## 11.12.0 * Added `window.localStorage`, `window.sessionStorage`, and `StorageEvent` support. These are currently only stored in-memory; file an issue if you need persistent (on-disk) storage capability so we can discuss adding that. This feature includes the new `storageQuota` option for controlling how much can be stored. * Added `element.closest()`. (caub) * Changed `"hashchange"` and `"popstate"` events to no longer bubble, per a specification update. * Fixed the old API in Node.js v10 to not throw, when given input that is not a valid file path (such as a typical HTML string). * Upgraded `cssstyle` to v1.0.0, bringing along various fixes to our CSS parser and object model. (eddies) * Upgraded `nwsapi` to v2.0.7, bringing along various fixes to our selector engine. ## 11.11.0 * Added `node.getRootNode()`. (FrecksterGIT) * Added `label.control`. (FrecksterGIT) * Added `el.labels` for form control elements. (FrecksterGIT) * Fixed the `contentType` of `Document`s created through `