param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$version = "7.3" ) if($version -eq '7.4') { $version = '7.4RC' } Write-Host "Installing PhpManager" -ForegroundColor Blue Install-Module -Name PhpManager -Force -Scope CurrentUser $installed = $($(php -v)[0] -join '')[4..6] -join '' if($installed -ne $version) { if($version -lt '7.0') { Write-Host "Installing VcRedist" Install-Module -Name VcRedist -Force } Write-Host "Installing PHP" -ForegroundColor Blue Uninstall-Php C:\tools\php Install-Php -Version $version -Architecture x86 -ThreadSafe $true -InstallVC -Path C:\tools\php$version -TimeZone UTC -InitialPhpIni Production -Force Write-Host "Switch PHP" -ForegroundColor Blue (Get-PhpSwitcher).targets Initialize-PhpSwitcher -Alias C:\tools\php -Scope CurrentUser -Force Add-PhpToSwitcher -Name $version -Path C:\tools\php$version -Force Switch-Php $version -Force } Write-Host "Housekeeping in PHP.ini, enabling openssl" -ForegroundColor Blue $ext_dir = "C:\tools\php\ext" Add-Content C:\tools\php\php.ini "date.timezone = 'UTC'" Set-PhpIniKey extension_dir $ext_dir if($version -lt '7.4') { Enable-PhpExtension openssl } else { Add-Content C:\tools\php\php.ini "extension=php_openssl.dll" Copy-Item "php_pcov.dll" -Destination $ext_dir"\php_pcov.dll" } Write-Host "Installing Composer" -ForegroundColor Blue Install-Composer -Scope System -Path C:\tools\php php -v composer -V Function Add-Extension($extension, $install_command, $prefix, $log_prefix) { try { $exist = Test-Path -Path C:\tools\php\ext\php_$extension.dll if(!(php -m | findstr -i ${extension}) -and $exist) { Add-Content C:\tools\php\php.ini "$prefix=php_$extension.dll" Write-Host "$log_prefix`: Enabled $extension" -ForegroundColor green } elseif(php -m | findstr -i $extension) { Write-Host "$log_prefix`: $extension was already enabled" -ForegroundColor yellow } } catch [Exception] { Write-Host "$log_prefix`: $extension could not be enabled" -ForegroundColor red } $status = 404 try { $status = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$extension" -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive).StatusCode } catch [Exception] { $status = 500 } if($status -eq 200) { if(!(php -m | findstr -i $extension)) { try { Invoke-Expression $install_command Write-Host "$log_prefix`: Installed and enabled $extension" -ForegroundColor green } catch [Exception] { Write-Host "$log_prefix`: Could not install $extension on PHP $version" -ForegroundColor red } } } else { if(!(php -m | findstr -i $extension)) { Write-Host "$log_prefix`: Could not find $extension for PHP$version on PECL" -ForegroundColor red } } }