import * as packagist from '../src/packagist'; import nock = require('nock'); describe('search function', () => { const mockResponse = { packages: { 'test-package': [ { require: { php: '8.0.0' }, version: '1.0.0' }, { version: '2.0.0' } ] } }; test('should return the version if matching php version is found', async () => { nock('') .get('/p2/test-package.json') .reply(200, mockResponse); const result = await'test-package', '8.0'); expect(result).toBe('1.0.0'); }); test('should return null if no matching php version is found', async () => { nock('') .get('/p2/test-package.json') .reply(200, mockResponse); const result = await'test-package', '5.6'); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); test('should return null if fetch fails', async () => { nock('').get('/p2/test-package.json').reply(404); const result = await'test-package', '8.0'); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); test('should return null if the response is empty', async () => { nock('') .get('/p2/test-package.json') .reply(200, {error: true, data: '[]'}); const result = await'test-package', '8.0'); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); });