# Function to try to set ubuntu or debian version. set_base_version_id() { [[ "$ID" =~ ubuntu|debian ]] && return; if ! [ -d "$dist_info_dir" ]; then sudo mkdir -p "$dist_info_dir" get -q -n "$dist_info_dir"/os_releases.csv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shivammathur/setup-php/develop/src/configs/os_releases.csv fi for base in ubuntu debian; do [[ "$ID_LIKE" =~ $base ]] && ID="$base" && VERSION_ID="$(grep -hr -m 1 "$VERSION_CODENAME" /usr/share/distro-info | cut -d ',' -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" && break done } # Function to try to set ubuntu or debian codename. set_base_version_codename() { [[ "$ID" =~ ubuntu|debian ]] && return; if [[ "$ID_LIKE" =~ ubuntu ]]; then [[ -n "$UBUNTU_CODENAME" ]] && VERSION_CODENAME="$UBUNTU_CODENAME" && return; [ -e "$upstream_lsb" ] && VERSION_CODENAME=$(grep 'CODENAME' "$upstream_lsb" | cut -d '=' -f 2) && return; VERSION_CODENAME=$(grep -E -m1 'deb .*ubuntu.com' "$list_file" | cut -d ' ' -f 3) && VERSION_CODENAME=${VERSION_CODENAME%-*} elif [[ "$ID_LIKE" =~ debian ]] || command -v dpkg >/dev/null; then ID_LIKE=debian [[ -n "$DEBIAN_CODENAME" ]] && VERSION_CODENAME="$DEBIAN_CODENAME" && return; update_lists && VERSION_CODENAME=$(apt-cache show tzdata | grep -m 1 Provides | cut -d '-' -f 2) fi } # Function to set base os details set_base_version() { if [ -e /tmp/os-release ]; then . /tmp/os-release else set_base_version_codename set_base_version_id printf "ID=%s\nVERSION_ID=%s\nVERSION_CODENAME=%s\n" "$ID" "$VERSION_ID" "$VERSION_CODENAME" | tee /tmp/os-release >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } # Helper function to update package lists. update_lists_helper() { list=$1 command -v sudo >/dev/null && SUDO=sudo if [[ -n "$list" ]]; then ${SUDO} apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="$list" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0" else ${SUDO} apt-get update fi } # Function to update the package lists. update_lists() { local ppa=${1:-} local ppa_search=${2:-} if [ ! -e /tmp/setup_php ] || [[ -n $ppa && -n $ppa_search ]]; then if [[ -n "$ppa" && -n "$ppa_search" ]]; then list="$list_dir"/"$(basename "$(grep -lr "$ppa_search" "$list_dir")")" elif grep -Eq '^deb ' "$list_file"; then list="$list_file" fi update_lists_helper "$list" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo '' | tee /tmp/setup_php >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } # Function to get fingerprint from an Ubuntu PPA. ubuntu_fingerprint() { ppa=$1 get -s -n "" "$lp_api"/~"${ppa%/*}"/+archive/"${ppa##*/}" | jq -r '.signing_key_fingerprint' } # Function to get fingerprint from a Debian PPA. debian_fingerprint() { ppa=$1 ppa_url=$2 package_dist=$3 release_pub=/tmp/"${ppa/\//-}".gpg get -q -n "$release_pub" "$ppa_url"/dists/"$package_dist"/Release.gpg gpg --list-packets "$release_pub" | grep -Eo 'fpr\sv4\s.*[a-zA-Z0-9]+' | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3 } # Function to add a GPG key. add_key() { ppa=${1:-ondrej/php} ppa_url=$2 package_dist=$3 key_source=$4 key_file=$5 key_urls=("$key_source") if [[ "$key_source" =~ launchpad.net|debian.org|setup-php.com ]]; then fingerprint="$("${ID}"_fingerprint "$ppa" "$ppa_url" "$package_dist")" sks_params="op=get&options=mr&exact=on&search=0x$fingerprint" key_urls=("${sks[@]/%/\/pks\/lookup\?"$sks_params"}") fi [ ! -e "$key_source" ] && get -q -n "$key_file" "${key_urls[@]}" if [[ "$(file "$key_file")" =~ .*('Public-Key (old)'|'Secret-Key') ]]; then sudo gpg --batch --yes --dearmor "$key_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo mv "$key_file".gpg "$key_file" fi } # Function to check if a PPA and its lists exist check_lists() { ppa=$1 ppa_search=$2 if grep -Eqr "$ppa_search" "$list_dir"; then list_count="$(find /var/lib/apt/lists -name "*${ppa/\//_}*" | wc -l)" if [ "$list_count" = "0" ]; then update_lists "$ppa" "$ppa_search" fi return 0; else return 1; fi } # Function to add a sources list. add_list() { ppa=${1-ondrej/php} ppa_url=${2:-"$lp_ppa/$ppa/ubuntu"} key_source=${3:-"$ppa_url"} package_dist=${4:-"$VERSION_CODENAME"} branches=${5:-main} ppa_search="deb .*$ppa_url $package_dist .*$branches" if check_lists "$ppa" "$ppa_search"; then echo "Repository $ppa already exists"; else arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) [ -e "$key_source" ] && key_file=$key_source || key_file="$key_dir"/"${ppa/\//-}"-keyring.gpg add_key "$ppa" "$ppa_url" "$package_dist" "$key_source" "$key_file" echo "deb [arch=$arch signed-by=$key_file] $ppa_url $package_dist $branches" | sudo tee -a "$list_dir"/"${ppa/\//-}".list >/dev/null 2>&1 update_lists "$ppa" "$ppa_search" . /etc/os-release fi } # Function to remove a PPA. remove_list() { ppa=${1-ondrej/php} ppa_url=${2:-"$lp_ppa/$ppa/ubuntu"} grep -lr "$ppa_url" "$list_dir" | xargs -n1 sudo rm -f sudo rm -f "$key_dir"/"${ppa/\//-}"-keyring || true } # Function to add a PPA. add_ppa() { set_base_version ppa=${1:-ondrej/php} if [[ "$ID" = "ubuntu" || "$ID_LIKE" =~ ubuntu ]] && [[ "$ppa" =~ "ondrej/" ]]; then add_list "$ppa" elif [[ "$ID" = "debian" || "$ID_LIKE" =~ debian ]] && [[ "$ppa" =~ "ondrej/" ]]; then add_list "$ppa" "$sury"/"${ppa##*/}"/ "$sury"/"${ppa##*/}"/apt.gpg else add_list "$ppa" fi . /etc/os-release } # Variables list_file='/etc/apt/sources.list' list_dir="$list_file.d" upstream_lsb='/etc/upstream-release/lsb-release' lp_api='https://api.launchpad.net/1.0' lp_ppa='http://ppa.launchpad.net' key_dir='/usr/share/keyrings' dist_info_dir='/usr/share/distro-info' sury='https://packages.sury.org' sks=( 'https://keyserver.ubuntu.com' 'https://pgp.mit.edu' 'https://keys.openpgp.org' )