'application/xml', 'json' => 'application/json', 'jsonp' => 'application/javascript', 'serialized' => 'application/vnd.php.serialized', 'php' => 'text/plain', 'html' => 'text/html', 'csv' => 'application/csv' ); /** * Developers can extend this class and add a check in here. */ protected function early_checks() { } /** * Constructor function * @todo Document more please. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_zlib_oc = @ini_get('zlib.output_compression'); // Lets grab the config and get ready to party $this->load->config('rest'); // let's learn about the request $this->request = new stdClass(); // Is it over SSL? $this->request->ssl = $this->_detect_ssl(); // How is this request being made? POST, DELETE, GET, PUT? $this->request->method = $this->_detect_method(); // Create argument container, if nonexistent if ( ! isset($this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'})) { $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} = array(); } // Set up our GET variables $this->_get_args = array_merge($this->_get_args, $this->uri->ruri_to_assoc()); $this->load->library('security'); // This library is bundled with REST_Controller 2.5+, but will eventually be part of CodeIgniter itself $this->load->library('format'); // Try to find a format for the request (means we have a request body) $this->request->format = $this->_detect_input_format(); // Some Methods cant have a body $this->request->body = NULL; $this->{'_parse_' . $this->request->method}(); // Now we know all about our request, let's try and parse the body if it exists if ($this->request->format and $this->request->body) { $this->request->body = $this->format->factory($this->request->body, $this->request->format)->to_array(); // Assign payload arguments to proper method container $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} = $this->request->body; } // Merge both for one mega-args variable $this->_args = array_merge($this->_get_args, $this->_put_args, $this->_post_args, $this->_delete_args, $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'}); // Which format should the data be returned in? $this->response = new stdClass(); $this->response->format = $this->_detect_output_format(); // Which format should the data be returned in? $this->response->lang = $this->_detect_lang(); // Developers can extend this class and add a check in here $this->early_checks(); // Check if there is a specific auth type for the current class/method $this->auth_override = $this->_auth_override_check(); // When there is no specific override for the current class/method, use the default auth value set in the config if ($this->auth_override !== TRUE) { if ($this->config->item('rest_auth') == 'basic') { $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); } elseif ($this->config->item('rest_auth') == 'digest') { $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); } elseif ($this->config->item('rest_ip_whitelist_enabled')) { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); } } $this->rest = new StdClass(); // Load DB if its enabled if (config_item('rest_database_group') AND (config_item('rest_enable_keys') OR config_item('rest_enable_logging'))) { $this->rest->db = $this->load->database(config_item('rest_database_group'), TRUE); } // Use whatever database is in use (isset returns false) elseif (@$this->db) { $this->rest->db = $this->db; } // Checking for keys? GET TO WORK! if (config_item('rest_enable_keys')) { $this->_allow = $this->_detect_api_key(); } // only allow ajax requests if ( ! $this->input->is_ajax_request() AND config_item('rest_ajax_only')) { $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'Only AJAX requests are accepted.'), 505); } } /** * Remap * * Requests are not made to methods directly, the request will be for * an "object". This simply maps the object and method to the correct * Controller method. * * @param string $object_called * @param array $arguments The arguments passed to the controller method. */ public function _remap($object_called, $arguments) { // Should we answer if not over SSL? if (config_item('force_https') AND !$this->_detect_ssl()) { $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'Unsupported protocol'), 403); } $pattern = '/^(.*)\.('.implode('|', array_keys($this->_supported_formats)).')$/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $object_called, $matches)) { $object_called = $matches[1]; } $controller_method = $object_called.'_'.$this->request->method; // Do we want to log this method (if allowed by config)? $log_method = !(isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['log']) AND $this->methods[$controller_method]['log'] == FALSE); // Use keys for this method? $use_key = ! (isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['key']) AND $this->methods[$controller_method]['key'] == FALSE); // Get that useless shitty key out of here if (config_item('rest_enable_keys') AND $use_key AND $this->_allow === FALSE) { if (config_item('rest_enable_logging') AND $log_method) { $this->_log_request(); } $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid API Key.'), 403); } // Sure it exists, but can they do anything with it? if ( ! method_exists($this, $controller_method)) { $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'Unknown method.'), 404); } // Doing key related stuff? Can only do it if they have a key right? if (config_item('rest_enable_keys') AND !empty($this->rest->key)) { // Check the limit if (config_item('rest_enable_limits') AND !