/* Copyright 2015-present Facebook, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 */ var EE = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var os = require('os'); var assert = require('assert'); var Int64 = require('node-int64'); // BSER uses the local endianness to reduce byte swapping overheads // (the protocol is expressly local IPC only). We need to tell node // to use the native endianness when reading various native values. var isBigEndian = os.endianness() == 'BE'; // Find the next power-of-2 >= size function nextPow2(size) { return Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(size) / Math.LN2)); } // Expandable buffer that we can provide a size hint for function Accumulator(initsize) { this.buf = Buffer.alloc(nextPow2(initsize || 8192)); this.readOffset = 0; this.writeOffset = 0; } // For testing exports.Accumulator = Accumulator // How much we can write into this buffer without allocating Accumulator.prototype.writeAvail = function() { return this.buf.length - this.writeOffset; } // How much we can read Accumulator.prototype.readAvail = function() { return this.writeOffset - this.readOffset; } // Ensure that we have enough space for size bytes Accumulator.prototype.reserve = function(size) { if (size < this.writeAvail()) { return; } // If we can make room by shunting down, do so if (this.readOffset > 0) { this.buf.copy(this.buf, 0, this.readOffset, this.writeOffset); this.writeOffset -= this.readOffset; this.readOffset = 0; } // If we made enough room, no need to allocate more if (size < this.writeAvail()) { return; } // Allocate a replacement and copy it in var buf = Buffer.alloc(nextPow2(this.buf.length + size - this.writeAvail())); this.buf.copy(buf); this.buf = buf; } // Append buffer or string. Will resize as needed Accumulator.prototype.append = function(buf) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) { this.reserve(buf.length); buf.copy(this.buf, this.writeOffset, 0, buf.length); this.writeOffset += buf.length; } else { var size = Buffer.byteLength(buf); this.reserve(size); this.buf.write(buf, this.writeOffset); this.writeOffset += size; } } Accumulator.prototype.assertReadableSize = function(size) { if (this.readAvail() < size) { throw new Error("wanted to read " + size + " bytes but only have " + this.readAvail()); } } Accumulator.prototype.peekString = function(size) { this.assertReadableSize(size); return this.buf.toString('utf-8', this.readOffset, this.readOffset + size); } Accumulator.prototype.readString = function(size) { var str = this.peekString(size); this.readOffset += size; return str; } Accumulator.prototype.peekInt = function(size) { this.assertReadableSize(size); switch (size) { case 1: return this.buf.readInt8(this.readOffset, size); case 2: return isBigEndian ? this.buf.readInt16BE(this.readOffset, size) : this.buf.readInt16LE(this.readOffset, size); case 4: return isBigEndian ? this.buf.readInt32BE(this.readOffset, size) : this.buf.readInt32LE(this.readOffset, size); case 8: var big = this.buf.slice(this.readOffset, this.readOffset + 8); if (isBigEndian) { // On a big endian system we can simply pass the buffer directly return new Int64(big); } // Otherwise we need to byteswap return new Int64(byteswap64(big)); default: throw new Error("invalid integer size " + size); } } Accumulator.prototype.readInt = function(bytes) { var ival = this.peekInt(bytes); if (ival instanceof Int64 && isFinite(ival.valueOf())) { ival = ival.valueOf(); } this.readOffset += bytes; return ival; } Accumulator.prototype.peekDouble = function() { this.assertReadableSize(8); return isBigEndian ? this.buf.readDoubleBE(this.readOffset) : this.buf.readDoubleLE(this.readOffset); } Accumulator.prototype.readDouble = function() { var dval = this.peekDouble(); this.readOffset += 8; return dval; } Accumulator.prototype.readAdvance = function(size) { if (size > 0) { this.assertReadableSize(size); } else if (size < 0 && this.readOffset + size < 0) { throw new Error("advance with negative offset " + size + " would seek off the start of the buffer"); } this.readOffset += size; } Accumulator.prototype.writeByte = function(value) { this.reserve(1); this.buf.writeInt8(value, this.writeOffset); ++this.writeOffset; } Accumulator.prototype.writeInt = function(value, size) { this.reserve(size); switch (size) { case 1: this.buf.writeInt8(value, this.writeOffset); break; case 2: if (isBigEndian) { this.buf.writeInt16BE(value, this.writeOffset); } else { this.buf.writeInt16LE(value, this.writeOffset); } break; case 4: if (isBigEndian) { this.buf.writeInt32BE(value, this.writeOffset); } else { this.buf.writeInt32LE(value, this.writeOffset); } break; default: throw new Error("unsupported integer size " + size); } this.writeOffset += size; } Accumulator.prototype.writeDouble = function(value) { this.reserve(8); if (isBigEndian) { this.buf.writeDoubleBE(value, this.writeOffset); } else { this.buf.writeDoubleLE(value, this.writeOffset); } this.writeOffset += 8; } var BSER_ARRAY = 0x00; var BSER_OBJECT = 0x01; var BSER_STRING = 0x02; var BSER_INT8 = 0x03; var BSER_INT16 = 0x04; var BSER_INT32 = 0x05; var BSER_INT64 = 0x06; var BSER_REAL = 0x07; var BSER_TRUE = 0x08; var BSER_FALSE = 0x09; var BSER_NULL = 0x0a; var BSER_TEMPLATE = 0x0b; var BSER_SKIP = 0x0c; var ST_NEED_PDU = 0; // Need to read and decode PDU length var ST_FILL_PDU = 1; // Know the length, need to read whole content var MAX_INT8 = 127; var MAX_INT16 = 32767; var MAX_INT32 = 2147483647; function BunserBuf() { EE.call(this); this.buf = new Accumulator(); this.state = ST_NEED_PDU; } util.inherits(BunserBuf, EE); exports.BunserBuf = BunserBuf; BunserBuf.prototype.append = function(buf, synchronous) { if (synchronous) { this.buf.append(buf); return this.process(synchronous); } try { this.buf.append(buf); } catch (err) { this.emit('error', err); return; } // Arrange to decode later. This allows the consuming // application to make progress with other work in the // case that we have a lot of subscription updates coming // in from a large tree. this.processLater(); } BunserBuf.prototype.processLater = function() { var self = this; process.nextTick(function() { try { self.process(false); } catch (err) { self.emit('error', err); } }); } // Do something with the buffer to advance our state. // If we're running synchronously we'll return either // the value we've decoded or undefined if we don't // yet have enought data. // If we're running asynchronously, we'll emit the value // when it becomes ready and schedule another invocation // of process on the next tick if we still have data we // can process. BunserBuf.prototype.process = function(synchronous) { if (this.state == ST_NEED_PDU) { if (this.buf.readAvail() < 2) { return; } // Validate BSER header this.expectCode(0); this.expectCode(1); this.pduLen = this.decodeInt(true /* relaxed */); if (this.pduLen === false) { // Need more data, walk backwards this.buf.readAdvance(-2); return; } // Ensure that we have a big enough buffer to read the rest of the PDU this.buf.reserve(this.pduLen); this.state = ST_FILL_PDU; } if (this.state == ST_FILL_PDU) { if (this.buf.readAvail() < this.pduLen) { // Need more data return; } // We have enough to decode it var val = this.decodeAny(); if (synchronous) { return val; } this.emit('value', val); this.state = ST_NEED_PDU; } if (!synchronous && this.buf.readAvail() > 0) { this.processLater(); } } BunserBuf.prototype.raise = function(reason) { throw new Error(reason + ", in Buffer of length " + this.buf.buf.length + " (" + this.buf.readAvail() + " readable) at offset " + this.buf.readOffset + " buffer: " + JSON.stringify(this.buf.buf.slice( this.buf.readOffset, this.buf.readOffset + 32).toJSON())); } BunserBuf.prototype.expectCode = function(expected) { var code = this.buf.readInt(1); if (code != expected) { this.raise("expected bser opcode " + expected + " but got " + code); } } BunserBuf.prototype.decodeAny = function() { var code = this.buf.peekInt(1); switch (code) { case BSER_INT8: case BSER_INT16: case BSER_INT32: case BSER_INT64: return this.decodeInt(); case BSER_REAL: this.buf.readAdvance(1); return this.buf.readDouble(); case BSER_TRUE: this.buf.readAdvance(1); return true; case BSER_FALSE: this.buf.readAdvance(1); return false; case BSER_NULL: this.buf.readAdvance(1); return null; case BSER_STRING: return this.decodeString(); case BSER_ARRAY: return this.decodeArray(); case BSER_OBJECT: return this.decodeObject(); case BSER_TEMPLATE: return this.decodeTemplate(); default: this.raise("unhandled bser opcode " + code); } } BunserBuf.prototype.decodeArray = function() { this.expectCode(BSER_ARRAY); var nitems = this.decodeInt(); var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { arr.push(this.decodeAny()); } return arr; } BunserBuf.prototype.decodeObject = function() { this.expectCode(BSER_OBJECT); var nitems = this.decodeInt(); var res = {}; for (var i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { var key = this.decodeString(); var val = this.decodeAny(); res[key] = val; } return res; } BunserBuf.prototype.decodeTemplate = function() { this.expectCode(BSER_TEMPLATE); var keys = this.decodeArray(); var nitems = this.decodeInt(); var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { var obj = {}; for (var keyidx = 0; keyidx < keys.length; ++keyidx) { if (this.buf.peekInt(1) == BSER_SKIP) { this.buf.readAdvance(1); continue; } var val = this.decodeAny(); obj[keys[keyidx]] = val; } arr.push(obj); } return arr; } BunserBuf.prototype.decodeString = function() { this.expectCode(BSER_STRING); var len = this.decodeInt(); return this.buf.readString(len); } // This is unusual compared to the other decode functions in that // we may not have enough data available to satisfy the read, and // we don't want to throw. This is only true when we're reading // the PDU length from the PDU header; we'll set relaxSizeAsserts // in that case. BunserBuf.prototype.decodeInt = function(relaxSizeAsserts) { if (relaxSizeAsserts && !this.buf.readAvail(1)) { return false; } else { this.buf.assertReadableSize(1); } var code = this.buf.peekInt(1); var size = 0; switch (code) { case BSER_INT8: size = 1; break; case BSER_INT16: size = 2; break; case BSER_INT32: size = 4; break; case BSER_INT64: size = 8; break; default: this.raise("invalid bser int encoding " + code); } if (relaxSizeAsserts && !this.buf.readAvail(1 + size)) { return false; } this.buf.readAdvance(1); return this.buf.readInt(size); } // synchronously BSER decode a string and return the value function loadFromBuffer(input) { var buf = new BunserBuf(); var result = buf.append(input, true); if (buf.buf.readAvail()) { throw Error( 'excess data found after input buffer, use BunserBuf instead'); } if (typeof result === 'undefined') { throw Error( 'no bser found in string and no error raised!?'); } return result; } exports.loadFromBuffer = loadFromBuffer // Byteswap an arbitrary buffer, flipping from one endian // to the other, returning a new buffer with the resultant data function byteswap64(buf) { var swap = Buffer.alloc(buf.length); for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { swap[i] = buf[buf.length -1 - i]; } return swap; } function dump_int64(buf, val) { // Get the raw bytes. The Int64 buffer is big endian var be = val.toBuffer(); if (isBigEndian) { // We're a big endian system, so the buffer is exactly how we // want it to be buf.writeByte(BSER_INT64); buf.append(be); return; } // We need to byte swap to get the correct representation var le = byteswap64(be); buf.writeByte(BSER_INT64); buf.append(le); } function dump_int(buf, val) { var abs = Math.abs(val); if (abs <= MAX_INT8) { buf.writeByte(BSER_INT8); buf.writeInt(val, 1); } else if (abs <= MAX_INT16) { buf.writeByte(BSER_INT16); buf.writeInt(val, 2); } else if (abs <= MAX_INT32) { buf.writeByte(BSER_INT32); buf.writeInt(val, 4); } else { dump_int64(buf, new Int64(val)); } } function dump_any(buf, val) { switch (typeof(val)) { case 'number': // check if it is an integer or a float if (isFinite(val) && Math.floor(val) === val) { dump_int(buf, val); } else { buf.writeByte(BSER_REAL); buf.writeDouble(val); } return; case 'string': buf.writeByte(BSER_STRING); dump_int(buf, Buffer.byteLength(val)); buf.append(val); return; case 'boolean': buf.writeByte(val ? BSER_TRUE : BSER_FALSE); return; case 'object': if (val === null) { buf.writeByte(BSER_NULL); return; } if (val instanceof Int64) { dump_int64(buf, val); return; } if (Array.isArray(val)) { buf.writeByte(BSER_ARRAY); dump_int(buf, val.length); for (var i = 0; i < val.length; ++i) { dump_any(buf, val[i]); } return; } buf.writeByte(BSER_OBJECT); var keys = Object.keys(val); // First pass to compute number of defined keys var num_keys = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; var v = val[key]; if (typeof(v) == 'undefined') { num_keys--; } } dump_int(buf, num_keys); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; var v = val[key]; if (typeof(v) == 'undefined') { // Don't include it continue; } dump_any(buf, key); try { dump_any(buf, v); } catch (e) { throw new Error( e.message + ' (while serializing object property with name `' + key + "')"); } } return; default: throw new Error('cannot serialize type ' + typeof(val) + ' to BSER'); } } // BSER encode value and return a buffer of the contents function dumpToBuffer(val) { var buf = new Accumulator(); // Build out the header buf.writeByte(0); buf.writeByte(1); // Reserve room for an int32 to hold our PDU length buf.writeByte(BSER_INT32); buf.writeInt(0, 4); // We'll come back and fill this in at the end dump_any(buf, val); // Compute PDU length var off = buf.writeOffset; var len = off - 7 /* the header length */; buf.writeOffset = 3; // The length value to fill in buf.writeInt(len, 4); // write the length in the space we reserved buf.writeOffset = off; return buf.buf.slice(0, off); } exports.dumpToBuffer = dumpToBuffer