2022-02-02 14:38:23 +05:30

86 lines
2.7 KiB

# Function to log license information.
Function Add-LicenseLog() {
printf "$env:GROUP\033[34;1m%s \033[0m\033[90;1m%s \033[0m\n" $extension "Click to read the $extension related license information"
printf "Oracle Instant Client package is required for %s extension.\n" $extension
printf "It is provided under the Oracle Technology Network Development and Distribution License.\n"
printf "Refer to: \033[35;1m%s \033[0m\n" ""
Write-Output "$env:END_GROUP"
# Function to get instantclinet.
Function Add-InstantClient() {
if (-not(Test-Path $php_dir\oci.dll)) {
$suffix = 'windows'
if ($arch -eq 'x86') {
$suffix = 'nt'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$ -OutFile $php_dir\
Expand-Archive -Path $php_dir\ -DestinationPath $php_dir -Force
Copy-Item $php_dir\instantclient*\* $php_dir
# Function to oci8 extension URL.
Function Get-Oci8Url() {
if($version -lt '8.0') {
$ociVersion = '2.2.0'
if ($version -eq '7.0') {
$ociVersion = '2.1.8'
} elseif ($version -lt '7.0') {
$ociVersion = '2.0.12'
return Get-PeclArchiveUrl oci8 $ociVersion $installed
} else {
$ociUrl = '';
Get-PeclPackageVersion oci8 -MinimumStability stable -MaximumStability stable | ForEach-Object {
$ociUrl = Get-PeclArchiveUrl oci8 $_ $installed
if($ociUrl) {
return $ociUrl
# Function to get OCI8 DLL.
Function Get-Oci8DLL() {
Get-ChildItem $ext_dir\php_oci8*.dll | ForEach-Object {
if((Get-PhpExtension -Path $_).PhpVersion -eq $version) {
return $_
# Function to install oci8 and pdo_oci.
Function Add-Oci() {
Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('oci8', 'pdo_oci')]
try {
$status = 'Enabled'
if ($extension -eq "pdo_oci") {
Enable-PhpExtension pdo_oci -Path $php_dir
} else {
if(-not(Test-Path $ext_dir\php_oci8.dll)) {
$oci8DLL = Get-Oci8DLL
if($oci8DLL) {
Copy-Item -Path $oci8DLL -Destination $ext_dir\php_oci8.dll
} else {
$status = 'Installed and enabled'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri (Get-Oci8Url) -OutFile $php_dir\
Expand-Archive -Path $php_dir\ -DestinationPath $ext_dir -Force
Add-Content -Value "`r`nextension=php_oci8.dll" -Path $php_dir\php.ini
Add-Log $tick $extension $status
} catch {
Add-Log $cross $extension "Could not install $extension on PHP $( $installed.FullVersion )"