 0;
$item->count_unpublished = isset($countUnpublished[$item->menutype]) ? $countUnpublished[$item->menutype] : 0;
$item->count_trashed = isset($countTrashed[$item->menutype]) ? $countTrashed[$item->menutype] : 0;
// Add the items to the internal cache.
$this->cache[$store] = $items;
return $this->cache[$store];
* Method to build an SQL query to load the list data.
* @return string An SQL query
* @since 1.6
protected function getListQuery()
// Create a new query object.
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Select all fields from the table.
$query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'))
->from($db->quoteName('#__menu_types') . ' AS a')
->group('a.id, a.menutype, a.title, a.description');
// Filter by search in title or menutype
if ($search = trim($this->getState('filter.search')))
$search = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($search, true) . '%');
$query->where('(' . 'a.title LIKE ' . $search . ' OR a.menutype LIKE ' . $search . ')');
// Add the list ordering clause.
$query->order($db->escape($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.id')) . ' ' . $db->escape($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
return $query;
* Method to auto-populate the model state.
* Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.
* @param string $ordering An optional ordering field.
* @param string $direction An optional direction (asc|desc).
* @return void
* @since 1.6
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null)
$search = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.search', 'filter_search');
$this->setState('filter.search', $search);
// List state information.
parent::populateState('a.id', 'asc');
* Gets the extension id of the core mod_menu module.
* @return integer
* @since 2.5
public function getModMenuId()
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->from('#__extensions AS e')
->where('e.type = ' . $db->quote('module'))
->where('e.element = ' . $db->quote('mod_menu'))
->where('e.client_id = 0');
return $db->loadResult();
* Gets a list of all mod_mainmenu modules and collates them by menutype
* @return array
public function &getModules()
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Menu', 'MenusModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
$result = & $model->getModules();
return $result;