$this->_check_limit($controller_method)) { $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'This API key has reached the hourly limit for this method.'), 401); } // If no level is set use 0, they probably aren't using permissions $level = isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['level']) ? $this->methods[$controller_method]['level'] : 0; // If no level is set, or it is lower than/equal to the key's level $authorized = $level <= $this->rest->level; // IM TELLIN! if (config_item('rest_enable_logging') AND $log_method) { $this->_log_request($authorized); } // They don't have good enough perms $authorized OR $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'This API key does not have enough permissions.'), 401); } // No key stuff, but record that stuff is happening else if (config_item('rest_enable_logging') AND $log_method) { $this->_log_request($authorized = TRUE); } // And...... GO! $this->_fire_method(array($this, $controller_method), $arguments); } /** * Fire Method * * Fires the designated controller method with the given arguments. * * @param array $method The controller method to fire * @param array $args The arguments to pass to the controller method */ protected function _fire_method($method, $args) { call_user_func_array($method, $args); } /** * Response * * Takes pure data and optionally a status code, then creates the response. * * @param array $data * @param null|int $http_code */ public function response($data = array(), $http_code = null) { global $CFG; // If data is empty and not code provide, error and bail if (empty($data) && $http_code === null) { $http_code = 404; // create the output variable here in the case of $this->response(array()); $output = NULL; } // If data is empty but http code provided, keep the output empty else if (empty($data) && is_numeric($http_code)) { $output = NULL; } // Otherwise (if no data but 200 provided) or some data, carry on camping! else { // Is compression requested? if ($CFG->item('compress_output') === TRUE && $this->_zlib_oc == FALSE) { if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) AND strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } } } is_numeric($http_code) OR $http_code = 200; // If the format method exists, call and return the output in that format if (method_exists($this, '_format_'.$this->response->format)) { // Set the correct format header header('Content-Type: '.$this->_supported_formats[$this->response->format]); $output = $this->{'_format_'.$this->response->format}($data); } // If the format method exists, call and return the output in that format elseif (method_exists($this->format, 'to_'.$this->response->format)) { // Set the correct format header header('Content-Type: '.$this->_supported_formats[$this->response->format]); $output = $this->format->factory($data)->{'to_'.$this->response->format}(); } // Format not supported, output directly else { $output = $data; } } header('HTTP/1.1: ' . $http_code); header('Status: ' . $http_code); // If zlib.output_compression is enabled it will compress the output, // but it will not modify the content-length header to compensate for // the reduction, causing the browser to hang waiting for more data. // We'll just skip content-length in those cases. if ( ! $this->_zlib_oc && ! $CFG->item('compress_output')) { header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output)); } exit($output); } /* * Detect SSL use * * Detect whether SSL is being used or not */ protected function _detect_ssl() { return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on"); } /* * Detect input format * * Detect which format the HTTP Body is provided in */ protected function _detect_input_format() { if ($this->input->server('CONTENT_TYPE')) { // Check all formats against the HTTP_ACCEPT header foreach ($this->_supported_formats as $format => $mime) { if (strpos($match = $this->input->server('CONTENT_TYPE'), ';')) { $match = current(explode(';', $match)); } if ($match == $mime) { return $format; } } } return NULL; } /** * Detect format * * Detect which format should be used to output the data. * * @return string The output format. */ protected function _detect_output_format() { $pattern = '/\.('.implode('|', array_keys($this->_supported_formats)).')