import * as core from '@actions/core'; import {exec} from '@actions/exec/lib/exec'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as httpm from 'typed-rest-client/HttpClient'; import * as fs from 'fs'; /* Read the scripts */ let darwin = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../src/'), 'utf8'); let linux = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../src/'), 'utf8'); let windows = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '../src/windows.ps1'), 'utf8' ); /* Credit: */ async function asyncForEach(array: any, callback: any) { for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) { await callback(array[index], index, array); } } /* Enable functions which are installed but not enabled */ async function enableExtension(extension: string) { windows += `try { $ext_dir = Get-PhpIniKey extension_dir $exist = Test-Path -Path $ext_dir\\php_${extension}.dll $enabled = php -r "if (in_array('${extension}', get_loaded_extensions())) {echo 'yes';} else {echo 'no';}" if($enabled -eq 'no' -and $exist) { Enable-PhpExtension ${extension} C:\\tools\\php$version } } catch [Exception] { echo $_ }\n`; let shell_code = `ext_dir=$(php -i | grep "extension_dir" | sed -e "s|.*=>\s*||") enabled=$(php -r "if (in_array('${extension}', get_loaded_extensions())) {echo 'yes';} else {echo 'no';}") if [ "$enabled" == 'no' ] && [ test -f "$ext_dir/${extension}.so" ]; then echo "extension=${extension}.so" >> 'php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration" | sed -e "s|.*:\s*||"' fi\n`; linux += shell_code; darwin += shell_code; } /* Install and enable extensions */ async function addExtension(extension_csv: string, version: string) { let extensions: any = extension_csv .split(',') .map(function(extension: string) { return extension .trim() .replace('php-', '') .replace('php_', ''); }); linux += '\n'; windows += '\n'; darwin += '\n'; await asyncForEach(extensions, async function(extension: string) { enableExtension(extension); linux += 'sudo apt install -y php' + version + '-' + extension + ' || echo "Couldn\'t find extension php' + version + '-' + extension + '"\n'; const http = new httpm.HttpClient('shivammathur/php-setup', [], { allowRetries: true, maxRetries: 2 }); const response: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await http.get( '' + extension ); if (response.message.statusCode == 200) { windows += 'try { Install-PhpExtension ' + extension + ' } catch [Exception] { echo $_; echo "Could not install extension: "' + extension + ' }\n'; darwin += 'pecl install ' + extension + ' || echo "Couldn\'t find extension: ' + extension + '"\n'; } else { console.log('Cannot find pecl extension: ' + extension); } }); linux += 'sudo apt autoremove -y'; } /* Write final script which runs */ async function createScript(filename: string, version: string) { let script = ''; if (filename == '') { script = linux; } else if (filename == '') { script = darwin; } else if (filename == 'windows.ps1') { script = windows; } fs.writeFile(version + filename, script, function(error: any) { if (error) { return console.log(error); } console.log('The file was saved!'); }); } /* Run the script */ async function run() { try { let version = process.env['php-version']; if (!version) { version = core.getInput('php-version', {required: true}); } console.log('Input: ' + version); let extension_csv = process.env['extension-csv']; if (!extension_csv) { extension_csv = core.getInput('extension-csv'); } if (extension_csv) { console.log('Input: ' + extension_csv); await addExtension(extension_csv, version); } let os_version = process.platform; if (os_version == 'darwin') { await createScript('', version); await exec('sudo chmod a+x ' + version + ''); await exec('sh -x ./' + version + ' ' + version); } else if (os_version == 'win32') { await createScript('windows.ps1', version); await exec( 'powershell .\\' + version + 'windows.ps1 -version ' + version ); } else if (os_version == 'linux') { await createScript('', version); await exec('sudo chmod a+x ' + version + ''); await exec('./' + version + ' ' + version); } } catch (err) { core.setFailed(err.message); } } // call the run function run().then(function() { console.log('done'); });