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2020-01-02 22:20:31 +07:00
* @version $Id: RokNavMenuTree.php 4585 2012-10-27 01:44:54Z btowles $
* @author RocketTheme http://www.rockettheme.com
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2013 RocketTheme, LLC
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPLv2 only
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
//require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/RokNavMenuNode.php');
* Base Class for menu tree nodes
class RokMenuTreeBase {
* Base ID for the menu as ultimate parent
var $id = 0;
var $parent = 0;
var $_parentRef = null;
var $level = -1;
var $access = 2;
var $_check_access_level = null;
var $_children = array();
function __construct($params = null)
$this->_params = &$params;
* Menu parameters
var $_params = null;
function addChild(&$node) {
if (!$node->isAccessable()){
return true;
if ( $this->id == $node->parent) {
$node->_parentRef = $this;
$this->_children[$node->id] = $node;
return true;
else if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
if ($child->addChild($node)) {
return true;
return false;
function hasChildren()
return count($this->_children);
function &getChildren()
return $this->_children;
function setParameters($params) {
$this->_params = is_object($params) ? $params : new JRegistry($params);
function getParameter($param) {
if (null == $param || null == $this->_params) {
return null;
return $this->_params->get($param);
function &findChild($node_id) {
if (array_key_exists($node_id, $this->_children)) {
return $this->_children[$node_id];
else if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
$wanted_node = $child->findChild($node_id);
if ($wanted_node !== false) {
return $wanted_node;
$ret = false;
return $ret;
function removeChild($node_id) {
if (array_key_exists($node_id, $this->_children)) {
return true;
else if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
$ret = $child->removeChild($node_id);
if ($ret === true) {
return $ret;
return false;
function removeLevel($end) {
if ( $this->level == $end ) {
$this->_children = array();
else if ($this->level < $end) {
if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
function removeIfNotInTree(&$active_tree, $last_active) {
if (!empty($active_tree)) {
if (in_array((int)$this->id, $active_tree) && $last_active == $this->id) {
// i am the last node in the active tree
if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
$child->_children = array();
else if (in_array((int)$this->id, $active_tree)) {
// i am in the active tree but not the last node
if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
$child->removeIfNotInTree($active_tree, $last_active);
else {
// i am not in the active tree
$this->_children = array();
function isAccessable(){
$user =JFactory::getUser();
$view_levels = $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
if (null == $this->access ) {
return null;
else if (in_array($this->access,$view_levels)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function getParent() {
return $this->_parentRef;
* Rok Nav Menu Tree Class.
class RokNavMenuTree extends RokMenuTreeBase
// const MENUPARAM_MENU_IMAGES = "menu_images";
// const MENUPARAM_LIMIT_LEVELS = "limit_levels";
// const MENUPARAM_START_LEVEL = "startLevel";
// const MENUPARAM_END_LEVEL = "endLevel";
// const MENUPARAM_SHOW_ALL_CHILDREN = "showAllChildren";
// const MENUPARAM_TAG_ID = "tag_id";
// const MENUPARAM_CLASS_SUFFIX = "class_sfx";
// const MENUPARAM_MENU_IMAGES_LINK = "menu_images_link";
// const MENUPARAM_MAX_DEPTH = "maxdepth";
function addNode(&$params, $item)
// Get menu item data
$node = $this->_getItemData($params, $item);
$node->_check_access_level = $params->get('check_access_level',null);
if ($node !== false) {
return $this->addChild($node);
else {
return true;
function resetTop($top_node_id) {
$new_top_node = $this->findChild($top_node_id);
if ($new_top_node !== false)
$this->id = $new_top_node->id;
$this->_children = $new_top_node->getChildren();
else {
return false;
function _getSecureUrl($url, $secure) {
if ($secure == -1) {
$url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url);
} elseif ($secure == 1) {
$url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $url);
return $url;
function _getItemData(&$params, $item)
//Create the new Node
$node = new RokNavMenuNode();
$tmp = null;
// Menu Link is a special type that is a link to another item
if ($item->type == 'menulink')
$site = new JSite();
$menu = $site->getMenu();
if ($newItem = $menu->getItem($item->query['Itemid'])) {
$tmp = clone($newItem);
$tmp->name = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($item->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
$tmp->mid = $item->id;
$tmp->parent = $item->parent;
$tmp->params = $item->params;
$tmp->url = null;
$tmp->nav = 'current';
$tmp->menualias = true;
if ($item->type != 'menulink' || ($item->type == 'menulink' && $tmp == null)){
$tmp = clone($item);
$tmp->name = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($item->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
$tmp->mid = $tmp->id;
$tmp->url = null;
$tmp->nav = 'current';
$tmp->menualias = false;
$iParams = new JRegistry($tmp->params);
if ($params->get('menu_images') && $iParams->get('menu_image') && $iParams->get('menu_image') != -1) {
$image = JURI::base(true).'/images/stories/'.$iParams->get('menu_image');
$tmp->name = null;