$/'; // Check if a file extension is used if (preg_match($pattern, $this->uri->uri_string(), $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } // Check if a file extension is used elseif ($this->_get_args AND !is_array(end($this->_get_args)) AND preg_match($pattern, end($this->_get_args), $matches)) { // The key of the last argument $last_key = end(array_keys($this->_get_args)); // Remove the extension from arguments too $this->_get_args[$last_key] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->_get_args[$last_key]); $this->_args[$last_key] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->_args[$last_key]); return $matches[1]; } // A format has been passed as an argument in the URL and it is supported if (isset($this->_get_args['format']) AND array_key_exists($this->_get_args['format'], $this->_supported_formats)) { return $this->_get_args['format']; } // Otherwise, check the HTTP_ACCEPT (if it exists and we are allowed) if ($this->config->item('rest_ignore_http_accept') === FALSE AND $this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT')) { // Check all formats against the HTTP_ACCEPT header foreach (array_keys($this->_supported_formats) as $format) { // Has this format been requested? if (strpos($this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT'), $format) !== FALSE) { // If not HTML or XML assume its right and send it on its way if ($format != 'html' AND $format != 'xml') { return $format; } // HTML or XML have shown up as a match else { // If it is truly HTML, it wont want any XML if ($format == 'html' AND strpos($this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT'), 'xml') === FALSE) { return $format; } // If it is truly XML, it wont want any HTML elseif ($format == 'xml' AND strpos($this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT'), 'html') === FALSE) { return $format; } } } } } // End HTTP_ACCEPT checking // Well, none of that has worked! Let's see if the controller has a default if ( ! empty($this->rest_format)) { return $this->rest_format; } // Just use the default format return config_item('rest_default_format'); } /** * Detect method * * Detect which HTTP method is being used * * @return string */ protected function _detect_method() { $method = strtolower($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD')); if ($this->config->item('enable_emulate_request')) { if ($this->input->post('_method')) { $method = strtolower($this->input->post('_method')); } elseif ($this->input->server('HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE')) { $method = strtolower($this->input->server('HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE')); } } if (in_array($method, $this->allowed_http_methods) && method_exists($this, '_parse_' . $method)) { return $method; } return 'get'; } /** * Detect API Key * * See if the user has provided an API key * * @return boolean */ protected function _detect_api_key() { // Get the api key name variable set in the rest config file $api_key_variable = config_item('rest_key_name'); // Work out the name of the SERVER entry based on config $key_name = 'HTTP_'.strtoupper(str_replace('-', '_', $api_key_variable)); $this->rest->key = NULL; $this->rest->level = NULL; $this->rest->user_id = NULL; $this->rest->ignore_limits = FALSE; // Find the key from server or arguments if (($key = isset($this->_args[$api_key_variable]) ? $this->_args[$api_key_variable] : $this->input->server($key_name))) { if ( ! ($row = $this->rest->db->where(config_item('rest_key_column'), $key)->get(config_item('rest_keys_table'))->row())) { return FALSE; } $this->rest->key = $row->{config_item('rest_key_column')}; isset($row->user_id) AND $this->rest->user_id = $row->user_id; isset($row->level) AND $this->rest->level = $row->level; isset($row->ignore_limits) AND $this->rest->ignore_limits = $row->ignore_limits; /* * If "is private key" is enabled, compare the ip address with the list * of valid ip addresses stored in the database. */ if(!empty($row->is_private_key)) { // Check for a list of valid ip addresses if(isset($row->ip_addresses)) { // multiple ip addresses must be separated using a comma, explode and loop $list_ip_addresses = explode(",", $row->ip_addresses); $found_address = FALSE; foreach($list_ip_addresses as $ip_address) { if($this->input->ip_address() == trim($ip_address)) { // there is a match, set the the value to true and break out of the loop $found_address = TRUE; break; } } return $found_address; } else { // There should be at least one IP address for this private key. return FALSE; } } return $row; } // No key has been sent return FALSE; } /** * Detect language(s) * * What language do they want it in? * * @return null|string The language code. */ protected function _detect_lang() { if ( ! $lang = $this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')) { return NULL; } // They might have sent a few, make it an array if (strpos($lang, ',') !