jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var uploads = [[0, 2], [1, 6], [2,3], [3, 8], [4, 5], [5, 13], [6, 8]]; var downloads = [[0, 5], [1, 4], [2,4], [3, 1], [4, 9], [5, 10], [6, 13]]; var plot = jQuery.plot(jQuery("#basicflot"), [ { data: uploads, label: "Uploads", color: "#1CAF9A" }, { data: downloads, label: "Downloads", color: "#428BCA" } ], { series: { lines: { show: true, fill: true, lineWidth: 1, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.5 }, { opacity: 0.5 } ] } }, points: { show: true }, shadowSize: 0 }, legend: { position: 'nw' }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, borderColor: '#ddd', borderWidth: 1, labelMargin: 10, backgroundColor: '#fff' }, yaxis: { min: 0, max: 15, color: '#eee' }, xaxis: { color: '#eee' } }); var previousPoint = null; jQuery("#basicflot").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { jQuery("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); jQuery("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if(item) { if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; jQuery("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y); } } else { jQuery("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); jQuery("#basicflot").bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint); } }); // Donut Chart new Morris.Donut({ element: 'donut-chart2', data: [ {label: "Chrome", value: 30}, {label: "Firefox", value: 20}, {label: "Opera", value: 20}, {label: "Safari", value: 20}, {label: "Internet Explorer", value: 10} ], colors: ['#D9534F','#1CAF9A','#428BCA','#5BC0DE','#428BCA'] }); new Morris.Line({ // ID of the element in which to draw the chart. element: 'line-chart', // Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on // the chart. data: [ { y: '2006', a: 50, b: 0 }, { y: '2007', a: 60, b: 25 }, { y: '2008', a: 45, b: 30 }, { y: '2009', a: 40, b: 20 }, { y: '2010', a: 50, b: 35 }, { y: '2011', a: 60, b: 50 }, { y: '2012', a: 65, b: 55 } ], xkey: 'y', ykeys: ['a', 'b'], labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'], gridTextColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', lineColors: ['#fff', '#fdd2a4'], lineWidth: '2px', hideHover: 'always', smooth: false, grid: false }); jQuery('#sparkline').sparkline([4,3,3,1,4,3,2,2,3,10,9,6], { type: 'bar', height:'30px', barColor: '#428BCA' }); jQuery('#sparkline2').sparkline([9,8,8,6,9,10,6,5,6,3,4,2], { type: 'bar', height:'30px', barColor: '#999' }); jQuery('#table1').dataTable({ "iDisplayLength": 5, "bLengthChange": false }); // Chosen Select jQuery("select").chosen({ 'min-width': '100px', 'white-space': 'nowrap', disable_search_threshold: 10 }); });