import fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as semver from 'semver'; export const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32'; export const IS_LINUX = process.platform === 'linux'; export const WINDOWS_ARCHS = ['x86', 'x64']; export const WINDOWS_PLATFORMS = ['win32', 'win64']; const PYPY_VERSION_FILE = 'PYPY_VERSION'; export interface IPyPyManifestAsset { filename: string; arch: string; platform: string; download_url: string; } export interface IPyPyManifestRelease { pypy_version: string; python_version: string; stable: boolean; latest_pypy: boolean; files: IPyPyManifestAsset[]; } /** create Symlinks for downloaded PyPy * It should be executed only for downloaded versions in runtime, because * toolcache versions have this setup. */ export function createSymlinkInFolder( folderPath: string, sourceName: string, targetName: string, setExecutable = false ) { const sourcePath = path.join(folderPath, sourceName); const targetPath = path.join(folderPath, targetName); if (fs.existsSync(targetPath)) { return; } fs.symlinkSync(sourcePath, targetPath); if (!IS_WINDOWS && setExecutable) { fs.chmodSync(targetPath, '755'); } } export function validateVersion(version: string) { return isNightlyKeyword(version) || Boolean(semver.validRange(version)); } export function isNightlyKeyword(pypyVersion: string) { return pypyVersion === 'nightly'; } export function getPyPyVersionFromPath(installDir: string) { return path.basename(path.dirname(installDir)); } /** * In tool-cache, we put PyPy to '/PyPy//x64' * There is no easy way to determine what PyPy version is located in specific folder * 'pypy --version' is not reliable enough since it is not set properly for preview versions * "7.3.3rc1" is marked as '7.3.3' in 'pypy --version' * so we put PYPY_VERSION file to PyPy directory when install it to VM and read it when we need to know version * PYPY_VERSION contains exact version from 'versions.json' */ export function readExactPyPyVersionFile(installDir: string) { let pypyVersion = ''; let fileVersion = path.join(installDir, PYPY_VERSION_FILE); if (fs.existsSync(fileVersion)) { pypyVersion = fs.readFileSync(fileVersion).toString(); } return pypyVersion; } export function writeExactPyPyVersionFile( installDir: string, resolvedPyPyVersion: string ) { const pypyFilePath = path.join(installDir, PYPY_VERSION_FILE); fs.writeFileSync(pypyFilePath, resolvedPyPyVersion); } /** * Python version should be specified explicitly like "x.y" (2.7, 3.6, 3.7) * "3.x" or "3" are not supported * because it could cause ambiguity when both PyPy version and Python version are not precise */ export function validatePythonVersionFormatForPyPy(version: string) { const re = /^\d+\.\d+$/; return re.test(version); } export function isGhes(): boolean { const ghUrl = new URL( process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' ); return ghUrl.hostname.toUpperCase() !== 'GITHUB.COM'; }