# Function to log result of a operation. add_license_log() { printf "::group::\033[34;1m%s \033[0m\033[90;1m%s \033[0m\n" "$ext" "Click to read the $ext related license information" printf "Oracle Instant Client package is required for %s extension.\n" "$ext" printf "It is provided under the Oracle Technology Network Development and Distribution License.\n" printf "Refer to: \033[35;1m%s \033[0m\n" "https://www.oracle.com/downloads/licenses/instant-client-lic.html" echo "::endgroup::" } # Function to get the tag for a php version. get_tag() { tag='master' if ! [[ ${version:?} =~ $nightly_versions ]]; then tag="php-$(php -v | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 -d '-')" elif [ "${version:?}" = '8.0' ]; then tag="PHP-8.0" fi echo "$tag" } # Function to install instantclient and SDK. add_client() { sudo mkdir -p -m 777 "$oracle_home" if [ ! -e "$oracle_client" ]; then for package in basiclite sdk; do if [ "$os" = 'Linux' ]; then libs='/usr/lib/' os_name='linux' arch='linuxx64' lib_ext='so' elif [ "$os" = 'Darwin' ]; then libs='/usr/local/lib/' os_name='mac' arch='macos' lib_ext='dylib' fi get -q -n "/opt/oracle/$package.zip" "https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/$os_name/instantclient/instantclient-$package-$arch.zip" unzip "/opt/oracle/$package.zip" -d "$oracle_home" done sudo ln -sf /opt/oracle/instantclient*/*.$lib_ext* $libs sudo ln -sf /opt/oracle/instantclient* "$oracle_client" fi } # Function to get PHP source. get_php() { [ ! -d "/opt/oracle/php-src-$tag" ] && get -s -n "" "https://github.com/php/php-src/archive/$tag.tar.gz" | tar xzf - -C "$oracle_home/" } # Function to get phpize location on darwin. get_phpize() { if [[ "$version" =~ 5.[3-5] ]]; then echo '/opt/local/bin/phpize' else echo "/usr/local/bin/$(readlink /usr/local/bin/phpize)" fi } # Function to patch phpize to link to php headers on darwin. patch_phpize() { if [ "$os" = "Darwin" ]; then sudo cp "$phpize_orig" "$phpize_orig.bck" sudo sed -i '' 's~includedir=.*~includedir="$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include/php"~g' "$phpize_orig" fi } # Function to restore phpize. restore_phpize() { if [ "$os" = "Darwin" ]; then sudo mv "$phpize_orig.bck" "$phpize_orig" || true fi } # Function to patch pdo_oci. patch_pdo_oci_config() { get -q -n config.m4 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/php/php-src/PHP-8.0/ext/pdo_oci/config.m4 if [[ ${version:?} =~ 5.[3-6] ]]; then sudo sed -i '' "/PHP_CHECK_PDO_INCLUDES/d" config.m4 2>/dev/null || sudo sed -i "/PHP_CHECK_PDO_INCLUDES/d" config.m4 fi } # Function to install the dependencies. add_dependencies() { if [ "$os" = 'Linux' ]; then if [ "${runner:?}" = "self-hosted" ]; then ${apt_install:?} --no-upgrade --no-install-recommends libaio-dev fi ! [[ ${version:?} =~ $nightly_versions ]] && add_devtools phpize fi } # Function to install oci8 and pdo_oci. add_oci_helper() { if ! [ -e "${ext_dir:?}/$ext.so" ]; then status='Installed and enabled' phpize_orig=$(get_phpize) tag=$(get_tag) get_php patch_phpize ( cd "/opt/oracle/php-src-$tag/ext/$ext" || exit 1 [ "$ext" = "pdo_oci" ] && patch_pdo_oci_config sudo phpize && ./configure --with-php-config="$(command -v php-config)" --with-"${ext/_/-}"=instantclient,"$oracle_client" sudo make -j"$(nproc)" sudo cp ./modules/* "$ext_dir/" ) restore_phpize fi echo "extension=$ext.so" | sudo tee "${scan_dir:?}/99-$ext.ini" } # Function to add oci extension oci8 and pdo_oci. add_oci() { ext=$1 status='Enabled' oracle_home='/opt/oracle' oracle_client=$oracle_home/instantclient os=$(uname -s) nightly_versions='8.[0-1]' add_client >/dev/null 2>&1 add_dependencies >/dev/null 2>&1 add_oci_helper >/dev/null 2>&1 add_extension_log "$ext" "$status" check_extension "$ext" && add_license_log }