== FALSE) { $langs = explode(',', $lang); $return_langs = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($langs as $lang) { // Remove weight and strip space list($lang) = explode(';', $lang); $return_langs[] = trim($lang); } return $return_langs; } // Nope, just return the string return $lang; } /** * Log request * * Record the entry for awesomeness purposes * * @param boolean $authorized * @return object */ protected function _log_request($authorized = FALSE) { return $this->rest->db->insert(config_item('rest_logs_table'), array( 'uri' => $this->uri->uri_string(), 'method' => $this->request->method, 'params' => $this->_args ? (config_item('rest_logs_json_params') ? json_encode($this->_args) : serialize($this->_args)) : null, 'api_key' => isset($this->rest->key) ? $this->rest->key : '', 'ip_address' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'time' => function_exists('now') ? now() : time(), 'authorized' => $authorized )); } /** * Limiting requests * * Check if the requests are coming in a tad too fast. * * @param string $controller_method The method being called. * @return boolean */ protected function _check_limit($controller_method) { // They are special, or it might not even have a limit if ( ! empty($this->rest->ignore_limits) OR !isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['limit'])) { // On your way sonny-jim. return TRUE; } // How many times can you get to this method an hour? $limit = $this->methods[$controller_method]['limit']; // Get data on a keys usage $result = $this->rest->db ->where('uri', $this->uri->uri_string()) ->where('api_key', $this->rest->key) ->get(config_item('rest_limits_table')) ->row(); // No calls yet, or been an hour since they called if ( ! $result OR $result->hour_started < time() - (60 * 60)) { // Right, set one up from scratch $this->rest->db->insert(config_item('rest_limits_table'), array( 'uri' => $this->uri->uri_string(), 'api_key' => isset($this->rest->key) ? $this->rest->key : '', 'count' => 1, 'hour_started' => time() )); } // They have called within the hour, so lets update else { // Your luck is out, you've called too many times! if ($result->count >= $limit) { return FALSE; } $this->rest->db ->where('uri', $this->uri->uri_string()) ->where('api_key', $this->rest->key) ->set('count', 'count + 1', FALSE) ->update(config_item('rest_limits_table')); } return TRUE; } /** * Auth override check * * Check if there is a specific auth type set for the current class/method * being called. * * @return boolean */ protected function _auth_override_check() { // Assign the class/method auth type override array from the config $this->overrides_array = $this->config->item('auth_override_class_method'); // Check to see if the override array is even populated, otherwise return false if (empty($this->overrides_array)) { return false; } // Check to see if there's an override value set for the current class/method being called if (empty($this->overrides_array[$this->router->class][$this->router->method])) { return false; } // None auth override found, prepare nothing but send back a true override flag if ($this->overrides_array[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] == 'none') { return true; } // Basic auth override found, prepare basic if ($this->overrides_array[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] == 'basic') { $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); return true; } // Digest auth override found, prepare digest if ($this->overrides_array[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] == 'digest') { $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); return true; } // Whitelist auth override found, check client's ip against config whitelist if ($this->overrides_array[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] == 'whitelist') { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); return true; } // Return false when there is an override value set but it does not match // 'basic', 'digest', or 'none'. (the value was misspelled) return false; } /** * Parse GET */ protected function _parse_get() { // Grab proper GET variables parse_str(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY), $get); // Merge both the URI segments and GET params $this->_get_args = array_merge($this->_get_args, $get); } /** * Parse POST */ protected function _parse_post() { $this->_post_args = $_POST; $this->request->format and $this->request->body = file_get_contents('php://input'); } /** * Parse PUT */ protected function _parse_put() { // It might be a HTTP body if ($this->request->format) { $this->request->body = file_get_contents('php://input'); } // If no file type is provided, this is probably just arguments else { parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $this->_put_args); } } /** * Parse DELETE */ protected function _parse_delete() { // Set up out DELETE variables (which shouldn't really exist, but sssh!) parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $this->_delete_args); } // INPUT FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieve a value from the GET request arguments. * * @param string $key The key for the GET request argument to retrieve * @param boolean $xss_clean Whether the value should be XSS cleaned or not. * @return string The GET argument value. */ public function get($key = NULL, $xss_clean = TRUE) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_get_args; } return array_key_exists($key, $this->_get_args) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_get_args[$key], $xss_clean) : FALSE; } /** * Retrieve a value from the POST