add_bazel() { if [ ! "$(command -v bazel)" ]; then os=$(uname -s) if [ "$os" = "Linux" ]; then ${apt_install:?} curl gnupg curl "${curl_opts[@]:?}" | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list sudo "${debconf_fix:?}" apt-get update -y ${apt_install:?} bazel elif [ "$os" = "Darwin" ]; then brew install bazel fi fi } get_grpc_tag() { if [ "$grpc_tag" = "latest" ]; then grpc_tag=$(curl "${curl_opts[@]:?}" else status_code=$(sudo curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -o /tmp/grpc.tmp "${curl_opts[@]:?}" "$grpc_tag") if [ "$status_code" = "200" ]; then grpc_tag="v$grpc_tag" else grpc_tag=$(curl "${curl_opts[@]:?}" fi fi } add_grpc_php_plugin() { grpc_tag=$1 get_grpc_tag ( curl "${curl_opts[@]:?}" "$grpc_tag.tar.gz" | tar -xz -C /tmp cd "/tmp/grpc-${grpc_tag:1}" || exit add_bazel echo "os: $os" echo "release: $DISTRIB_RELEASE" if [ "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" = "16.04" ]; then CC="$(command -v gcc)" CXX="$(command -v g++)" ./tools/bazel build src/compiler:grpc_php_plugin else ./tools/bazel build src/compiler:grpc_php_plugin fi sudo mv ./bazel-bin/src/compiler/grpc_php_plugin /usr/local/bin/grpc_php_plugin sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/grpc_php_plugin ) >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "::set-output name=grpc_php_plugin_path::/usr/local/bin/grpc_php_plugin" add_log "${tick:?}" "grpc_php_plugin" "Added grpc_php_plugin ${grpc_tag:1}" printf "::group::\033[34;1m%s \033[0m\033[90;1m%s \033[0m\n" "grpc_php_plugin" "Click to read the grpc_php_plugin related license information" cat "/tmp/grpc-${grpc_tag:1}/LICENSE" echo "::endgroup::" }