/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import { Config } from '@jest/types'; import { ModuleMap } from 'jest-haste-map'; import { ResolverConfig } from './types'; declare type FindNodeModuleConfig = { basedir: Config.Path; browser?: boolean; extensions?: Array<string>; moduleDirectory?: Array<string>; paths?: Array<Config.Path>; resolver?: Config.Path | null; rootDir?: Config.Path; }; declare type BooleanObject = { [key: string]: boolean; }; declare namespace Resolver { type ResolveModuleConfig = { skipNodeResolution?: boolean; paths?: Array<Config.Path>; }; } declare class Resolver { private readonly _options; private readonly _moduleMap; private readonly _moduleIDCache; private readonly _moduleNameCache; private readonly _modulePathCache; private readonly _supportsNativePlatform; constructor(moduleMap: ModuleMap, options: ResolverConfig); static findNodeModule(path: Config.Path, options: FindNodeModuleConfig): Config.Path | null; resolveModuleFromDirIfExists(dirname: Config.Path, moduleName: string, options?: Resolver.ResolveModuleConfig): Config.Path | null; resolveModule(from: Config.Path, moduleName: string, options?: Resolver.ResolveModuleConfig): Config.Path; isCoreModule(moduleName: string): boolean; getModule(name: string): Config.Path | null; getModulePath(from: Config.Path, moduleName: string): string; getPackage(name: string): Config.Path | null; getMockModule(from: Config.Path, name: string): Config.Path | null; getModulePaths(from: Config.Path): Array<Config.Path>; getModuleID(virtualMocks: BooleanObject, from: Config.Path, _moduleName?: string): string; private _getModuleType; private _getAbsolutePath; private _getMockPath; private _getVirtualMockPath; private _isModuleResolved; resolveStubModuleName(from: Config.Path, moduleName: string): Config.Path | null; } export = Resolver; //# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map