request arguments. * * @param string $key The key for the POST request argument to retrieve * @param boolean $xss_clean Whether the value should be XSS cleaned or not. * @return string The POST argument value. */ public function post($key = NULL, $xss_clean = TRUE) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_post_args; } return array_key_exists($key, $this->_post_args) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_post_args[$key], $xss_clean) : FALSE; } /** * Retrieve a value from the PUT request arguments. * * @param string $key The key for the PUT request argument to retrieve * @param boolean $xss_clean Whether the value should be XSS cleaned or not. * @return string The PUT argument value. */ public function put($key = NULL, $xss_clean = TRUE) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_put_args; } return array_key_exists($key, $this->_put_args) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_put_args[$key], $xss_clean) : FALSE; } /** * Retrieve a value from the DELETE request arguments. * * @param string $key The key for the DELETE request argument to retrieve * @param boolean $xss_clean Whether the value should be XSS cleaned or not. * @return string The DELETE argument value. */ public function delete($key = NULL, $xss_clean = TRUE) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_delete_args; } return array_key_exists($key, $this->_delete_args) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_delete_args[$key], $xss_clean) : FALSE; } /** * Process to protect from XSS attacks. * * @param string $val The input. * @param boolean $process Do clean or note the input. * @return string */ protected function _xss_clean($val, $process) { if (CI_VERSION < 2) { return $process ? $this->input->xss_clean($val) : $val; } return $process ? $this->security->xss_clean($val) : $val; } /** * Retrieve the validation errors. * * @return array */ public function validation_errors() { $string = strip_tags($this->form_validation->error_string()); return explode("\n", trim($string, "\n")); } // SECURITY FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Perform LDAP Authentication * * @param string $username The username to validate * @param string $password The password to validate * @return boolean */ protected function _perform_ldap_auth($username = '', $password = NULL) { if (empty($username)) { log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: failure, empty username'); return false; } log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Loading Config'); $this->config->load('ldap.php', true); $ldaptimeout = $this->config->item('timeout', 'ldap'); $ldaphost = $this->config->item('server', 'ldap'); $ldapport = $this->config->item('port', 'ldap'); $ldaprdn = $this->config->item('binduser', 'ldap'); $ldappass = $this->config->item('bindpw', 'ldap'); $ldapbasedn = $this->config->item('basedn', 'ldap'); log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Connect to ' . $ldaphost); $ldapconfig['authrealm'] = $this->config->item('domain', 'ldap'); // connect to ldap server $ldapconn = ldap_connect($ldaphost, $ldapport); if ($ldapconn) { log_message('debug', 'Setting timeout to ' . $ldaptimeout . ' seconds'); ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, $ldaptimeout); log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Binding to ' . $ldaphost . ' with dn ' . $ldaprdn); // binding to ldap server $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldaprdn, $ldappass); // verify binding if ($ldapbind) { log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: bind successful'); } else { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: bind unsuccessful'); return false; } } // search for user if (($res_id = ldap_search( $ldapconn, $ldapbasedn, "uid=$username")) == false) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: User ' . $username . ' not found in search'); return false; } if (ldap_count_entries($ldapconn, $res_id) != 1) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: failure, username ' . $username . 'found more than once'); return false; } if (( $entry_id = ldap_first_entry($ldapconn, $res_id))== false) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: failure, entry of searchresult could not be fetched'); return false; } if (( $user_dn = ldap_get_dn($ldapconn, $entry_id)) == false) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: failure, user-dn could not be fetched'); return false; } // User found, could not authenticate as user if (($link_id = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $user_dn, $password)) == false) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: failure, username/password did not match: ' . $user_dn); return false; } log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Success ' . $user_dn . ' authenticated successfully'); $this->_user_ldap_dn = $user_dn; ldap_close($ldapconn); return true; } /** * Check if the user is logged in. * * @param string $username The user's name * @param string $password The user's password * @return boolean */ protected function _check_login($username = '', $password = NULL) { if (empty($username)) { return FALSE; } $auth_source = strtolower($this->config->item('auth_source')); if ($auth_source == 'ldap') { log_message('debug', 'performing LDAP authentication for $username'); return $this->_perform_ldap_auth($username, $password); } $valid_logins = $this->config->item('rest_valid_logins'); if ( ! array_key_exists($username, $valid_logins)) { return FALSE; } // If actually NULL (not empty string) then do not check it if ($password !