} else {
$image = null;
switch ($tmp->type)
case 'separator':
$tmp->outtype = 'separator';
case 'url':
if ((strpos($tmp->link, 'index.php?') === 0) && (strpos($tmp->link, 'Itemid=') === false)) {
$tmp->url = $tmp->link.'&amp;Itemid='.$tmp->id;
} else {
$tmp->url = $tmp->link;
$tmp->outtype = 'menuitem';
default :
$router = JSite::getRouter();
$tmp->url = $router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF ? 'index.php?Itemid='.$tmp->id : $tmp->link.'&Itemid='.$tmp->id;
$tmp->outtype = 'menuitem';
if ($tmp->url != null)
// set the target based on menu item options
switch ($tmp->browserNav)
case 0:
$tmp->nav = 'current';
case 1:
$tmp->nav = 'new';
case 2:
$tmp->url = str_replace('index.php', 'index2.php', $tmp->url);
$tmp->nav = 'newnotool';
$tmp->nav = 'current';
// Get the final URL
if ($tmp->home == 1) {// Set Home Links to the Base
$tmp->url = str_replace(array($tmp->route.'/', $tmp->route), '', JRoute::_( $tmp->url ));
if ($tmp->type != 'separator' && $tmp->type != 'url') {
$iSecure = $iParams->get('secure', 0);
if ($this->_params->get('url_type','relative') == 'full') {
$url = JRoute::_($tmp->url, true, $iSecure);
$base = (!preg_match("/^http/",$tmp->url))?rtrim(JURI::base(false), '/'):'';
$routed = $base.$url;
$secure = RokNavMenuTree::_getSecureUrl($routed,$iSecure);
$tmp->url =$secure;
} else {
$tmp->url = JRoute::_($tmp->url, true, $iSecure);
else if($tmp->type == 'url') {
$tmp->url = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $tmp->url);
else {
$node->id = $tmp->mid;
$node->parent = $tmp->parent;
$node->title = $tmp->name;
$node->access = $tmp->access;
$node->link = $tmp->url;
$node->level = $item->sublevel;
$node->image = $image;
$node->alias = $tmp->alias;
$node->nav = $tmp->nav;
$node->displayType = $tmp->browserNav;
$node->type = $tmp->outtype;
$node->order = $item->ordering;
$node->addListItemClass("item" . $node->id);
return $node;
* RokNavMenuNode
class RokNavMenuNode extends RokMenuTreeBase
// const TYPE_MENU_LINK = "menulink";
// const TYPE_SEPARATOR = "separator";
// const TYPE_MENU_ITEM = "menuitem";
// const TYPE_URL = "url";
// const TARGET_CURRENT = "current";
// const TARGET_NEW = "new";
// const TARGET_NEW_NO_TOOLBAR = "newnotool";
// const CLASS_PARENT = "parent";
// const CLASS_ACTIVE = "active";
// const ID_CURRENT = "current";
var $title = null;
var $link = null;
var $image = null;
var $alias = null;
var $type = null;
var $target = null;
var $order = null;
var $nav = null;
var $displayType = null;
var $menualias = false;
var $_link_additions = array();
var $_link_attribs = array();
var $_li_classes = array();
var $_a_classes = array();
var $_span_classes = array();
var $css_id = null;
function hasLink() {
return (isset($this->link));
function getLink() {
$outlink = $this->link;
$outlink .= $this->getLinkAdditions(!strpos($this->link, '?'));
return $outlink;
function addLinkAddition($name ,$value) {
$this->_link_additions[$name] = $value;
function getLinkAdditions($starting_query = false, $starting_seperator = false){
$link_additions = " ";
$i = 0;
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_link_additions)) {
$link_additions .= (($i == 0) && $starting_query )?'?':'';
$link_additions .= (($i == 0) && !$starting_query )?'&':'';
$link_additions .= ($i > 0)?'&':'';
$link_additions .= $key.'='.$value;
return rtrim(ltrim($link_additions));
function hasLinkAdditions(){
return count($this->_link_additions);
function addLinkAttrib($name, $value) {
$this->_link_attribs[$name] = $value;
function getLinkAttribs(){
$link_attribs = " ";
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_link_attribs)) {
$link_attribs .= $key . "='" .$value . "' ";
return rtrim(ltrim($link_attribs));
function hasLinkAttribs(){
return count($this->_link_attribs);
function getListItemClasses() {
$html_classes = " ";
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_li_classes)) {
$class =& $this->_li_classes[$key];
$html_classes .= $class. " ";
return rtrim(ltrim($html_classes));
function addListItemClass($class) {
$this->_li_classes[] = $class;
function hasListItemClasses(){
return count($this->_li_classes);
function getLinkClasses() {
$html_classes = " ";
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_a_classes)) {
$class =& $this->_a_classes[$key];
$html_classes .= $class. " ";
return rtrim(ltrim($html_classes));
function addLinkClass($class) {
$this->_a_classes[] = $class;
function hasLinkClasses(){
return count($this->_a_classes);
function getSpanClasses() {
$html_classes = " ";
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_span_classes)) {
$class =& $this->_span_classes[$key];
$html_classes .= $class. " ";
return rtrim(ltrim($html_classes));
function addSpanClass($class) {
$this->_span_classes[] = $class;
function hasSpanClasses(){
return count($this->_span_classes);
function addChild(&$node) {
if($node->isAccessable()) {
//$ret = parent::addChild($node);
$ret = false;
if (!$node->isAccessable()){
$ret = true;
if ( $this->id == $node->parent) {
$node->_parentRef = &$this;
$this->_children[$node->id] = $node;
$ret = true;
else if ($this->hasChildren()) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_children)) {
$child =& $this->_children[$key];
if ($child->addChild($node)) {
return true;
if ($ret === true) {
if (!array_search('parent', $this->_li_classes)) {
return $ret;
return true; // item is not accessable so return true to remove from the stack