Setup PHP with required extensions, php.ini configuration, code-coverage support and various tools like composer in [GitHub Actions]( "GitHub Actions"). This action gives you a cross platform interface to setup the PHP environment you need to test your application. Refer to [Usage](#memo-usage "How to use this") section and [examples](#examples "Examples of use") to see how to use this.
- On `ubuntu` by default extensions which are available as a package can be installed. If the extension is not available as a package but it is on `PECL`, it can be installed by specifying `pecl` in the tools input.
- Extensions on `PECL` which do not have a latest stable version, their pre-release versions can be installed by suffixing the extension with its state i.e `alpha`, `beta`, `devel` or `snapshot` separated by a `-` like `msgpack-beta`.
To set up a particular version of a tool, specify it in the form `tool:version`.
The latest stable version of `composer` is set up by default. You can set up the required `composer` version by specifying `v1`, `v2`, `snapshot` or `preview` as versions or the exact version in semver format.
If you have specified composer plugins `prestissimo` or `composer-prefetcher` in tools, the latest stable version of `composer v1` will be setup. Unless some of your packages require `composer v1`, it is recommended to drop `prestissimo` and use `composer v2`.
You can persist composer's internal cache directory using the [`action/cache`]( "GitHub Action to cache files") GitHub Action. Dependencies cached are loaded directly instead of downloading them while installation. The files cached are available across check-runs and will reduce the workflow execution time.
- If you support a range of `composer` dependencies and use `prefer-lowest` and `prefer-stable` options, you can store them in your matrix add them to the keys.
If you have a number of workflows which setup multiple tools or have many composer dependencies, you might hit the GitHub's rate limit for composer. To avoid that you can add a `OAuth` token to the composer's config by setting `COMPOSER_TOKEN` environment variable. You can use [`GITHUB_TOKEN`]( "GITHUB_TOKEN documentation") secret for this purpose.
Problem matchers are `json` configurations which identify errors and warnings in your logs and surface that information prominently in the GitHub Actions UI by highlighting them and creating code annotations.
#### PHP
Setup problem matchers for your `PHP` output by adding this step after the `setup-php` step.
| CakePHP with `MySQL` and `Redis` | `ubuntu` | [cakephp-mysql.yml](./examples/cakephp-mysql.yml "GitHub Action for CakePHP with MySQL and Redis") |
| CakePHP with `PostgreSQL` and `Redis` | `ubuntu` | [cakephp-postgres.yml](./examples/cakephp-postgres.yml "GitHub Action for CakePHP with Postgres and Redis") |
| CakePHP without services | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [cakephp.yml](./examples/cakephp.yml "GitHub Action for CakePHP without services") |
| CodeIgniter | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [codeigniter.yml](./examples/codeigniter.yml "GitHub Action for CodeIgniter") |
| Laravel with `MySQL` and `Redis` | `ubuntu` | [laravel-mysql.yml](./examples/laravel-mysql.yml "GitHub Action for Laravel with MySQL and Redis") |
| Laravel with `PostgreSQL` and `Redis` | `ubuntu` | [laravel-postgres.yml](./examples/laravel-postgres.yml "GitHub Action for Laravel with PostgreSQL and Redis") |
| Laravel without services | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [laravel.yml](./examples/laravel.yml "GitHub Action for Laravel without services") |
| Lumen with `MySQL` and `Redis` | `ubuntu` | [lumen-mysql.yml](./examples/lumen-mysql.yml "GitHub Action for Lumen with MySQL and Redis") |
| Lumen with `PostgreSQL` and `Redis` | `ubuntu` | [lumen-postgres.yml](./examples/lumen-postgres.yml "GitHub Action for Lumen with PostgreSQL and Redis") |
| Lumen without services | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [lumen.yml](./examples/lumen.yml "GitHub Action for Lumen without services") |
| Phalcon with `MySQL` | `ubuntu` | [phalcon-mysql.yml](./examples/phalcon-mysql.yml "GitHub Action for Phalcon with MySQL") |
| Phalcon with `PostgreSQL` | `ubuntu` | [phalcon-postgres.yml](./examples/phalcon-postgres.yml "GitHub Action for Phalcon with PostgreSQL") |
| Roots/bedrock | `ubuntu` | [bedrock.yml](./examples/bedrock.yml "GitHub Action for Wordpress Development using @roots/bedrock") |
| Roots/sage | `ubuntu` | [sage.yml](./examples/sage.yml "GitHub Action for Wordpress Development using @roots/sage") |
| Slim Framework | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [slim-framework.yml](./examples/slim-framework.yml "GitHub Action for Slim Framework") |
| Symfony with `MySQL` | `ubuntu` | [symfony-mysql.yml](./examples/symfony-mysql.yml "GitHub Action for Symfony with MySQL") |
| Symfony with `PostgreSQL` | `ubuntu` | [symfony-postgres.yml](./examples/symfony-postgres.yml "GitHub Action for Symfony with PostgreSQL") |
| Symfony without services | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [symfony.yml](./examples/symfony.yml "GitHub Action for Symfony without services") |
| Yii2 Starter Kit with `MySQL` | `ubuntu` | [yii2-mysql.yml](./examples/yii2-mysql.yml "GitHub Action for Yii2 Starter Kit with MySQL") |
| Yii2 Starter Kit with `PostgreSQL` | `ubuntu` | [yii2-postgres.yml](./examples/yii2-postgres.yml "GitHub Action for Yii2 Starter Kit with PostgreSQL") |
| Zend Framework | `macOS`, `ubuntu` and `windows` | [zend-framework.yml](./examples/zend-framework.yml "GitHub Action for Zend Framework") |
- The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the [MIT License](LICENSE "License for shivammathur/setup-php").
- This project has multiple [dependencies](#bookmark-dependencies "Dependencies for this PHP Action"). Their licenses can be found in their respective repositories.
- The logo for `setup-php` is a derivative work of [ logo]( and is licensed under the [CC BY-SA 4.0 License]( "Creative Commons License").
Contributions are welcome! See [Contributor's Guide](.github/ "shivammathur/setup-php contribution guide"). If you face any issues while using this or want to suggest a feature/improvement, create an issue [here]( "Issues reported").