== NULL AND $valid_logins[$username] != $password) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * @todo document this. */ protected function _prepare_basic_auth() { // If whitelist is enabled it has the first chance to kick them out if (config_item('rest_ip_whitelist_enabled')) { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); } $username = NULL; $password = NULL; // mod_php if ($this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_USER')) { $username = $this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'); $password = $this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_PW'); } // most other servers elseif ($this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHENTICATION')) { if (strpos(strtolower($this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHENTICATION')), 'basic') === 0) { list($username, $password) = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'), 6))); } } if ( ! $this->_check_login($username, $password)) { $this->_force_login(); } } /** * @todo Document this. */ protected function _prepare_digest_auth() { // If whitelist is enabled it has the first chance to kick them out if (config_item('rest_ip_whitelist_enabled')) { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); } $uniqid = uniqid(""); // Empty argument for backward compatibility // We need to test which server authentication variable to use // because the PHP ISAPI module in IIS acts different from CGI if ($this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_DIGEST')) { $digest_string = $this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'); } elseif ($this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')) { $digest_string = $this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'); } else { $digest_string = ""; } // The $_SESSION['error_prompted'] variable is used to ask the password // again if none given or if the user enters wrong auth information. if (empty($digest_string)) { $this->_force_login($uniqid); } // We need to retrieve authentication informations from the $auth_data variable preg_match_all('@(username|nonce|uri|nc|cnonce|qop|response)=[\'"]?([^\'",]+)@', $digest_string, $matches); $digest = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); if ( ! array_key_exists('username', $digest) OR !$this->_check_login($digest['username'])) { $this->_force_login($uniqid); } $valid_logins = $this->config->item('rest_valid_logins'); $valid_pass = $valid_logins[$digest['username']]; // This is the valid response expected $A1 = md5($digest['username'].':'.$this->config->item('rest_realm').':'.$valid_pass); $A2 = md5(strtoupper($this->request->method).':'.$digest['uri']); $valid_response = md5($A1.':'.$digest['nonce'].':'.$digest['nc'].':'.$digest['cnonce'].':'.$digest['qop'].':'.$A2); if ($digest['response'] != $valid_response) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); exit; } } /** * Check if the client's ip is in the 'rest_ip_whitelist' config */ protected function _check_whitelist_auth() { $whitelist = explode(',', config_item('rest_ip_whitelist')); array_push($whitelist, '', ''); foreach ($whitelist AS &$ip) { $ip = trim($ip); } if ( ! in_array($this->input->ip_address(), $whitelist)) { $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'Not authorized'), 401); } } /** * @todo Document this. * * @param string $nonce */ protected function _force_login($nonce = '') { if ($this->config->item('rest_auth') == 'basic') { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$this->config->item('rest_realm').'"'); } elseif ($this->config->item('rest_auth') == 'digest') { header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$this->config->item('rest_realm').'", qop="auth", nonce="'.$nonce.'", opaque="'.md5($this->config->item('rest_realm')).'"'); } $this->response(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'Not authorized'), 401); } /** * Force it into an array * * @param object|array $data * @return array */ protected function _force_loopable($data) { // Force it to be something useful if ( ! is_array($data) AND !is_object($data)) { $data = (array) $data; } return $data; } // FORMATING FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- // Many of these have been moved to the Format class for better separation, but these methods will be checked too /** * Encode as JSONP * * @param array $data The input data. * @return string The JSONP data string (loadable from Javascript). */ protected function _format_jsonp($data = array()) { return $this->get('callback').'('.json_encode($data).')'; } }