import * as coverage from '../src/coverage'; jest.mock('../src/extensions', () => ({ addExtension: jest.fn().mockImplementation(extension => { return 'addExtension ' + extension + '\n'; }) })); describe('Config tests', () => { it('checking addCoverage with PCOV on windows', async () => { let win32: string = await coverage.addCoverage('pcov', '7.4', 'win32'); expect(win32).toContain('addExtension pcov'); expect(win32).toContain( 'if(php -m | findstr -i xdebug) { Disable-PhpExtension xdebug $php_dir' ); expect(win32).toContain( 'if (Test-Path $ext_dir\\php_xdebug.dll) { Remove-Item $ext_dir\\php_xdebug.dll }' ); win32 = await coverage.addCoverage('pcov', '7.0', 'win32'); expect(win32).toContain('PHP 7.1 or newer is required'); win32 = await coverage.addCoverage('pcov', '5.6', 'win32'); expect(win32).toContain('PHP 7.1 or newer is required'); }); it('checking addCoverage with PCOV on linux', async () => { const linux: string = await coverage.addCoverage('pcov', '7.4', 'linux'); expect(linux).toContain('addExtension pcov'); expect(linux).toContain('sudo sed -i "/xdebug/d" "$ini_file"'); expect(linux).toContain('sudo phpdismod -v 7.4 xdebug'); expect(linux).toContain( 'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-fast remove php-xdebug' ); }); it('checking addCoverage with PCOV on darwin', async () => { const darwin: string = await coverage.addCoverage('pcov', '7.4', 'darwin'); expect(darwin).toContain('addExtension pcov'); expect(darwin).toContain('sudo sed -i \'\' "/xdebug/d" "$ini_file"'); expect(darwin).toContain('sudo rm -rf "$ext_dir"/'); }); it('checking addCoverage with Xdebug on windows', async () => { const win32: string = await coverage.addCoverage('xdebug', '7.4', 'win32'); expect(win32).toContain('addExtension xdebug'); }); it('checking addCoverage with Xdebug on windows', async () => { const win32: string = await coverage.addCoverage('xdebug', '8.0', 'win32'); expect(win32).toContain('Xdebug currently only supports PHP 7.4 or lower'); }); it('checking addCoverage with Xdebug on linux', async () => { const linux: string = await coverage.addCoverage('xdebug', '7.4', 'linux'); expect(linux).toContain('addExtension xdebug'); }); it('checking addCoverage with Xdebug on linux', async () => { const linux: string = await coverage.addCoverage('xdebug', '8.0', 'linux'); expect(linux).toContain('Xdebug currently only supports PHP 7.4 or lower'); }); it('checking addCoverage with Xdebug on darwin', async () => { const darwin: string = await coverage.addCoverage( 'xdebug', '7.4', 'darwin' ); expect(darwin).toContain('addExtension xdebug'); }); it('checking addCoverage with Xdebug on darwin', async () => { const darwin: string = await coverage.addCoverage( 'xdebug', '8.0', 'darwin' ); expect(darwin).toContain('Xdebug currently only supports PHP 7.4 or lower'); }); it('checking disableCoverage windows', async () => { const win32 = await coverage.addCoverage('none', '7.4', 'win32'); expect(win32).toContain('Disable-PhpExtension xdebug'); expect(win32).toContain('Disable-PhpExtension pcov'); expect(win32).toContain( 'if (Test-Path $ext_dir\\php_xdebug.dll) { Remove-Item $ext_dir\\php_xdebug.dll }' ); expect(win32).toContain( 'if (Test-Path $ext_dir\\php_pcov.dll) { Remove-Item $ext_dir\\php_pcov.dll }' ); }); it('checking disableCoverage on linux', async () => { const linux: string = await coverage.addCoverage('none', '7.4', 'linux'); expect(linux).toContain('sudo phpdismod -v 7.4 xdebug'); expect(linux).toContain('sudo phpdismod -v 7.4 pcov'); expect(linux).toContain('sudo sed -i "/xdebug/d" "$ini_file"'); expect(linux).toContain('sudo sed -i "/pcov/d" "$ini_file"'); expect(linux).toContain( 'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-fast remove php-xdebug php-pcov' ); }); it('checking disableCoverage on darwin', async () => { const darwin: string = await coverage.addCoverage('none', '7.4', 'darwin'); expect(darwin).toContain('sudo sed -i \'\' "/xdebug/d" "$ini_file"'); expect(darwin).toContain('sudo sed -i \'\' "/pcov/d" "$ini_file"'); expect(darwin).toContain('sudo rm -rf "$ext_dir"/'); expect(darwin).toContain('sudo rm -rf "$ext_dir"/'); }); it('checking no or invalid coverage driver', async () => { let nocov: string = await coverage.addCoverage('nocov', '7.x', 'any'); expect(nocov).toEqual(''); nocov = await coverage.addCoverage('', '7.x', 'any'); expect(nocov).toEqual(''); }); });