Codecov NodeJS Uploader support for node.js.
Add the latest version of codecov
to your package.json:
npm install codecov --save-dev
yarn add codecov --dev
This script ( bin/codecov
) detect your CI provider and all coverage reports and uploads them to Codecov.
Once your app is instrumented for coverage, and building, simply call ./node_modules/.bin/codecov
This library currently supports the following CI companies: Travis CI, Travis, Appveyor, CircleCI, Cirrus CI, Codeship, Drone, Jenkins, Shippable, Semaphore, Wercker, Snap CI, Buildkite.
Upload repo tokens
Repo tokens are not required for public repos tested on Travis-Org, CircleCI or AppVeyor.
Repo tokens are necessary to distinguish your repository from others. You can find your repo token on your repository page at Codecov. Set this unique uuid to CODECOV_TOKEN
in your environment variables.
export CODECOV_TOKEN=":uuid-repo-token"
# or
./node_modules/.bin/codecov --token=:token
# or
./node_modules/.bin/nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov --pipe
With Mocha:
istanbul cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R spec
With Jasmine:
istanbul cover jasmine-node --captureExceptions spec/
With Tape:
istanbul cover test.js
With NYC
nyc npm test
nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov
Change Log
- v2.0.0 No longer supports node v0.10 because of the execSync.
- v2.0.1 Publish as latest instead of next.
- v2.0.2 Display correct version number in console.
- v2.1.0 Flags supported
- v2.2.0 Support for Jenkins Blue Ocean. Clean reports after upload. Fix for Gitlab.
- v2.3.0 Added support for Windows. Updated dependencies.
- v3.0.0 No longer supports node v0.12 because of new version of request
- v3.0.1 Security fixes
- v3.0.2 Security fixes
- v3.0.3 Support non-git/hg root dirs
- v3.0.4 Security fixes
- v3.1.0 Custom yaml file. Allow codecov token from yml file.
- v3.2.0 Added azure pipelines
- v3.3.0 Added pipe with
- v3.4.0 Added Heroku CI support
- v3.5.0 Added TeamCity support
- v3.6.0 Added AWS CodeBuild and Semaphore2